Loader Construction Kit: Difference between revisions

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#REDIRECT [[Loader Construction Kit/fr]]
Version 1.93F (French)
Developed and programmed
Throughout this manual, it is assumed that you are proficient in
using your computer, including mouse operation, icon management,
drop-down menus, and the GEM environment.
If this is not the case, we strongly advise you to carefully read
the manual that comes with your ATARI computer.
To save space, some files on the LOADER CONSTRUCTION KIT disk are compressed.
Here are various instructions to decompress them. These files are
self-extracting with the extension (.TOS).
Please follow the instructions in order.
The original disk should always remain write-protected to avoid
any mishandling.
Disk (A) is the original Loader Construction Kit disk.
Disk (B) is your freshly formatted blank disk.
1) Format a blank double-sided disk (Disk B).
2) Copy the EXEMPLES.TOS file from the original disk (Disk A)
onto your freshly formatted disk (Disk B).
3) Double-click on the EXEMPLES.TOS file (Disk B).
All folders and annexed files will then decompress.
4) Delete the EXEMPLES.TOS file from Disk B.
5) You can now open the EXEMPLES.LCK folder to view
all the decompressed files (Extension .LCK).
Repeat the same operations for the files CHIP.TOS, TRACK.TOS,
Thank you and congratulations on your purchase of the LOADER
CONSTRUCTION KIT. Every effort has been made to make this
software a premium product.
We hope it will meet all your expectations.
The Authors
- Warning page..
- Installation page..
- Protection page..
- Introduction page..
- Description of drop-down menus page ..
- Saving your work page ..
- List of names page ..
- Managing the background image page ..
- Touch-ups page ..
- Graphic effects page ..
- Scrolling page ..
- Music page ..
- Program compressor page ..
- Passive test of loader page ..
Any reproduction or copying by any means must be distributed for free.
It may not be altered, either completely or partially, nor any other files linked to it.
The disk is not copy-protected. However, before you start working with the Loader Construction Kit, we recommend making a copy of the original and then storing it safely.
Use the copy disk for all your operations.
This software is designed to be used under GEM and in medium
resolution on your Atari ST. If you try to load the program
in low or high resolution, you will get a message indicating that
this cannot be done.
It works on all ATARI ST compatible computers, such as the ST, STF, STE, MEGA STF & MEGA STE, and can be
installed and used on your hard drive if you wish.
CAUTION: For optimal use, it is preferable to use
the program Loader Construction Kit on a computer
with at least 1 Mega of RAM and equipped with a
520 ST owners (512KB memory) must have a minimum of desktop accessories (see none...) to
save as much memory as possible.
The LOADER CONSTRUCTION KIT software, however, is protected by logical
Before each use, the program will ask you to enter a series of 3 colors located on a grid supplied with the software.
You will then be given a code corresponding to the abscissa and ordinate
of one of the cells on this grid (a letter + a number). Use your
computer's mouse and click on the chosen color from among the
9 options to validate your response.
This operation must be repeated 3 times to define your
color series.
If you do not enter the correct color series, the software will automatically return to the GEM desktop without launching.
* LOADER CONSTRUCTION KIT is a loader creation software.
(In English: Selection and loading menu.)
It allows, without any knowledge of computer programming,
the creation of an executable file integrating: music,
text scrolling, background image, graphic effects, etc.
This allows you to personalize your demos, recreational or professional applications, advertisements, or to grant access to the computing world to any novice person from 5 to 77 years old...!!
Moreover, its extreme ease of use will enable you to design your projects in record time, with your talent as the only limit.
* The Loader Construction Kit uses the GEM interface of your ATARI ST
in medium resolution. It is operated entirely with the mouse
or keyboard shortcuts.
This option provides different information; the program version number, the publisher's contact details,
the authors' names, etc.
In this drop-down menu, you have access to a series of
file management functions.
NEW - Resets all variables..
LOAD.LCK - Load a .LCK file (F1)
SAVE.LCK - Save a .LCK file (F2)
TEST.LCK - Test the operation of your loader (simulation..)
COMPILE LOADER - Creation of a LOADER.PRG on the disk..
DELETE FILE - Delete a file on disk.
RENAME FILE - Rename a file on disk.
CREATE FOLDER - Creation of a new folder on disk.
EXIT LCK - Exit the Loader Construction Kit program
and return to GEM.
SELECT DRIVE: - Choice of the active floppy drive or hard drive.
DISK INFO: - Clicking on the A or B icon, you get the available space
on your floppy disk.
It also provides various other information,
such as the type of floppy disk, the number of sides, and
tracks, etc.
- Clicking on the BOOT SPY option, you can test for
the presence of a virus on the floppy disk.
CAUTION: Do not use this option on original
floppy disks.
FORMAT: - This option gives you a disk formatter.
The formatting performed is the same as that under the
GEM desktop of your ATARI
EXECUTE .PRG: - This option allows you to run another program
while remaining under the control of the LOADER CONSTRUCTION
- You must have at least one mega of RAM
to use this option..
LOAD .P?1: Loading an image in Degas Elite format
(PI1 & PC1)
LOAD .NEO: Loading an image in Neochrome format
SAVE .PI1: Save an image in Degas Elite format (.PI1)
SAVE .NEO: Save an image in Neochrome format (.NEO)
In order to retain your creations, it is imperative to
save them on a floppy disk or hard drive.
To do this, use the option SAVE .LCK from the FILES Menu, or
press the FUNCTION KEY F2
The extension (.LCK) will be automatically added by the program
with each save.
PS: For protection, if a file with the same
name already exists, a (.BAK) file is automatically created .
