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  • Archive : Archive by Jens-Peter HAACK. This program allows to compact and archive a floppy disk or a partition by respecting files.
  • JayMSA : JayMSA is a modernized version of the Magic Shadow Archiver by JAY Software.
  • Magic Shadow Archiver
  • Pasti : Pasti Imaging Tool for ST by Jorge Cwik.


  • Imagers
    • DOS
      • CPDWrite : Copy Protected Disk Writer by Ulrich Doewich.
      • IMGBUILD : Image Build by Daredevil and Tran.g.
      • MakeDisk : MakeDisk by Darren Birks.
      • STDISK : STDISK diskimage by 8Hz Productions.
      • STImage : STImage by dkc.
      • VGA-COPY : VGA-COPY/386.
    • Windows
      • Wfdcopy : Windows Floppy Disk Copy by Hervé PARISSI.
      • [[]] :
      • [[]] :
      • [[]] :
    • MAC
      • Dust : Dust is a utility which can convert Atari ST disks into images which NoSTalgia can use.
  • Programs
    • Converters
      • DOS
        • MSA batch : MSA batch by Aengus Jankowsky.
        • MSATOST : MSA-to-ST by Damien Burke.
        • STTOMSA : ST-to-MSA by Damien Burke.
      • Windows
        • MSA Converter : MSA Converter by Zorg. It's a utility intended to manipulate files embellish
    • Disk Explorers
      • GEMULATOR EXPLORER : Universal Disk Access for Windows by Emulators Inc.
      • MAXIDisk : The Original Floppy Disk Expander by Herne Data Systems Ltd. with images disc used by emulators Atari.
  • FrontEnd
    • DISK2DFI : Formatted Disk Image by Vincent "ApH" Joguin.
    • PaCifiST Dragon : PaCifiST Dragon is a Windows95-frontend for PaCifiST by Andreas Muegge.
    • ST Xife : It's essentially a windows based frontend for the operation of Atari St imaging programs which were designed to be run under MS-DOS by ׳peri-MENTaL.


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