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Well,  this file concludes the majority of the tutorial on Devpac 
version  2.  for  more information,  see the  accompanying  quick 
reference files also on this Sewer Doc Disk Number 8,  the Devpac 
Disk.  As  usual,  this  file was typed by the Animal  House  and 
edited by Sewer Rat

                            CHAPTER 5



A  linker's  job is to accept one or more input  files  generated 
with GenST or a high-level language compiler and create a  single 
executable  file from it.  One of the most powerful  features  is 
library searching,  which means that the linker will only use the 
parts of a library of modules that are required by other sections 
of the program, resulting in much smaller output files.

There are unfortunately tow different linker file formats on  the 
Atari  ST,  known  as  DRI-  and  GST-formats.  While  GenST  can 
generate  both formats,  only the GST-format is supported in  the 
LinkST  linker.  To link DRI code you need either the  Atari  ALN 
program or the Digital Research LINK68 and RELMOD programs.

Note: LinkST will only link GST format files.

Invoking the Linker

The  simplest  way  to  run the linker from  the  Desktop  is  to 
double-click on the LINKST.TTP icon, and enter a suitable command 
line.  There is another way to invoke the linker, using a control 
file which contains the required options.

The  command  line  contains the necessary  information  for  the 
linker  to read all the relevant files,  and generate  an  output 

Command Line

The command line should be of the form:

<filename> <-options> [filename] [options]

Options  are  denoted by a - sign then an  alphabetic  character, 
allowed options being: 

B  generate a true BSS section for any such named sections

D  debug  -  include  all symbols in the  binary  file  using  DR 
   standard 8 character format (for MonST or other debuggers)

F  force  pass  2 of the linker,  useful if you want to  see  all 
   errors  (as  any pass 1 errors will by default stop  the  link 
   before the second pass)

L  specify that all following filenames are library filenames

M  dump a map file showing the order of the sections and  labels, 
   will be the main filename with an extension of .MAP

O  specify object code filename,  may be followed by white  space 
   before filename

Q  'quiet' mode, which disables the pause after the link

S  dump a symbol table listing, will be the main filename with an 
   extension of .SYM

X  extended debug, using the HiSoft Extended Debug format

W  specify control file filename, defaults to .LINK extension

Normally  any  filenames  given  are taken  to  be  input  files, 
defaulting to the extension of .BIN,  though if a .LNK  extension 
is specified it will be taken to be a control file, or after a -L  
option filenames are all assumed to be libraries.

The  output filename can be specified with the -o option  on  the 
command line,  or using the OUTPUT directive in the control file. 
If  there is more than one of these,  the last one  is  used.  If 
there  is none,  then the first input filename specified  in  the 
command line or control file is used with an extension of .PRG.

Example Command Lines


Reads  PART1.BIN  and PART2.BIN as  input  files,  and  generates 
PART1.PRG as an output file complete with debugging information.


Reads  PART1.BIN  and PART2.BIN as  input  files,  and  generates 
TEST.PRG as an output file.


Reads START.BIN as an input file,  selectively reads MYLIB.BIN as 
a library,  and generates the output file TEST.TOS and the symbol 
listing file TEST.SYM.

LiokST Running

LinkST has tow passes - during pass 1 it builds up a symbol table 
of  all  sections  and modules,  and during pass  2  it  actually 
creates  the output file.  When it starts a logon  message,  then 
reports  on  which files it is reading or  scanning  during  both 
passes.  This  gives you some idea of what takes time to  do,  as 
well as exactly where errors have occurred.

If  there is enough free memory at the end of pass 1 LinkST  will 
use a cache to store the output file, which greatly speeds up the 
process.  If  it uses the cache it will write to the disk at  the 
end of pass 2, and report the number of errors.

When the link finishes you will be prompted to press a key before 
quitting.  This is to give you an opportunity to read any warning 
or  error  messages  before returning to  the  Desktop.  You  can 
disable  this  pause by using the -q option,  useful if  you  are 
using a CLI or batch file program.

LinkST  was especially optimised for speed,  though the speed  of 
the  ST  floppies is still a restricting  factor.  If  you  can't 
afford  a hard disk we recommend the use of a RAM disk which  can 
make  great improvements,  but leave enough memory free  for  the 
linker to cache your output file.  If you are limited in what you 
can fit on your RAM disk we recommend you put many small  library 
or input files on there.

Error  and warning messages are directed to the screen -  if  you 
want to pause output you can press Ctrl-S, and Ctrl-Q will resume 
it.  Pressing Ctrl-C  will abort the linker immediately.  You can 
re-direct  screen output to a disk file by starting  the  command 
line with


or you can re-direct it to a printer by starting the command line 

         >PRN: (parallel port) or >AUX: (serial port)

Control Files

The alternate way to run the linker is to have a control file for 
the programs which you are linking together.

If  you require a lot of options which won't fit on  the  command 
line or you get bored of typing them you can use a control  file, 
which  is a text file containing commands and filenames  for  the 
linker.  The default extension is .LNK,  and the text file can be 
generated  with GenST (though don't try and  assemble  it!).  The 
control  filename  is specified on the command line with  the  -w 
(for With) option, and each line can be one of the following:

INPUT <filename>

This  specifies  a  filename to be read as  an  input  file.  The 
default extension is .BIN if none is given.

OUTPUT <filename>

This specifies the filename to be used for the output file. There 
is no default extension - you should specify it explicitly.

LIBRARY <filename>

This specifies a filename to be scanned as a library. The default 
extension is .BIN if none is given.

SECTION <sectionname>

This allows specific section ordering to be forced.


All symbol names included in the link are put in the output  file 
so  that debugging programs such as MonST can use them  when  the 
program is running.


Similar to debug option us uses HiSoft Extended Debug format  for 
up to 22 character significance.

DATA size(K)

The  BSS segment size is set accordingly.  The size can be  given 
either  as a number of bytes of as a number of K-bytes (units  of 
1024).  This  option  is particularly useful for  compilers  like 
Prospero  Pascal which store their variables in the BSS  segment. 
Blank lines in the control file are ignored,  and comments can be 
included by making the first character in the line a (small zero 
in superscript),  a semicolon or an exclamation mark.

BSS <sectionname>

Specifies  that the named sections should lie in the  GEMDOS  BSS 
section  area.  This  can  save valuable  disk  space,  but  will 
generate errors if the section contains any non-zero  data.  This 
should not be used at the same time as the DATA statement.

With  the INPUT or OUTPUT directive if the filename is  specified 
as (small zero in superscript) it is  substituted for  the  first
filename  on  the  command line.  This  can be useful for  having
a generic control file  for linking C programs, for example.

An example control file is:

(small zer in superscript) control file for linking C program
INPUT (small zero in superscript)

Assuming  this  control  file is  called  CPROG.LNK,  the  LinkST 
command line


will read as input files STARTUP.BIN and TEST.BIN,  and scan  the 
library  CLIB.BIN.  The  object code,  including  extended  debug 
information,  will be written to TEST.PRG, as none was explicitly 

If you do not specify a drive name in the control file or on  the 
command  line,  the  default drive will be assumed.  If  you  run 
LinkST  from the Desktop,  the default drive will always  be  the 
same as the file on which you double-clicked;  though if you  run 
it from a CLI or from the GenST editor this will not  necessarily 
be so.

Automatic Double-Clicking

It is possible to install LinkST so that you can double-click  on 
a .LNK file from the Desktop to invoke the linker,  by using  the 
Install  Application option from the Desktop.  This is a  similar 
process  to that described for GenST,  except the type should  be 
left as TOS Take Parameters and the extension should be .LNK.

LinkST Warnings

Warnings  are messages indicating that something might be  wrong, 
but it's nothing too serious.

duplicate definition of value for symbol "x"

The  symbol was defined twice.  This can happen if you replace  a 
subroutine  in a module with one of your own,  for  example.  The 
linker  will use the first definition it comes across,  and  give 
this warning on the second.

module name is too long

Module names can only be 80 characters long.

comment is too long

Comment directives are only allowed to 80 characters long  (don't 
ask us why, we don't know!)

absolute sections overlap

Two absolute sections clash with each other.

SECTION "x" is neither COMMON nor SECTION

A section name was specified without defining its type.

LinkST Errors

LinkST errors divide into four areas; general errors, I/O errors, 
binary  file errors,  and linker bugs.  In some error messages  a 
string is included,  denoted by "x" below. In others a number may 
be output, denoted by 99 below.

General Errors

unresolved symbol "x" in file "x"

The symbol was referred to but not defined in the file. There may 
also be other files which refer to the symbol, but this gives you 
a start in your search!

XREF value truncated

A value was too large to fit into the space allocated for it, for 
example a BSR to an external may be out of range.

bad control line "x"

An illegal line was found in a control file.

non-zero data in BSS section

A section wanted as a true BSS section contained non-zero data.

file "x" not found
Can't open output file "x"
Can't open map file "x"
Can't open symbol file "x"
Can't open input file "x"
i/o error on input file
disk write failed
filename "x" was too long

Binary File Errors

These  are errors in the internal syntax of the input  file,  and 
should  not occur.  If they do it probably means the compiler  or 
assembler produced incorrect code.

missing SOURCE directive

Can occur if a file is not in GST format, for example a DRI file.

runtime relocation is only available for LONGs
attempt to redefine id of symbol "x"
attempt to DEFINE "x" with <id> of zero
bad operator code 0x99 in XREF directive
bad truncation rule in XREF
wrongly placed SOURCE directive
bad directive 99
<id>  99 not DEFINEd as a SECTION but used as one
attempted  re-use of <id> 99 as SECTION id
attempted  re-use of "x" as SECTION name
Section is COMMON but being used as though it's not
SECTION is being misused as COMMON
unexpected end of input file

'Linker Bug' Messages

These  can  be  produced as a result of internal  checks  by  the 
linker. If you get one please send us copies of the files you are 
trying to link!

