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  • Archive : Archive by Jens-Peter HAACK. This program allows to compact and archive a floppy disk or a partition by respecting files.
  • DISKIMAG : It images not whole disks, just system area. Therefore file extension BFR - Boot, Fat, Root dir. by Pera Putnik.
  • JayMSA : JayMSA is a modernized version of the Magic Shadow Archiver by JAY Software.
  • Magic Shadow Archiver
  • Pasti : Pasti Imaging Tool for ST by Jorge Cwik.


  • Imagers
    • DOS
      • CPDWrite : Copy Protected Disk Writer by Ulrich Doewich.
      • IMGBUILD : Image Build by Daredevil and Tran.g.
      • MakeDisk : MakeDisk by Darren Birks.
      • STDISK : STDISK diskimage by 8Hz Productions.
      • STImage : STImage by dkc.
      • VGA-COPY : VGA-COPY/386.
    • Windows
      • Wfdcopy : Windows Floppy Disk Copy by Hervé PARISSI.
      • FloImg : Floppy Image by Pera Putnik. Purpose of this program is making image files of floppies in first place, for usage with emulators on PC. It works under Windows XP, Win2K and later. For instance it can fast make images of 800KB, 1600KB floppies.
    • MAC
      • Dust : Dust is a utility which can convert Atari ST disks into images which NoSTalgia can use.
  • Programs
    • Converters
      • DOS
        • MSA batch : MSA batch by Aengus Jankowsky.
        • MSATOST : MSA-to-ST by Damien Burke.
        • STTOMSA : ST-to-MSA by Damien Burke.
      • Windows
        • MSA Converter : MSA Converter by Zorg. It's a utility intended to manipulate files embellish
    • Disk Explorers
      • GEMULATOR EXPLORER : Universal Disk Access for Windows by Emulators Inc.
      • MAXIDisk : The Original Floppy Disk Expander by Herne Data Systems Ltd. with images disc used by emulators Atari.
  • FrontEnd
    • DISK2DFI : Formatted Disk Image by Vincent "ApH" Joguin.
    • PaCifiST Dragon : PaCifiST Dragon is a Windows95-frontend for PaCifiST by Andreas Muegge.
    • ST Xife : It's essentially a windows based frontend for the operation of Atari St imaging programs which were designed to be run under MS-DOS by ׳peri-MENTaL.


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