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Latest revision as of 12:40, 13 October 2011

        MC68000 Instruction Execution Times

These are the times for  instructons,  most of it is self
  On the ST at 8 Mhz you need to  round all times to multiples of
  four. i.e 10 becomes 12.  Please note that  execution instruction
  times are generally irrelevant  when you have a instruction cache,
  ie a greater than 68000  processor  and i doubt that  these numbers
  will hold true for anything except a 68000 even if you turn the
  cache off. Also note that it isn't usally worth spending ages trying
  to optimize your code by using faster instructions. If you're code
  is to slow, then you wil probably need to use a different method to
  acheive your aims.

MOVE Instructions:
.b.w/.l    dn   an     (an)  (an)+ -(an) d(an) ,dn)  abs.s abs.l

dn         4/4   4/4    8/12  8/12  8/14 12/16 14/18 12/16 16/20
an         4/4   4/4    8/12  8/12  8/14 12/16 14/18 12/16 16/20
(an)       8/12  8/12  12/20 12/20 12/20 16/24 18/26 16/24 20/28
(an)+      8/12  8/12  12/20 12/20 12/20 16/24 18/26 16/24 20/28
-(an)     10/14  10/14 14/22 14/22 14/22 18/26 20/28 18/26 22/30
d(an)     12/16  12/16 16/24 16/24 16/24 20/28 22/30 20/28 24/32
d(an,dn)  14/18  14/18 18/26 18/26 18/26 22/30 24/32 22/30 26/34
abs.s     12/16  12/16 16/24 16/24 16/24 20/28 22/30 20/28 24/32
abs.l     16/20  16/20 20/28 20/28 20/28 24/32 26/34 24/32 28/36
d(pc)     12/16  12/16 16/24 16/24 16/24 20/28 22/30 20/28 24/32
d(pc,dn)  14/18  14/18 18/26 18/26 18/26 22/30 24/32 22/30 26/34
Immediate  8/12   8/12 12/20 12/20 12/20 16/24 18/26 16/24 20/28

 Time to calculate effective addresses.
                                d(an                    d(pc
         (an) (an)+ -(an) d(an) ,dn)  abs.s abs.l d(pc) ,dn)  Imm
.b.w/.l  4/8  4/8   6/10  8/12  10/14 8/12  12/16 8/12  10/14 4/8

The time taken to calculate the effective address must be added to
       instructions that affect a memory address.
Standard Instructions:

.b.w/.l   ea,an   ea,dn   dn,mem
add       8/6(8)  4/6(8)  8/12    (8) time if effective address
and        -      4/6(8)  8/12    is direct
cmp       6/6     4/6      -
divs       -      158max   -          Add effective address times
divu       -      140max   -          from above for memory
eor        -      4/8     8/12        addresses.
muls       -      70max    -
mulu       -      70max    -
or         -      4/6(8)  8/12
sub       8/6(8)  4/6(8)  8/12

Immediate Instructions

.b.w/.l  #,dn  #,an  #,mem
addi     8/16   -    12/20
addq     4/8   8/8    8/12   Moveq.l only
andi     8/16   -    12/20   nbcd+tas.b only
cmpi     8/14  8/14   8/12
eori     8/16   -    12/20   scc false/true
moveq     4     -      -
ori      8/16   -    12/20   add effective address
subi     8/16   -    12/20   times from above
subq     4/8   8/8    8/12   for mem addresses

clr      4/6   4/6   8/12    single operand
nbcd      6     6     8      instructions
neg      4/6   4/6   8/12
negx     4/6   4/6   8/12
not      4/6   4/6   8/12
scc      4/6   4/6   8/8

tas       4     4    10
tst      4/4   4/4   4/4

Shift/rotate instructions.

.b.w/.l   dn    an   mem

asr,asl   6/8   6/8   8      memory is byte only
lsr,lsl   6/8   6/8   8      register add 2x
ror,rol   6/8   6/8   8      shift count
roxr,roxl 6/8   6/8   8

                                  d(an                   d(pc
         (an)  (an)+  -(an) d(an) ,dn) abs.s abs.l d(pc) ,dn)
jmp      8     -      -     10    14   10    12    10    14
jsr      16    -      -     18    22   18    20    18    22
lea      4     -      -     8     12   8     12    8     12
pea      12    -      -     16    20   16    20    16    20

movem t=4
m>r      12    12     -     16    18   16    20    16    18
movem t=5
r>m      8     -      8     12    14   12    16    -     -

movem   add t x number of registers for .w
movem   add 2t x number of registers for .l

Bit Instructions

.b/.l   register .l    memory .b
           only        only
bchg     8/12          8/12
bclr    10/14          8/12
bset     8/12          8/12
btst     6/10          4/8

Exceptions       Periods

Address Error    50
Bus Error        50
Interrupt        44
Illegal Instr.   34
Privilege Viol.  34
Trace            34

Other Instructions
add effective address times from above for memory addresses

.b.w/.l  dn,dn    m,m
addx      4/8    18/30
cmpm       -     12/20
subx      4/8    18/30
abcd       6      18      .b only
sbcd       6      18      .b only

Bcc      .b/.w   10/10      8/12
bra      .b/.w   10/10       -
bsr      .b/.w   18/18       -
DBcc      t/f      10      12/14
chk        -       40 max    8
trap       -       34        -
trapv      -       34        4

movep   .w/.l   16/24

              Reg   Mem                     Reg
andi to ccr   20     -       move from usp    4
andi to sr    20     -       nop              4
eori to ccr   20     -       ori to ccr      20
eori to sr    20     -       ori to sr       20
exg            6     -       reset          132
ext            4     -       rte             20
link          18     -       rtr             20
move to ccr   12    12       rts             16
move to sr    12    12       stop             4
move from sr   6     8       swap             4
move to usp    4     -       unlk            12

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