                           APPENDIX A

                       GEMDOS error codes

This  appendix  details  the  numeric  GEMDOS  errors  and  their 
meanings.  The  error numbers shown are those displayed by  MonST 
and  GenST;  when  calling GEMDOS from your  own  programs  these 
values will be negative.

0   OK (no error)            32   Invalid function number
1   Fundamental error        33   File not found
2   Drive not ready          34   Path not found
3   Unknown command          35   Too many files open
4   CRC error                36   Access denied
5   Bad request              37   Invalid Handle
6   Seek error               39   Insufficient memory
7   Unknown medium           40   Invalid memory block address
8   sector not found         46   Invalid drive
9   No paper                 49   No more files
10  Write fault              50   Disk full (not a GEMDOS  error; 
11  Read fault                    produced by GenST)
12  General error            64   Range error
13  Write protect            65   Internal error
14  Medium change            66   Invalid program load format
15  Unknown device           67   Setblock failure due to  growth 
16  Bad sectors on format         restrictions
17  Insert other disk

                           APPENDIX B

                      GenST error messages

GenST can produce a large number of error messages, most of which 
are  pretty  self explanatory.  This appendix lists them  all  in 
alphabetic  order,  with clarifications for those  which  require 

Please note that GenST is continually being improved and list may 
not  agree  exactly  with the version  you  have,  there  may  be 
additional messages not documented here.


If you get a message beginning with INTERNAL please tell us - you 
should never see these.

.W or .L expected as index size
absolute expression MUST evaluate
absolute not allowed
additional symbol on pass 2
            somehow a symbol has appeared during pass 2 that  did 
            not appear during pass 1
address register expected
addressing mode not allowed
addressing mode not recognised
BSS or OFFSET cannot contain data
            OFFSET  sections  and non-GST BSS sections  can  only 
            contain DS directives
cannot create a binary file
            could be a bad filename,  or a write-protected  disk, 
cannot export symbol
cannot import symbol
cannot reset MACRO definitions or define in REPTs
            macro definitions may not be nested or defined within 
            repeat loops
cannot nest repeat loops
comma expected
data register expected
data too large
division by zero
duplicate MODULE name
module names must be unique
error during listing output
            listing will be stopped at this point
error during writing binary file
            normally disk full
executable code only
            only executable code may be assembled to memory
expression mismatch
            normally a syntax error within an expression
fatally bad conditional
            there were more ENDCs in a macro than IFs
file not found
forward reference
garbage following instruction
illegal BSR.S
            a BSR.S to the following instruction is not allowed - 
            change it to BSR
illegal type combination
immediate data expected
imported label not allowed
include file read error
instruction not recognised
invalid FORMAT parameter
invalid IF expression, ignored
invalid MOVEF addressing mode
invalid number
invalid numeric expression
            the  symbol  is not defined or relative or  a  syntax 
invalid option
invalid printer parameter
invalid register list
invalid section name, TEXT assumed
invalid size
line malformed
linked format restriction
            the  DRI format is destructive about where it  allows 
local not allowed
missing close bracket
missing ENDC
            there were more IFs than ENDCs
missing quote
misuse of label
not yet implemented
number too large
odd address
option must be at start
ORG not allowed
out of memory
phasing error
            should  never happen,  look  investigate  immediately 
            before first such error
program buffer full
            change  the  program buffer size when  assembling  to 
register expected
relative not allowed
relocation not allowed
repeated include file
each include file may only be included once on each pass
source expired prematurely
            with an IF, MACRO or REPT and the source ran out
spurious ENDC
spurious ENDM or MEXIT
spurious ENDR
symbol defined twice
symbol expected
undefined symbol
user error
            caused by FAIL directive
wrong processor
XREFs not allowed within brackets


68010 instruction, converted to MOVE SR
            MOVE CCR, is not a 68000 instruction
branch made short
            by optimising
directive ignored
invalid LINK displacement
            if negative or odd
offset removed
            xx(An) form reduce to (An) by optimising
relative cannot be relocated
short branch converted to NOP
sign extended operand
            data in MOVEQ needed sign extension to fit
size should be .W

                           APPENDIX C

                          ST Memory Map

This  Appendix  details certain information about the  ST  memory 

1.   Processor Dump area
2.   Base Page layout
3.   Hardware memory map

                       Processor Dump Area

When the ST crashes with an exception (i.e.  mushrooms or  bombs) 
it  stores a copy of the processor's state in an area  of  memory 
which  is not destroyed by a RESET.  Thus after such a crash  you 
can load MonST and investigate the relevant area of memory to try 
to ascertain what exactly went wrong.  If this happens a lot  you 
should use the auto-resident version of MonST so you will have  a 
much better idea of the cause of the problem.

$380   long     contains $12345678 if valid
$384   8 longs  saved values of D0-D7
$3A4   8 longs  saved values of A0-A7
$3C4   byte     exception number
$3C8   long     saved USP
$3CC   16 words copied from the SSP

Base Page Layout

Every  program that runs under GEMDOS has a base page area  which 
contains certain information. It is $100 bytes long.

Offset      Name         Contents

$00         p_lowtpa     base address of the TPA (i.e. here)
$04         p_hitpa      pointer to end of TPA+1
$08         p_tbase      pointer to start of TEXT area
$0C         p_tien       length of TEXT area
$10         p_dbase      pointer to start of DATA area
$14         p_dlen       length of DATA area
$18         p_bbase      pointer to start of BSS area
$1C         p_blen       length of BSS area
$20         p_data       pointer to DTA address
$24         p_parent     pointer  to  parents's base page  (0  if 
                         desk acc.)
$28                      (reserved)
$2C         p_env        pointer to environment string
$80         p_cmdlin     command line:  length byte then  string, 
                         which  is  not guaranteed  to  be  null-
$100                     your program starts here

                       Hardware Memory Map

         Address           Usage               MonST Access

                                              Read     Write
         FFFFFF                                ÿ         ÿ
                     Hardware Registers 

         FFEFFF                                ÿ
                         System ROM            |
         FC0000                                |
                        Expansion ROM          |
         FA0000                                -

1040ST   100000                                _         _
 520ST   080000                                |         |
                             RAM               |         |
         020000                                |         |
                       Protected RAM           |         |
         000000                                |         ÿ
                                               ÿ         ÿ   
                             Not to scale                               

                           APPENDIX D

                  Calling the Operating System

The operating system of the ST is large and complex and  consists 
of various levels.  To help in your own program development, this 
appendix describes the calling mechanisms and routines available, 
but  it  is not intended to be definitive.  It also  details  the 
various   example  programs  and  include  files  supplied   with 
DevpacST. The various levels of the operating system are:

  GEM AES   window and event manager
  GEM VDI   device-independent graphics routine
  GEMDOS    disk and screen I/O, similar to MS-DOS
  BIOS      low level I/O
  XBIOS     extended low level I/O

Each of these will now be described in varying degrees of detail.

GEMDOS - Disk and Screen I/O

GEMDOS was converted from CP/M 68k and is similar in many ways to 
generic  CP/M but with extra  facilities  (e.g.  sub-directories) 
taken from MS-DOS.  It is responsible for disk I/O and  character 
I/O via the screen,  keyboard,  serial and parallel ports.  It is 
also responsible for memory management.

GEMDOS  was  designed  to  be called  directly  from  C,  so  all 
parameters  are  put  onto  the stack  and  have  to  be  removed 
afterwards.  The  calling  sequence  from assembler  is  of  this 
general form:

          move           ??,-(a7)      put parameters on stack
          move.w         #??,-(a7)     the function number
          trap           #1            call GEMDOS\
          add.l          #??,a7        restore the stack

After the call the stack has to be corrected;  while an ADD.L can 
be used as above,  it is slow and takes six bytes.  If the  stack 
needs correction by 8 bytes or less, the best way is to use
          add.l          #??,a7
which takes two bytes.  If it has to be corrected by more than  8 
bytes, the best way is

          lea            ??(a7),a7

which takes four bytes.  Both methods are smaller and faster than 
the  first  method.  Incidentally,  a major source of  bugs  when 
starting  programming  with GEMDOS is forgetting to  correct  the 
stack, or correcting it by the wrong value.

Program Startup and Termination

When a GEMDOS program starts up it owns all free memory - that is 
the  memory  from the end of the program through to  the  end  of 
usable  RAM  (normally just before the screen) is  owned  by  the 
program, which is just as well as the stack is at the very end of 
the area.

If  any memory management calls (such as m_alloc)  are  required, 
you  wish to execute other programs within yours,  or if you  are 
writing a GEM program,  it is important to give back some of this 
memory. If you don't there will be no free memory for these uses. 
this  is normally done during at the beginning of programs  using 
the  m_shrink  call,  utilising the fact that a  pointer  to  the 
programs basepage is 4 bytes down on the stack, like this:

          move.l         4(a7),a3      basepage
          move.l         $C(a3),d0     text length
          add.l          $14(a3),d0    data length
          add.l          $1C(a3),d0    BSS length
          add.l          #extra,d0     any additional memory
          add.l          #$100,d0      basepage length
          move.l         #mystack,a7   before shrinking
          move.l         d0,-(a7)
          move.l         a3,-(a7)
          clr.w          -(a7)
          move.w         _(a7)
          trap           #1            do the shrink
          lea            12(sp),sp     

The extra bytes may be required for your programs  storage.  Note 
that  you  should  move the stack to a safe  before  the  shrink, 
otherwise  the stack will be in memory that is not owned by  your 
program and liable to corruption.

A  GEMDOS program can terminate in one of  three  ways:  p_term0, 
which  is not recommended,  p_term,  the normal way to  finish  a 
program,  and  p_termres,  for system patches and the  like.  For 
normal termination use this code:

          clr.w          -(a7)         no return code
          move.w         #S4c,-(a7)    p_term
          trap           #1

When  a  program terminates all memory it owns is freed  and  any 
open files are closed.

GEMDOS Summary

The  calls will now be described in numeric order by  giving  the 
size of the parameters, in the order they should be placed on the 
stack,  and  the  stack correction  number.  For  example,  using 
function call 2,  c_conout,  to print the character x,  the  code 
would be

          move.w         #'X',-(a7)    the character
          move.w         #2,-(a7)      the function number
          trap           #1            call it
          addq.l         #4,sp         then correct

At  present GEMDOS calls corrupt registers d0 and  a0  only,  but 
this is not documented.  We therefore recommended programmers  to 
assume that registers d0-d2/a0-a2 are corrupted, in a similar way 
to the other operating system calls.

0 - Terminate Process (old form), p_term0
Parameters:     None
Result:         None
Stack:          2
This terminates the current program,  with a return code of 0. It 
is  recommended  that  p_term (function $4c) should  be  used  in 
preference to this call. As control never returns after the call, 
no stack correction is actually required.

1 - Read character from keyboard, c_conin
Parameters:     None
Result:         D0.L=key code
Stack:          2
This waits for a key to be struck,  echoes it to the screen,  and 
returns  its value.  The long result has the ASCII value  in  the 
lowest 8 bits,  and a physical key number is returned in bits 16-
23. All other bits are set to 0.

2 - Write character to screen, c_conout
Parameters:     word: character
Result:         None
Stack:          4
This writes the given character to the screen. A 16-bit parameter 
is  supported  for future expansion,  so bytes should  always  be 
ANDed with $FF before the call, though currently the upper 8 bits 
are ignored.

3 - Read Character from serial port, c_auxin
Parameters:     None
Result:         D0.B=character read
Stack:          2
This  waits for a byte to be received from the auxiliary  device, 
which is the serial port.

4 - Write characters to serial port, c_auxout
Parameters:     word: character
Result:         None
Stack:          4
This  sends  the  character out via  the  serial  port.  As  with 
function 2,  the upper 8 bits of the word should be 0 for  upward 

5 - Write character to printer, c_prnout
Parameters:     word: character
Result:         D0.W=0 if failed, -1 if OK
Stack:          4
This  sends the character out via the parallel printer  port.  As 
with functions 2 and 4 above, bits 8-15 of the word should be 0.

6 - Raw I/O to standard I/O, c_rawio
Parameters:     word: character for output, or $00FF to read
Result:         D0.W if $00FF passed
Stack:          4
If the character is passed as $00FF then the keyboard is  scanned 
and a result returned in D0.W (or 0 if no key available).  If the 
character is not $00FF, then it is printed on the screen.

7 - Raw input from keyboard, c_rawcin
Parameters:     None
Result:         D0.L=character read
Stack:          2
This waits for a key to be pressed and returns its value. It does 
not echo it to the screen.

8 - Read character from keyboard, no echo, c_necin
Parameters:     None
Result:         D0.L=character read
Stack:          2
This waits for a key to be pressed and returns its value. It does 
not  echo,  but the control keys Ctrl-C,  Ctrl-S and  Ctrl-Q  are 
interpreted  in their usual way - Ctrl-C will abort the  program. 
Ctrl-S will pause output and Ctrl-Q will resume it.

9 - Write string to screen, c_conws
Parameters:     long: address of string
Result:         Non
Stack:          6
This writes the given null-terminated string to the screen.

$A - Read edited string from keyboard, c_conrs
Parameters:     long: address of input buffer
Result:         None
Stack:          6
Before calling this,  the first byte of the buffer should be  set 
to  the size of the data portion of the buffer.  On  return,  the 
second  byte  in  the buffer will be set to  the  length  of  the 
string,  and the string itself starts at the third byte. No CR or 
null  is stored in the returned string and pressing  Ctrl-C  will 
terminate the entire program.

$B - Check status of keyboard, c_conis
Parameters:     None
Result:         D0.L=-1 if character available, 0 if none
Stack:          2
This returns the status of the keyboard. The key itself should be 
read with another call.

$E - Set default drive, d_setdrv
Parameters:     word: drive number
Result:         D0.L=bit map of drives in the system
Stack:          4
This sets the default drive;  a word of 0 denotes A:,  1  denotes 
B;,  etc.  The  returned value has a bit set for  each  installed 
drive, bit 0=A:, bit 1=B:, etc.

$10 _ Check status of standard output, c_conos
Parameters:     None
Result:         D0.L=-1 if ready, 0 if not
Stack:          2
This tests to see if the console device is ready for output.

$11 - Check status of printer, c_prnos
Parameters:     None
Result:         D0.L=-1 if ready, 0 if not
Stack:          2
This  tests  the status of the printer port.  If the  printer  is 
ready to receive a character it returns -1, else it returns 0.

$12 - Check status of serial port input, c_auxis
Parameters:     None
Result:         D0.L=-1 if character waiting. 0 if not
Stack:          2
This tests the serial port and returns -1 if there is a character 
waiting to be read.

$13 - Check status of serial port output, c_auxos
Parameters:     None
Result:         D0.L=-1 if ready, 0 if not
Stack:          2
This  tests  the  serial port and returns -1 if it  is  ready  to 
receive a character.

$19 - Get default drive, d_getdrv
Parameters:     None
Result:         D0.W=drive number
Stack:          2
This returns the number of the current drive,  with  A:=0,  B:=1, 

$1A - Set disk transfer address, f_setdta
Parameters:     long: pointer to disk transfer address
Result:         None
Stack:          6
This sets the address of a 44-byte buffer used for searching  for 
filenames. It must be word-aligned.

$20 - Get into Supervisor/User Mode, s_super
Parameters:     long: value for stack, or 0 or 1
Result:         D0.L=(depends on parameter)
Stack:          6
This  has  two functions - it can tell you if the program  is  in 
User  or  Supervisor  mode and it can switch  from  one  mode  to 
another.  To  find  which mode the processor  is  in,  call  this 
routine  with a parameter of 1.  The return value will be  0  for 
user  mode,  and -1 for supervisor.  To switch modes you have  to 
supply  a new stack pointer,  or pass 0 if you want the stack  to 
remain unchanged.  For example,  if you are in user mode and want 
to  switch to supervisor mode using a SPP at address  myssp,  the 
code would be:

          move.l         #myssp,-(a7)
          move.w         #$20,-(a7)
          trap           #1
          addq.l         #6,a7

When  switching  to supervisor mode the old value of the  SSP  is 
returned  in  d0.l.  If  you only want  to  go  temporarily  into 
Supervisor mode to hack protected memory, for example, XBIOS call 
supexec is a lot easier.

$2A - Get date, t_getdate
Parameters:     None
Result:         D0.W     
Stack:          2
This reads the date, with the result in this format:
Day:            bits 0-4
Month:          bits 5-8
Year:           bits 9-15 (since 1980).

$2B - Set date, t_setdate
Parameters:     word: date
Result:         None
Stack:          4
This  sets the date,  using the same word format as the  previous 

$2C - Get time, t_gettime
Parameters:     None
Result:         D0.W
Stack:          2
This returns the time of day, with the result in this format:
Seconds/2:      bits 0-4
Minutes:        bits 5-10
Hours:          bits 11-15

$2D - Set time, t_settime
Parameters:     word: time
Result:         None
Stack:          4
This sets the current time of day, in the same word format as the 
previous function.

$2F - Get disk transfer address, f_getdta
Parameters:     None
Result:         D0.L=pointer to disk transfer address
Stack:          2
This returns the current disk transfer address, and should always 
be even.

$30 - Get version number, s_version
Parameters:     None
Result:         D0.W=version number
Stack:          2
This returns the GEMDOS version number,  with the major number in 
the  low  byte,  and the minor number in  the  high  byte.  Known 
releases at this time are:
          $0D00  version 0.13 (obsolete disk-based)
          $1300  version 0.19 (ROM-based)

$31 - Terminate and stay resident, p_termres
Parameters:     word: exit code, long: bytes to keep
Result:         None
Stack:          8
This  allows a program to terminate while keeping part or all  of 
it in memory.  It is useful for programs which extend the system, 
such as RAM disk drivers;  if they terminated normally the memory 
the lie in would get destroyed when the next program loaded.  The 
memory  that can be retained is that starting at the  base  page, 
and  the  length parameter should include the $100  of  the  base 
page,  the  required  program length,  data and  stack  space  if 

$36 - Get drive free space, d_free
Parameters:     word: drive code, long: pointer to buffer
Result:         None
Stack:          8
This returns various bits of information about a particular  disk 
drive.  The drive code should be 0 for the default drive,  1  for 
A:,  2 for B:,  etc. The buffer should be 16 bytes long, and word 
aligned.  On return, it will contain 4 longs of information; free 
space,  number of available clusters, sector size (in bytes), and 
cluster size (in sectors).

$39 - Create a sub-directory, d_create
Parameters:     long: address of pathname
Result:         D0.W=0 if OK, else error code
Stack:          6
This  creates a new directory,  according to the  null-terminated 

$3A - Delete a sub-directory, d_delete
Parameters:     long: address of pathname
Result:         D0.W=0 if OK, else error code
Stack:          6
This  deletes a directory,  so long as it has no files  or  other 
directories in it.

$3B - Set current directory, d_setpath
Parameters:     long: address of pathname
Result:         D0.W=0 if OK, else error code
Stack:          6
This sets the current directory, according to the null-terminated 
string.  Note that drive specifiers are not allowed - you  should 
set the current drive then its directory.

$3C - Create a file, f_create
Parameters:     word: attributes, long: pointer to string
Result:         D0.W=file handle if successful,  else error  (and 
                longword negative)
Stack:          8
This will attempt to create the given file and if successful will 
return a file handle that can be used in other file GEMDOS calls. 
The attribute word can be these values:
          01    read only
          02    hidden file
          04    hidden system file
          08    filename contains volume name in first 11 bytes
File  handle numbers returned by this call and the following  one 
start are words normally starting at 6 and go upwards.  Handles 0 
to  5 are standard handles which are already open when a  program 
starts. They correspond to the following devices:
          0 - console input
          1 - console output
          2 - serial port
          3 - parallel port
There are three system device names,  called CON:,  AUX: and PRN: 
which can be used with this and the following call.  They  return 
negative works, so to distinguish these from error returns always 
TST.L/BMI for the error case.

$3D - Open a file, f_open
Parameters:     word: mode, long: pointer to filename
Result:         D0,W=file handle if successful,  else error  (and 
                longword negative)
Stack:          8
This will open an existing file for reading,  writing,  or  both. 
The mode word must be one of the following:
          0     open to read
          1     open to write
          2     open for both reading and writing
If  successful  this  will  return a handle  which  can  be  used 
subsequently, else an error number.

$3E - Close file, f_close
Parameters:     word: handle
Result:         D0.W=0 if OK, else an error number
Stack:          4
Given  a  file handle this will close the file.  Do not  close  a 
standard handle.

Note:  This call, along with all the others that require handles, 
do not do very extensive checks on the validity of the handle. If 
you  pass  an invalid one you may get an  error  return,  or  the 
machine may crash!

$3F - Read file, f_read
Parameters:     long:  load  address,  long:  number of bytes  to 
                read, word: handle
Result:         D0.L=number of bytes read, or an error code
Stack:          12
This will attempt to read bytes from the given file.  If an error 
occurs  D0.L  will be negative.  If the end of  file  is  reached 
during the read operation an error code is not returned - if  you 
wish  to check for this you have to compare the number  of  bytes 
you  asked for with the result - if they are different  then  you 
tried to read past the end of file.

$40 - Write file, f_write
Parameters:     long:  start address,  long:  number of bytes  to 
                write, word: handle
Result:         D0.L=number of bytes written, or an error code
Stack:          12
This will attempt to write bytes to the given file.  If an  error 
occurs D0.L will be negative.  If the disk becomes full an  error 
code will not be issued,  but the value returned will not be  the 
same as the value passed to it as the number of bytes to write.

Note:  If you pass a negative length parameter GEMDOS will  crash 
very badly.

$41 - Delete File, f_delete
Parameters:     long: pointer to filename
Result:         D0.W=0 if successful, else error code
Stack:          6
This will attempt to delete the given file.

$42 - Seek file pointer, f_seek
Parameters:     word: mode, word: file handling, long position
Result:         D0.L=absolute position in file after seek
Stack:          10
This will move the file pointer to a given position in the  file. 
The mode word should be one of the following.
          0     move to N bytes from the start of the file
          1     move to N bytes from the current location
          2     move to N bytes from the end of the file
If  you try and move past either end of the file you will  get  a 
result of 0 (for the start) or the actual length of the file.

$43 - Get/Set file attributes, f_attrib
Parameters:     word: attributes, word: get/set, long: pointer to 
Result:         D0.W=new attributes, or an error code
Stack:          10
This  can be used to get or set the attributes for a given  file. 
The attribute's word can be:
          01    read only
          02    hidden file
          04    hidden system file
          08    filename is actually the volume label in first 11 
          $10   sub-directory
          $20   file is written and closed
The other word should be 0 to Get the attribute, or 1 to Set it.

$45 - Duplicate File Handle, f_dup
Parameters:     word: standard handle
Result:         D0.W=new handle, or error code
Stack:          4
Given a handle to a standard device (0-5),  this function returns 
another  handle that can be used to address the same  device.  It 
can also be closed without affecting the standard device handle.

$46 - Force file handle, f_force
Parameters:     word: non-standard handle, word: standard handle
Result:         D0.W=0 if OK, else error code
Stack:          6
This  forces the standard handle to point to the same  device  or 
file as the non-standard one,  and can be used,  for example,  to 
re-direct screen output to a disk file.

$47 - Get Current Directory, d_getpath
Parameters:     word: drive number, long: pointer to buffer
Result:         D0.W=0 if OK, else error code
Stack:          8
Given a drive number (default drive=0, A:=1, B:=2 etc.) this will 
return  the  current  directory in the  given  buffer,  in  null-
terminated form. The buffer should be 64 bytes long.

$48 - Allocate Memory, m_alloc
Parameters:     long: number of bytes required
Result:         D0.L=address of memory allocated, or 0 if failed
Stack:          6
This  allocates the given amount of memory from the system  pool, 
if   available.   When  a  program  terminates  all  its   memory 
allocations  are cleaned up.  This call can also be used to  find 
the amount of free memory, if -1 is passed.

Note:  When  GEMDOS itself uses this call it always  ensures  the 
number  of bytes required is even,  so we recommend this  out  of 
paranoia.  This call can occasionally return an odd value for the 
start of the allocated memory under TOS 13.

$49 - Free Allocated Memory, m_free
Parameters:     long: address of area to free
Result:         D0.W=0 if OK, else an error code
Stack:          6
This frees a block of memory allocated with m_alloc above.

$4A - Shrink Allocated Memory, m_shrink
Parameters:     long:  length  to keep,  long:  start address  to 
                keep, word: 0
Result:         D0.W=0 if OK, else an error code
Stack:          12
This is normally used when a program starts up and releases  part 
of the allocated memory back to GEMDOS.

$4B - Load or Execute a Program, p_exec
Parameters:     long:   pointer  to  environment  string,   long: 
                pointer  to  command  line,   long:   pointer  to 
                filename, word: mode
Result:         D0.L=(depends on mode)
Stack:          16
This call can be used for loading and chaining programs. The mode 
word can be one of:
          0     load and execute
          3     load but do not execute
          4     execute base page
          5     create base page
For load and execute,  the return value is either an error  code, 
or the value returned when the child program exited.
For  load but don't execute the return value is either  an  error 
code, or a pointer to the base page of the loaded program.
A  discussion of using modes 4 and 5 is beyond the scope of  this 
The command line should be of the form of a length byte  followed 
by the line itself.
The environment string may be passed as 0 to inherit the programs 
parents  basepage,  or as a pointer to a list of  null-terminated 
environment  strings,   ending  in  a  double-null.   The  normal 
environment looks like this:
          dc.b     'PATH=',0,'A:\',0,0

$4C - Terminate Program, p_term
Parameters:     word: return value
Result:         N/A as doesn't return
Stack:          N/A

$4E - Search for First, f_sfirst
Parameters:     word: attributes, long: pointer to filespec
Result:         D0.W=0 if found, else -33 not found
Stack:          8
This  trap  can be used to scan a directory using  wild-cards  to 
find all the files.  This should be called to find the first one, 
then f_snext should be called for the rest.  When a file is found 
the  parameters of the file are returned in the DTA buffer  area. 
The attribute word determines which file types are to be included 
in the search, and may be one of:
          00    normal files
          01    read only files
          02    hidden files           
          04    system files
          08    return volume name only
          $10   sub-directories
          $20   files that have been written to and closed
The returned values in the DTA buffer are:
          0-20  reserved for internal use
          21    file attributes
          22-23 file time stamp
          24-25 file date stamp        
          26-29 file size (long)
          30-43 name and extension of file, null terminated
The address of the DTA buffer can be set with function  $1A,  and 
read with function $2F.

$4F - Search for Next Occurrence, f_snext
Parameters:     None
Result:         D0.W=0 if found, else -33 not found
Stack:          2
After calling f_first to find the first occurrence of a filespec, 
this call is used to find subsequent files.  When a file is found 
the DTA buffer is filled as described previously.  For it to work 
the  first  20  bytes of the DTA must  remain  untouched  between 

$57 - Rename a file, f_rename
Parameters:     long:  pointer to new name,  long: pointer to old 
                name, word: 0
Result:         D0.W=0 if OK, else error code
Stack:          12
This will attempt to rename the file to the new name. A file with 
the new name must not already exist.

$57 - Get/Set File Date & Time Stamp
Parameters:     word:  0 for Get/1 for Set,  word:  file  handle, 
                long: pointer to buffer
Result:         None
Stack:          10
This can be used to get or set the time and date stamp on an open 
file.  The buffer should contain two words,  the first being  the 
time, and the second the date, in the format already described.

BIOS - Basic I/O System

The  ST  BIOS  is intended for low-level access  to  the  screen, 
keyboard  and  disk drives.  It is accessed using the  stack  for 
parameters as described previously,  but using TRAP #13 to invoke 
it. Programmers who require access to the BIOS are likely to need 
much more details then we could provide, so only one BIOS call is 
described  here.  For  greater BIOS detail see the books  in  the 
bibliography.  The BIOS handler preserves registers D3-D7/A3-A7 - 
all others may be corrupted by a call.

BIOS 5 - Set Exception Vector, setexc
This  is  a very useful trap and sets certain system  vectors  to 
point to your own routines. It can set both exception vectors and 
system vectors. The calling sequence is:
       move.l   #myroutine,-(a7)   address of new handler
       move.w   #vectornum,-(a7)   vector number
       move.w   #5,-(a7)           BIOS function number
       trap     #8,a7              restore stack
       move.l   d0,oldroutine      store old one
The  vector  number  should be the exception number  (2  for  bus 
error,  3 for address error etc.) or one of the following  system 
          $45   200Hz list
          $100  system timer interrupt
          $101  critical error handler
          $102  process terminate hook
On  return from the trap D0.L contains the previous value.  If  a 
program  modifies  any vectors it should always restore  them  to 
their original values before terminating.
If  you  pass an address of -1 it will not be  changed,  but  the 
current value will be returned in D0.L.

XBIOS - Extended BIOS

The  XBIOS  consists  of  40 functions  for  a  wide  variety  of 
functions  including  hardware  access,   screen   control,   and 
keyboard mapping.  Again we leave most of the description to  the 
books  in  the bibliography,  with the exception  of  five  XBIOS 
calls.  The  XBIOS handler preserves registers D3-D7/A3-A7 -  all 
others  can be corrupted by a call.  The calling sequence is  the 
usual one:  put parameters on the stack,  put a function word  on 
the  stack,  do a TRAP #14,  then restore the  stack.  The  XBIOS 
functions are:

XBIOS 2 - Get Physical Screen Address, _physbase
Parameters:     None
Result:         D0.L=start of screen
Stack:          2
This will return the physical address of the screen, which always 
occupies 32000 bytes and is aligned on a 256-byte boundary.

XBIOS 3 - Get Logical Screen Address, _logbase
Parameters:     None
Result:         D0.L=start of screen
Stack:          2
This will return the logical address of the screen.

XBIOS 4 - Get Screen Resolution, _getRez
Parameters:     None
Result:         D0.W=0 low, 1 medium, 2 high
Stack:          2
This will return the current screen resolution.

XBIOS 5 - Set Screen Address & Mode, _setScreen
Parameters:     word: mode, long: physical address, long: logical 
Result:         None
Stack:          12
This lets you change the screen resolution and addresses.  If any 
parameter is specified as -1 then it is left alone.  Changing the 
screen mode will clear the screen.

XBIOS $26 - Call Supervisor Routine, supexec
Parameters:     long: address of routine
Result:         None
Stack:          6
This will call the given routine in supervisor mode.  The routine 
should not make any BIOS, XBIOS or GEMDOS calls.

GEM Libraries

GEM itself consists of two components; the VDI and the AES.

The  GEM VDI (for virtual Device Interface) is the main  part  of 
the operating system that draws graphics and text on the screen.

The GEM AES (for Application Environment Services) is the part of 
the operating system that provides the user-interface  facilities 
of GEM such as windows, menus and dialogue boxes.

This section is intended to give details of the supplied  library 
files  and  calling  conventions used.  It does  not  attempt  to 
describe either the VDI or the AES in great detail - the books in 
the Bibliography should be referred to for this. However, details 
are given of information that we feel is badly documented or  not 
documented at all.

GEM AES Library

The  calling  sequence to the AES is based on various  arrays  of 
words and longwords. These arrays are defined using DS directives 
and are:
control        words
int_in         words
addr_in        longwords
int_out        words
addr_out       words
aes_params     longwords
global         words
For example the C program segement
         val=int_out (2)+int_out (3)
could be converted into this assembly language:
         move.w   int_out+4,d0
         add.w    int_out+6,d0
Note the way that the array index is doubled before adding to the 
start of the array,  as it is an array of words.  For an array of 
longs the index should be quadrupled.

A  macro  file,  called GEMMACRO.S should be used  which  defines 
various  macros  and,  if generating executable  code,  the  file 
AESLIB.S should be included at the end of assembly.

The macros take a varying number of parameters and place them  in 
the  required places in the AES arrays,  before making a call  to 
the general AES routine. If passing a constant to a macro be sure 
to precede it with a # sign,  for example passing the  parameters 
3,myptr to a macro could generate the code
         move.w   3,int_in
         move.1   myptr,addr_in
The first line will cause a run-time error,  the parameter should 
have  been #3.  There are a few AES macros which do not take  all 
the  required parameters - additional information may have to  be 
placed  in other arrays.  On return from and AES macro D0.W  (and 
the flags) reflect the contents of the array int_out(0), normally 
useful.  Various return values can often be found in the  int_out 

The  following  descriptions  assume all parameters  to  be  word 
sized,  unless  shown  with  a .L  suffix,  denoting  a  longword 

Application Library

  Should be called at the start of any AES program.
appl_read id,length,buffer.L
apppl_write id,length,buffer.L
appl_find name.L
  Find a named program, normally a desk accessory
appl_tplay memory.L,number scale
appl_trecord memory.L,count
  Should  be  just before an AES  program  terminates.  It  sends 
  AC_CLOSE type messages to all desk accessories.

Event Library

evnt_button clicks,mask,state
  The return value is the number of times the button entered  the 
  desired state.  Array elements 1-4 of int_out contain the X co-
  ordinate,  the Y co-ordinate, the button state and the keyboard 
  state at the time of the event in that order.
evnt_mouse flags,x,y,w,h
  The return values are as described for the previous call.
evnt_mesag buffer.L
evnt_timer count.L
evnt_multi flags,clicks,mask,m1flags,m1x,m1y,m1w,m1h,
&          m2flags,m2x,m2y,m2w,m2h,count.L
  All parameters except the first are optional, specifying a null 
  parameter  means nothing is placed in the relevant  element  of 
  int_in.  It  shown above with the syntax of a multi-line  macro 
  call  but this is not obligatory.  The int_out  array  contains 
  which event, mouse X, mouse Y, button, keyboard state, keyboard 
  code and button value, respectively.
evnt_dclick new,getset

Menu Library

menu_bar free.L,show
menu_icheck tree.L,item,check
menu_ienable tree.L,item,enable
menu_tnormal tree.L,title,normal
menu_text tree.L,item,text.L
menu_register id,string

Note:  Normally  a  menu tree is generated by a  resource  editor 
though  they can be constructed,  with a great deal of  care,  by 
hand.    Another    alternative   is   to   use   the    MENU2ASM 
compiler,detailed later in this section.

Object Library

Object  trees  are normally constructed with  a  resouce  editor, 
though they can be constructed by hand if required.  Dialog boxes 
are  the  easiest type of object tree to construct  by  hand  and 
menus the most difficult.
objc_add tree.L,parent,child
objc_delete tree.L,object
objc_draw tree.L,startob,depth,x,y,w,h
objc_find tree.L,startob,depth,x,y
objc_offset tree.L,object
  Elements  1 and 2 of int_out contain the returned X and  Y  co-
objc_order tree.L,object,newpos
objc_edit tree.L, object,char,idx,kind
  int_out(1) contains the new idx
objc_change tree.L,object,x,y,w,h,new,redraw

Form Library
form_do tree.L,startob
  Never pass startob as -1 as often documented, use 0 instead
form_dial flag,x1,y1,w1,h1,x2,y2,w2,h2
form_alert button,string.L
form_error errnum
  Error numbers should be positive and less than 64
form_center tree.L

Graphics Library

graf_rubberbox x,y,w,h
  int_out(1) contains the finish width, int_out(2) the height
graf_dragbox w,h,x,y,bx,by,bw,bh
  int_out(1) contains the finish X co-ordinate, int_out(2) the Y
graf_movebox w,h,x,y,dx,dy
graf_growbox w,y,w,h,fx,fy,fw,fh
graf_shrinkbox x,y,w,h,sx,sy,sw,sh
graf_watchbox tree.L,object,instate,outstate
graf_slidebox tree.L,parent,obj,vh
  The int_out array will contain the VDI handle,  character  cell 
  width, then height, system font width, then height
graf_mouse number,address.L
  The  address parameter is optional,  only required if  defining 
  your own shape
  The int_out array will contain a reserved value,  mouse X and Y 
  position, mouse button state and keyboard state.
Scrap Library

scrp_read buffer.L
scrp_write buffer.L

File Selector Library

fsel_input path.L,filename.L
  The  path  parameter should point to a  buffer  containing  the 
  null-terminated path,  such as A:\ø.S, and the new path will be 
  returned  in it,  so be sure it is large enough.  The  filename 
  buffer  should  be  13 bytes,  with a maximum of  12  used  for 
  filename,  for  example TEST.S.  If D0.W is non-zero on  return 
  then  it means there was not enough free memory to  invoke  the 
  selector, else int_out(1) will contain 0 if Cancelled.

Window Library

wind_create kind,x,y,w,h
wind_open handle,x,y,w,h
wind_close handle
wind_delete handle
wind_get handle,field
wind_set handle,field
wind_find x,y
wind_update begend
wind_calc type,kind,inx,iny,inw,inh

Resource Library

rsrc_load filename.L
rsrc_gaddr type,index
  The result address may be found in addr_out
rsrc_saddr type,index,saddr.L
rsrc_obfex tree.L,object

Shell Library

shel_read command.L,shell.L
shel_write doex,sgr,scr,cmd.L,shell.L
  We have never managed to get this call to work reliably
shel_find buffer.L
  The buffer should be a minimum of 80 bytes
shel_envrn value.L,string.L

Debugging AES Calls

Unlike the calls to the VDI, calls to the AES are not immediately 
obvious when viewed from MonSt as they are of the form:
            moveq      #??,d0      AES function number
            bsr        CALL_AES    
As an aid to decoding these,  here is a table listing all the AES 
calls and their hex function numbers:
A   appl_init           B   appl_read          C   appl_write
D   appl_find           E   appl_tplay         F   appl_trecord
13  appl_exit           14  evnt_keybd         15  evnt_button
16  evnt_mouse          17  evnt_mesag         18  evnt_timer
19  evnt_multi          1A  evnt_dclick        1E  menu_bar
1F  menu_icheck         20  menu_ienable       21  menu_tnormal
22  menu_text           23  menu_register      28  objc_add
29  objc_delete         2A  objc_draw          2B  objc_find
2C  objc_offset         2D  objc_order         2E  objc_edit
2F  objc_change         32  form_do            33  form_dial
34  form_alert          35  form_error         36  form_center
46  graf_rubberbox      47  graf_dragbox       48  graf_movebox
49  graf_growbox        4A  graf_shrinkbox     4B  graf_watchbox
4C  graf_slidebox       4D  graf_handle        4E  graf_mouse
4F  graf_mkstate        50  scrp_read          51  scrp_write
5A  fsel_input          64  wind_create        65  wind_open
66  wind_close          67  wind_delete        68  wind_get
69  wind_set            6A  wind_find          6B  wind_update
6C  wind_calc           6E  rsrc_load          6F  rsrc_free
70  rsrc_gaddr          71  rsrc_saddr         72  rsrc_obfix
78  shel_read           79  shel_write         7A  shel_find
7B  shel_envrn 

GEM VDI Library

The calling sequence itself to the VDI is, like the AES, based on 
various arrays of words and longwords.  These arrays are  defined 
using DS directives and are:

contrl        words
intin         words
ptsin         words
intout        words
ptsout        words
vdi_params    longwords

All (but one) VDI calls require a VDI handle,  which by tradition 
is a parameter to every call.  However,  the majority of programs 
only use one handle,  to a virtual workstation (the  screen),  so 
the  supplied VDI libraries use a word called  current_handle  as 
the  handle  to  pass  on  to  the  VDI  itself.  This  saves  an 
appreciable  amount of code and is the same way the HiSoft  BASIC 
libraries  work.  As  the source to the library is  supplied  you 
could change this, if required.

The  macro file GEMMACRO.S should be used which  defines  various 
macros  and,  if generating executable code,  the  file  VDILIB.S 
should be included at the end of assembly.

The macros take a varying number of parameters and place them  in 
the required places in the VDI arrays,  before making a call to a 
VDI  library  routine.  The warning about # signs  in  parameters 
described previously applies to the VDI too.  There are a  number 
of  VDI  macros which do not take all the required  parameters  - 
additional information may have to be placed in other macros.  On 
return,  various  return values can often be found in the  intout 
ptsout arrays.

The  following  descriptions  assume all parameters  to  be  word 
sized,  unless  shown  with  a .L  suffix,  denoting  a  longword 

Control Functions

v_opnwk                                          Open Workstation
This should not be used unless GDOS is installed. The intin array 
should be suitably initialised, current_handle will be set to the 
result of this call.

v_clswk                                         Close Workstation

v_opnvwk                                 Open Virtual workstation
This  uses  current_handle to open another workstation  and  sets 
current_handle  to the result.  intin is normally filled with  10 
words of 1 and one word of 2 (denoting RC co-ordinates).

v_clsvwk                                Close Virtual Workstation

V_clrwrk                                        Clear Workstation

v_updwk                                        Update Workstation

vst_load_fonts                                         Load Fonts
Do not attempt this unless GDOS is loaded.

vst_unload_fonts                                     Unload Fonts
Fonts must be unloaded before a workstation is closed.

vs_clip flag,x1,y1,x2,y2                   Set Clipping Rectangle

Output Functions

v_pline count                                            Polyline
The input co-ordinates should be copied to intin before the call.

v_pmarket count                                        Polymarker
The input co-ordinates should be copied to intin before the call.

v_gtext x,y,string.L                                         Text
The string should be in the form of null-terminated bytes.

v_fillarea                                            Filled Area
The input co-ordinates should be copies to itin before the call.

v_contourfill x,y,index                              Contour Fill

vr_recfl x1,y1,x2,y2                                          Bar

v_arc x,y,radius,start,end                                    Arc

v_pieslice x,y,radius,start,end                               Pie

v_circle x,y,radius                                        Circle

v_ellarc x,y,xradius,yradius,start,end             Elliptical Arc

v_ellpie x,y,xradius,yradius,start,end             Elliptical Pie

v_ellipse x,y,xradius,yradius                             Ellipse

v_rbox x1,y1,x2,y2                              Rounded Rectangle

v_rfbox x1,y1,x2,y2                      Filled Rounded Rectangle

v_justified x,y,string.L,length,ws,cs     Justified Graphics Text
The string should be null-terminated

Attribute Functions

vswr_mode mode                                   Set Writing Mode

vs_colour index,red,green,blue          Set Colour Representation

vsl_type style                             Set Polyline Line Type

vsl_udsty pattern             Set User Defined Line Style Pattern

vsl_width width                           Set Polyline Line Width

vsl_color index                         Set Polyline Colour Index

vsl_ends begin,end                        Set Polyline End Styles

vsm_type symbol                               Set Polymarker Type

vsm_height height                           Set Polymarker Height

vsm_color index                       Set Polymarker Colour Index

vst_height height             Set Character Height, Absolute Mode
The ptsout array will contain the selected size

vst_point point                 Set Character Height, Points Mode
The ptsout array will contain the selected size.

vst_rotation angle                  Set Character Baseline Vector

vst_font font                                       Set Text Face

vst_colour index                    Set Graphic Text Colour Index

vst_effects effect               Set Graphic Text Special Effects

vst_alignment horizontal,vertical      Set Graphic Text Alignment
vst_interior style                        Set Fill Interior Style

vst_style index                              Set Fill Style Index

vsf_color index                             Set Fill Colour Index

vsf_perimeter vis                   Set Fill Perimeter Visibility

vsf_updat                           Set User Defined Fill Pattern
The  intin array should be filled with the pattern and  contrl(3) 
set suitably.

Raster Operations

vro_cpyfm mode,source.L,dest.L                Copy Raster, Opaque
This is the general blit call,  most often used for scrolling the 
screen.  The source and destination parameters should point to  a 
memory form definition block (MFDB) which describes the format of 
the memory to blit. An MFDB consists of ten words:

0             high word of address
2             low word of address
4             width in pixels
6             height in pixels
8             width in words
10            form flag, normally 1
12            number of planes
14-18         reserved, set to 0

The address in the first two words is normally either the  screen 
address of the address of a buffer being used for the  blit.  The 
width  and height fields should be those suitable for the  screen 
size  and  the number of planes can be found from a  vq_extend  1 
call  in  intout(4).  When scrolling the screen  the  source  and 
destination parameters may point to the same MFDB.

The  source  and destination rectangles should be placed  in  the 
ptsin  array,  each in the form x1,y1,x2,y2.  A mode of  3  means 

vrt_cpyfm mode,source.L,dest.L,i1,i2     Copy Raster, Transparent

vr_trnfm source.L,destination.L                    Transform Form

vr_get_pixel x,y                                        Get Pixel

Input Functions

vex_timv newtimer                 Exchange Timer Interrupt Vector

v_show_c reset                                        Show Cursor

v_hide_c                                              Hide Cursor
vq_mouse                                Sample Mouse Button State

vex_butv newxbut                    Exchange Button Change Vector

vex_motv newmotv                   Exchange Mouse Movement Vector

vex_curv newcursor                  Exchange Cursor Change Vector

vq_key_s                        Sample Keyboard State Information

Inquire Functions

vq_extnd flag                                    Extended Inquire

vq_color index,flag                 Inquire Colour Representation

vql_attributes                        Inquire Polyline Attributes

vqm_attributes                      Inquire Polymarker Attributes

vqf_attributes                       Inquire Fill Area Attributes

vqf_attributes                    Inquire Graphic Text Attributes

vqt_extent string.L                           Inquire Text Extent
The string should be null-terminated,  the results will be  found 
in ptsout.

vqt_width char                       Inquire Character Cell Width

vqt_name number                         Inquire Face Name & Index

vqt_fontinfo                     Inquire Current Face Information

AES & VDI Program Skeleton

The general structure of a GEM-type program is as follows:
        shrink memory call
        call appl_init
        set current_handle to the result from graf_handle
        open a virtual workstation using this handle
        open a window, perhaps
main    wait for events & act on them as required
quit    close any window
        call appl_exit
        finally p_term

Desk Accessories

A  desk accessory is an executable file with the  extension  .ACC 
loaded during AES initialisation. We have never seen any official 
documentation on desk accessories,  and the following information 
has  been  learnt the hard way,  mainly when writing  our  Saved! 

The  first thing to be wary of is that it is not a normal  GEMDOS 
program. When it starts up all registers including A7 are 0, with 
the  exception of A0 which points to the basepage.  An  accessory 
must  include all the memory it requires within itself,  the  BSS 
segment  being a good place.  An accessory must not do  a  GEMDOS 
shrink call or attempt to terminate.

The  main  loop of an accessory is like any  other  AES  program, 
consisting  of an event loop,  but note that  most  documentation 
details  incorrect  message numbers - AC_OPEN is  really  40  and 
AC_CLOSE is 41.

Other  programmers  have  reported problems using  the  VDI  from 
within an accessory.  The recommended method is to open a virtual 
workstation only when you have to (i.e. before creating a window) 
and always close it (when you close your window or, failing that, 
when  receiving  an  AC_CLOSE  message.   The  example  accessory 
supplied,  like our Saved! program, does not use the VDI at all - 
paranoia rules!

If your accessory responds to timer events ensure that no  GEMDOS 
calls  (Trap #1s) are made unless your window is the  front  one, 
otherwise time bombs will be set and a crash is highly likely.

The  file DESKACC.S contains the source to an example  accessory, 
which simply displays the system free memory in an alert box.  It 
has  a  label called RUNNER which can be set to 1  to  produce  a 
stand-alone  application  instead of an accessory.  This  can  be 
invaluable  during  program development as you  can  symbolically 
debug  a  stand-alone  program,  while an  accessory  has  to  be 
debugged using AMONST without the benefit of symbols.

Linking with AES & VDI Libraries

The  supplied  macro file GEMMACRO.S is designed to  be  used  in 
executable or linkable programs.  The files AESLIB.S and VDILIB.S 
contain  the  actual code and should be included at  the  end  of 
programs  when  generating executable  code,  but  if  generating 
linkable code they should not.  If you look at GEMTEST.S you  can 
see how a conditional is used to make this automatic.

When  developing  a program using these  libraries  we  recommend 
executable code as it greatly reduces development  time.  However 
the  file  size  can be reduced by using  the  selective  library 
feature of the linker and using the GEMLIB.BIN file. For example, 
if   GEMTEST   is  linked   to   GST-linkable   code,   producing 
GEMTEST.BIN, it can be linked with this library by passing LinkST 
the command line

gemtest -wgemlib

The  GEMLIB.LNK  control file will do the rest.  If you  want  to 
reduce  your program to the absolute minimum then you can  change 
the libraries as you require,  which is why we supply the  source 

Menu Compiler

For  those who wish to use menus without using a resource  editor 
we  supply  the  program  MENU2ASM.TTP  which  converts  a   menu 
definition  file  into  assembly language  source  statement  for 
inclusion  in your program.  We use this method ourselves in  the 
GenST editor.

The menu specification should be created in a text file with  the 
extension .MDF and an example follows:

[ Desk | About Program ]
[ File | New \ Load \ (-------\ Quit ]
[ Search | Find ]

and so on. Line breaks are ignored. Each menu title and its items 
are enclosed in square brackets [ and ].  There is a vertical bar 
(|) after each title and the individual items separated by  back-
slashes  (\).  For  grey  items precede the  text  with  an  open 
parentheses (.  The first menu is always the desk title (normally 
Desk); the currently loaded desk accessories will be added by the 
AES.  (It is no coincidence that this is the same syntax as  that 
accepted by our BASIC compilers).

We recommend that you precede each menu item with two spaces  and 
have at least one space after the item.  Menu titles should  have 
one space before and after them.

To  compile  a file double-click on MENU2ASM.TTP  and  enter  the 
filename,  without an extension.  It will produce a file with  an 
extension of .MNU which may be included in your program.

The  file MENUTEST.MDF contains an example definition of  a  menu 
and MENUTEST.S the source code to a program illustrating its use, 
as well as showing other AES features.

Old GenST AES & VDI Libraries

The  folder OLDGEM contains updated versions of the source  files 
supplied with version 1 of DevpacST.  These use different calling 
conventions and are supplied for users who have upgraded.

VT52 Screen Codes

When writing to the screen via the BDOS or BIOS calls, the screen 
driver  emulates VT52 protocols.  The control codes are sent  via 
escape  sequences,  which means an escape character is  sent  (27 
decimal, or $1B) followed by one or more other characters.

ESC A   cursor up; no effect if at the top line
ESC B   cursor down; no effect if at the bottom line
ESC C   cursor right; no effect if on the right hand side
ESC D   cursor left; no effect if on left hand side
ESC E   clear screen and home cursor
ESC H   home cursor
ESC I   move  cursor up one line;  if at top scrolls  the  screen 
        down a line
ESC J   erase to end of screen, from the cursor position onwards
ESC K   clear to end of line
ESC L   insert a line by moving all following lines down.  Cursor 
        is positioned at start of the new line
ESC M   delete a line by moving all following lines up
ESC Y   position cursor; should be followed by two characters the 
        first  being the Y position,  the second the X.  Row  and 
        column numbering starts at (32,32) which is the top left
ESC b   foreground colour;  should be followed by a character  to 
        determine the colour,  of which the four lowest bits  are 
ESC c   background colour; similar to above
ESC d   erase from beginning of display to the current position
ESC e   enable cursor
ESC f   disable cursor
ESC j   save the current cursor position
ESC k   restore a current position saved using ESC j
ESC l   erase a line and put cursor at start of line
ESC o   erase from start of line to cursor position
ESC p   inverse video on
ESC q   inverse video off
ESC v   wrap around at end of line on
ESC w   wrap around at end of line off

                           APPENDIX E

                Converting from other Assemblers

Most 68000 assemblers for the ST follow, to one degree or another 
the  Motorola  standard.  While the instructions  themselves  are 
thankfully standard,  the syntax rules for labels,  comments  and 
directives can,  and do,  vary.  This Appendix covers the changes 
most  likely  to be made when converting  programs  from  another 
assembler,  whether  they are your old source files or a  program 
listed  in  a  magazine.  It  does  not  attempt  to  detail  the 
differences  in user interfaces or options between the  different 


GenST  does  not require colons after labels or  comments  to  be 
delimited with semi-colons, but it does not allow instructions or 
directives to start in the label field.

The syntax and rules for local labels are the same,  though $ and 
?  are not valid in GenST symbols. The use of \ in quoted strings 
may  have  to  be changed,  and  some  arithmetic  operators  and 
priorities are different.

MADMAC allows directives to start with dot,  if these are removed 
most  directives are the same as GenST.  Those that  differ,  and 
their GenST equivalents are:


INIT  can be converted to DC or DCB statements and CARGS  can  be 
replaced with suitable RS directives.

MADMACs macro syntax is unique and its named parameters will need 
conversion,   equivalents  for  its  parameters  are  \~=\@   and 
\#=NARG.\? can be emulated using IFC or IFNC. The 6502 options of 
MADMAC are not supported.


GST labels are significant only to the first 8 characters and are 
case  insensitive  so  OPT C8- may be  required.  Its  rules  for 
expression  evaluation are very similar though $ is  not  allowed 
within a GenST symbol.

Most  directives are the same,  those requiring name changes  are 
PAGEWID=LEN  and  PAGELEN=PLEN.  Macro definitions  will  require 
conversion as will GSTs unique form of local symbols.

Built-in functions and structure statements are not supported.

MCC Assembler

Very few changes are required,  only the syntax for local  labels 
and add.L to XREF directives of absolutes.


Colons are not required after labels in GenST though instructions 
or directives that start in the label field will need a tab added 
before them.  Several Seka directives default to Byte instead  of 
Word sizes for some reason. Equivalent directives names are:


Macro  syntax requires ?s to be changed to \s,  except  ?0  which 
should be replaced with \@.

Fast ASM

The  syntax  of  Fast ASM was designed around GenST  1.2  so  few 
changes are required. Tokenised source files will need conversion 
to  ASCII  (using the Clipboard) before attempting to  load  them 
into  the  GenST  editor.   The  main  change  involves   comment 
delimiters - Fast ASM lines starting with \ should be changed  to 
start with ø or ;-\s used after instructions will not require any 

The  floating point facilities in Fast ASM,  left over  from  its 
BASIC interpreter origins, are not supported in GenST.

                           APPENDIX F


This bibliography contains our suggestions for further reading on 
the subject of the 68000,  the ST,  and GEM.  The views expressed 
are  our  own  and  as  with all  reference  books  there  is  no 
substitute  for  looking at the books in a good  bookshop  before 
making a decision.

68000 Programming

M68000 Programmer's Reference Manual
Published by Prentice-Hall
The definitive guide to the instruction set produced by Motorola. 
the  supplied Pocket Guide is a subset of this book.  Be sure  to 
get the latest version - at the time of writing the Fifth Edition 
is the latest.

68000 Assembly Language Programming by Kane, Hawkins & Leventhal
Published by Osborne/McGraw-Hill
This  is  large  (and expensive) but  good,  containing  lots  of 
examples.  Be  sure to get the second edition.  Not for  complete 
beginners to microprocessors.

68000 Tricks and Traps by Mike Morton
BYTE magazine, September 1986 issue
By  far the best article on 68000 programming we have ever  seen. 
We wish there was a book like this.

ST Technical Manuals

GEM Programmer's Guide Volumes 1 & 2 - VDI and AES
By Digital Research
The  definitive  guide  to the VDI and the  AES,  but  marred  by 
mistakes and lack of 68000 details.  Only available to registered 

GEMDOS Specification by Digital Research
The definition of the GEMDOS calls.  Only available to registered 

A Hitchhikers Guide to the BIOS by Atari Corp
The  definition of the BIOS and XBIOS calls,  and corrections  to 
the  GEMDOS manual.  This is accurate,  a good read  and  updated 
regularly. Normally only available to developers.

The Anatomy of the Atari ST by Data Becker/Abacus
This book is the best documentation available for the user who is 
not a registered developer. It describes the hardware and non-GEM 
aspects of the operating system,  including an (out-of-date) BIOS 
listing. Thoroughly recommended, despite its inaccuracies.

GEM on the Atari ST by Data Becker/Abacus
This describes programming under GEM,  though is not as  complete 
as  the DR manual,  but has similar errors.  It  describes  calls 
mainly from C, although there is more reference to the 68000 than 
in the DR manual. Better than no book at all on GEM.

Concise Atari 68000 Programmer's Reference by Katherine Peel
Published by Glentop
An alternative to Atari ST internals.  It contains information on 
the ST's hardware,  the operating system and GEM. Its coverage of 
the  various  levels of the machine is  comprehensive,  though  a 
couple  of  sections are very inaccurate and  some  features  are 
described that simply don't exist. It is rather difficult to find 
one's  way  around  as the layout is based on  large  numbers  of 
tables and it lacks an index.

Tricks and Tips on the Atari St by Data Becker/Abacus
This contains a wide variety of material,  including an  accurate 
description  of  the more esoteric ST BASIC  commands,  and  good 
sample listings including a RAM-disk driver and desk accessory.

M68000 Cross Macro Assembler Reference Manual
Published by Motorola (M68KXASM)
The  official  definition of 68000  assembly-language  syntax  on 
which GenST is based.

M68000 Resident Structured Assembler Reference Manual
Published by Motorola (M68KMASM)
This  details the more advanced aspects of the Motorola  standard 
including extended macros and 68010/20/881 processors.

                           APPENDIX G


So  that  we can maintain the quality of  our  technical  support 
service we are detailing how to take best advantage of it.  These 
guidelines  will make it easier for us to help you,  fix bugs  as 
they  get  reported  and save other users from  having  the  same 
problem. Technical support is available in three ways.

 Phone  our technical support hour is normally between 3 p.m. and 
        4  p.m.  though  non-European customers'  calls  will  be 
        accepted at other times.

 Post   if sending a disk, please put your name & address on it.

 BIXTM  our  username  is (not  surprisingly)  hisoft.  Would  UK 
        customers  please use more old  fashioned  methods;  it's 
        cheaper for everyone.

Whichever  method you use please always quote your serial  number 
(from your master disk) and the version number of the program. We 
reserve  the  right  to refuse technical support if  you  do  not 
supply this information.

For bug reports,  please run the CHECKST.PRG program supplied and 
quote the information given by it, as well as details of any desk 
accessories  and auto-folder programs in use.  If you  think  you 
have found a bug,  try and create a small program that reproduces 
the problem.  It is always easier for us to answer your questions 
if you send us a letter and,  if the problem is with a particular 
source file, enclose a copy on disk (which we will return).


As  with  all  our products,  DevpacST  is  undergoing  continual 
development and,  periodically, new versions become available. We 
make a small charge for upgrades,  though if extensive additional 
documentation is supplied the charge may be higher. All users who 
return  their  registration  cards  will  be  notified  of  major 


We welcome any comments or suggestions about out programs and, to 
ensure we remember them, they should be made in writing.

DevpacST Developer Version

For  those that require maximum power from their 68000  assembler 
we  have available the Developer version of Devpac  ST.  Features 
over and above this version include:
GDOS is supplied together with documentation,  sample program and 
calling sequences;  Motorola S record hex output and multiple-ORG 
statements  for  users  cross-developing;   Amiga  executable   & 
linkable  file formats;  68010/20/30/881/882  instructions;  Dual 
machine  debugging;  Detailed  notes on GST &  DRI  file  formats 
including  special  dump programs for both  formats,  source  (in 
HiSoft  BASIC) included;  Free upgrades for  a  year,  despatched 
DevpacST Developer is available as an upgrade.
                           APPENDIX H

                        REVISION HISTORY

Product History

DevpacST 0.50 was first released in late 1985,  but with  various 
restrictions to do with the editor and lack of linkable code. The 
next  major  version  was 0.91 which was much  improved  in  many 
respects,  followed  by  0.99f,  the last  version  which  didn't 
produce  linkable code.  Version 1.0 was released in April  1986, 
and  underwent a few minor changes before the release of  version 
1.22  in June 1986,  the first version supplied in  a  ring-bound 
manual.  After  various  small  revisions  the  greatly  improved 
version 2.0 was released in April 1988.

Development Technique

DevpacST  was  originally  based  on  DevpacQL,   our   Assembler 
Development suite for the Sinclair QL.  Both GenST and MonST were 
written in assembler on the QL then uploaded via the serial  port 
into  the ST,  and LinkST was written using Lattice C on the  ST. 
Development moved across to the ST around version 1.24 which  had 
minor  changes  made,  reaching version  1.26.  Special  internal 
versions  were  written to experiment with things  like  linkable 
code  and  extended debug and reached version  1.57  before  both 
GenST  and MonST were completely re-written for  version  2.  The 
editor was extensively altered, originally for HiSoft BASIC, then 
Power  BASIC,  then  GenST.  The editor is  written  entirely  in 
assembly language.

Summary of Version 2 Improvements

This section is intended as a quick guide to the main  additional 
features  for  users  who  have  upgraded  from  version  1.2  or 
DevpacST.  It gives an overview of the new features,  for further 
details  you  should  consult the relevant sections  of  the  new 

The Editor

This  has been greatly enhanced,  with an overall improvement  in 
display speed being the most obvious.  The editor supports  lines 
up to 240 characters in length,  sideways scrolling as  required. 
It also works in low-resolution. There is now a horizontal scroll 
bar  and  the  workings of the vertical scroll bar  is  now  more 
"standard".  By default the numeric pad is configured as an  IBM-
style cursor cluster and the text editor. This, combined with the 
saving of preferences,  means the installation program in version 
1 is redundant.  Other programs can be run from within the editor 
using the Run Other facility.

Block  Deleter  has changed to Shift-F5 from  Shift-F3  (as  fast 
left-handed  typists  can  generate  the  Shift-F3  scan-code  in 
ordinary  typing)  and  now remembers  the  block,  if  possible, 
allowing it to be pasted.  A deleted line may be recalled as many 
times as required. A block may be copied to the block buffer, and 
marked blocks are now shown on screen.  Our Saved! desk accessory 
may  be  invoked  at the press of a  key,  there  is  a  keyboard 
shortcut for Save, and the editor will now run in low-resolution.

The Assembler

Symbols are now significant to the first 127 characters and local 
labels  are  supported.  The INCBIN directive  takes  a  straight 
binary  file  and copies it into the  output  file,  particularly 
useful for screen data. Speed - include files are read only once, 
memory permitting, and the binary file is buffered for as long as 
possible.  The absolute maximum speed has over doubled to  75,000 
lines  per  minute though for real programs 35,000 lines  is  the 
norm.  The  output file is also extensively buffered if  possible 
producing   spectacular  improvements   during   floppy-to-floppy 
assemblies in particular.

General  improvements in symbol table searching and hashing  have 
also increased overall speed.  Extended Debug - a HiSoft extended 
version of the DR symbol table,  allowing debugging with up to 22 
character significance. Macro calls and Includes may be nested as 
deeply as memory allows. IFs can be 64K levels deep. TEXT, DATA & 
BSS  segments are properly supported when  generating  executable 

There  is much greater control over  output  filenames.  Multiple 
Modules  &  Sections  -  the GST  linker  format  is  more  fully 
supported  allowing  multiple  modules  and  multiple   sections. 
Externals  may  be  used  in  expressions,  with  each  other  if 
required. DRI linkable code can now be generated.

Optimising  can now be performed by the assembler on things  such 
as short branches.  Macros now support up to 36 parameters multi-
line  calls  and numeric substitution.  The macro buffer  is  now 
dynamic, the free space in the editor workspace is no longer used 
for  this.  REPEAT  loops  are now allowed  and  the  exprerssion 
evaluator  now  includes comparisons.  The REG  directive  allows 
symbolic  register  lists.  There are a  considerable  number  of 
extensions  to the OPT directive.  Octal numbers  are  supported. 
Registers  may  also  be called R0  through  R15.  A  stand-alone 
assembler is supplied for those who use alternate  editors,  CLIs 
or batch files.

Compatibility Issues

Most source files should assemble with little or no changes.  The 
differences to be careful of are: BSS sections - neither RSBSS or 
DSBSS  are supported,  the code should be converted to switch  to 
SECTION BSS then use DS statements.  Symbols now default to case-
dependent and are significant to the first 127 characters.  OPT N 
for narrow listings has been superseded with the FORMAT directive 
allowing much greater flexibility and general listing control has 
been  improved.  The ORG statement has changed which will  effect 
any programs that use it.

HiSoft BASIC users - if creating libraries please note that GenST 
2 output is not accepted by BUILDLIBs prior to version 1.4.

BRA.W  wasn't accepted by version 1,  forcing the use of BRA.L  - 
this is,  strictly speaking, a 68020 instruction so now generates 
a  warning,  BRA.W  (and BRA.B) are now accepted.  Various  minor 
changes have been made to the parsing of instructions allowing  a 
greater  degree  of  flexibility.  If  you  used  (expressions)\W 
(denoting  short-word  addressing) within a macro  this  will  be 
ignored as \W and \L refer to macro parameters and will  probably 
be replaced with nulls.  Use instead (expression).W. which is the 
Motorola standard.

The  use  of  \W  or \L after  register  equates  used  as  index 
registers is no longer required, for example if buf is a register 
equate  then  move,b  d0,0(a6,buf.l)  is  now  allowed.  Register 
equates are now allowed in MOVEMs.  The priority of the  equality 
operator (=) has been changed.

The  GEM  example  program has been changed to  use  a  true  BSS 
section and to fix a bug preventing correct operation under  GDOS 
-  this and its include file can be found in the  OLDGEM  folder. 
Many  new example files are supplied including a  desk  accessory 
and completely new AES and VDI libraries.

The assembler now reports syntactic errors on pass 1 and will not 
start  pass  2  if errors have been found.  It  now  uses  GEMDOS 
character output routines so can be paused with  Ctrl-S,  resumed 
with Ctrl-Q and aborted with Ctrl-C.

There  are several new directives which could  potentially  clash 
with  macro names in GenST 1 source files.  These  are:  COMMENT, 

There are three reserved symbols which could theoretically  clash 
with your own,  all starting with two underlines:  __LK, __RS and 


MonST supports a great number of new features including  multiple 
windows and,  as a result,  has a changed user interface.  It  is 
strongly  recommended that you read the Reference section of  the 
Chapter  4 before trying any serious work with the  new  version. 
The  main new features are:  Multi-window display;  Timed  screen 
switching removing flicker;  Full expression evaluator  including 
indirection; Supports up to 22 significant characters in symbols; 
Multi-resolution allows you to debug a low-res program in  medium 
res  (or vice versa);  Allows the viewing of source files  within 
the  debugger;   Disassemble  to  printer  with  automatic  label 
generation  or  to  a disk  file  in  GenST  format;  Conditional 
breakpoints; History Buffer; Interrupt running programs.

Both GEM and TOS versions of the debugger are now the same except 
for the file extension and one one auto-resident version needs to 
be supplied.


Probably  the greatest improvement to the package as a  whole  is 
the  integration  between its various  parts.  The  assembler  is 
available at the press of a key from the editor,  as it was,  but 
so  is  the debugger.  The assembler can assemble  directly  into 
memory, then the code can be run from the editor without any disk 
accesses.  If required debugging information can also be included 
in  assembled-to-memory programs so they can be debugged  at  the 
press of a key,  directly from the editor. A program assembled to 
memory is a true GEMDOS task so no code changes are required.

Assembly warnings and errors are remembered by the editor and can 
be stepped through by pressing Alt-J.  Errors are no longer  lost 
when  the  number of lines is changed,  though they are  not  re-
calculated.  After an assembly which had an error the editor will 
automatically place the cursor on the line of the first error.


This now supports the HiSoft Extended Debug format and is  faster 
than its predecessors.  It also allows explicit section  ordering 
and  true BSS sections.  Note that LinkST only supports  the  GST 
format - if you wish to link DRI format code you need to use  the 
Atari ALN or the Digital Research LINK68 linkers.

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