So watch out for the free space on your floppy disk...!
Of course, you can subsequently reload your creations
by using the LOAD .LCK option from the FILES Menu, or press
After finishing your LOADER, you can save it as
an executable program directly under the GEM desktop.
To do this, use the option COMPILE LOADER from the drop-down
menu and follow the program's instructions.
After compiling, do not change the name of the executable file
created by the program (LOADER.PRG). This would cause an error
when launching it...
* Click on the NAME icon or press the function key F3
to access the dialogue box.
This option allows you to define the list of NAMES for
EXECUTABLE PROGRAMS that you want to load through
your LOADER.
The maximum number of these programs is 18, but you can
increase this limit by chaining multiple loaders together.
* To create your loader, you must define the NAMES of the EXECUTABLE PROGRAMS to be launched and the KEYS assigned to them.
For this, use your mouse and proceed as follows:
- Click on the PRG №1 box
- The GEM file selector appears,
then click on the chosen FILE (executable..!).
- The program then asks you to hit the KEY
associated with this FILE.
- Return to the main dialogue box where the File Name and the Keyboard Code of the key are displayed.
- Proceed in the same way for all programs
to create your list.
* Each Program to be launched must be located in the same DIRECTORY
as the LOADER.PRG file on your Floppy Disk or hard drive.
* For the LOADER to launch a Program under GEM, it must not be
compiled in an AUTO folder.
* If the programs to be launched are COMPRESSED, there may be
conflicts with the LOADER and memory.(Run TESTS...!)
* Avoid mixing programs that operate at different resolutions (Low or Medium) in your list.
* If you have decided to compile your LOADER in an AUTO folder,
the programs in your list must be located at the root of the directory on your floppy disk.
These must not call GEM and must operate
To load or save a background image, click on the IMAGE icon or press the function key F3.
You can also use the BACKGROUND IMAGE drop-down menu.
- This option allows you to load an image into your computer's memory (the background image) which will later serve as a graphic backdrop for your loader.
The LOADER CONSTRUCTION KIT can load images of the Degas Elite type (extension .PI1 or .PC1), or Neochrome type (extension .NEO),
these three file formats being the most common in the ST-compatible computer world.
After each read, the program displays the image that has just been loaded; click the right mouse button to
return to the main screen.
This option allows saving the background image stored in your computer's memory. The LOADER CONSTRUCTION KIT can save this image in Degas (.PI1) or Neochrome (.NEO) formats.
( the program will automatically add the extension of the chosen image format with each save )
VIEW BACKGROUND IMAGE: ( View Image or Function Key F3 )
- This option allows you to view the background image stored in your computer's memory at any time.
After viewing it, click the right mouse button to
return to the main screen.
Click on the DRAWING icon or press the function key F5 to
access the dialogue box.
- This option allows you to load your drawing program directly within the Loader Construction Kit to make touch-ups to your various graphics.
- You will then be asked to specify the desired resolution to launch your drawing program.
Since some software uses GEM, despite a usage in LOW resolution, the benefit of MEDIUM
resolution is highly appreciable.
(Example: Neochrome...)
CAUTION: It is strongly recommended to have a computer
with at least one mega of RAM to use
this option.
Click on the EFFECTS icon or press the function key F6 to access the graphic effects definition screen.
- This option gives you the possibility to combine various foreground and background effects for your background image.
You have 6 types of appearance effects and as many for disappearance.
- The selection of such effects is done through icons represented by a drawing.
Click on the desired effect, then on TEST to preview your choice.
- After viewing the effect, click the right mouse button to
return to the dialogue box.
- To have no appearance or disappearance effects, select
the NORMAL option in the dialogue box.
Click on the SCROLLS icon or press the function key F7
to access the scrolling definition screen.
You can define vertical scrolling of a maximum height of 33
- First, enter the text of your scrolling,
click on the WRITE TEXT button.
- The text editor box then appears:
(with the ASCII order of authorized characters..)
- Then just type your text.
The maximum size of your text is 720 characters.
The ESC key allows you to erase the line where
the cursor is located.
* You also have the options LOAD, SAVE, and
DELETE (Extension: .TXT )
- You must have loaded the image containing
the objects to be scrolled into the buffer:
These objects will most often be text font drawings, but it is not forbidden to scroll mountains, clouds, etc.
- To load your font image into memory, use
the option LOAD FONTS. (Extension .PI1, .PC1 or .NEO)
After loading, your image will automatically be previewed.
Click the right mouse button to return to
the dialogue box.
- Then you can save, in the Degas format, the
same image using the option SAVE FONTS.
- The save format of this option is different
from the standard DEGAS format, in that the size of the fonts
(size defined by the HEIGHT and WIDTH parameters)
is saved along with the image.
This facilitates the use of your fonts while remaining
compatible with all drawing software.
- The option VIEW FONTS will allow you to preview your font image at any time.
- The option DELETE FONTS will allow you to clear the memory buffer where your font image is stored.
- Then you must specify the size of your objects to
scroll using the PARAMETERS box:
- WIDTH: Use the increment arrows to define in pixels the width of each object.
(Maximum 8x4=32 Pixels)
- HEIGHT: Use the increment arrows to define in pixels the height of each object.
(Maximum 33 pixels)
- Click on CREATE TRAJECTORY to define the location of the
your scrolling trajectory directly on your background image.
- For this, use your ST's mouse, move the trajectory
(Y) directly with your mouse.
The location of your scrolling is then displayed
on the screen by 2 parallel lines.
Click the LEFT MOUSE BUTTON to validate your
- Do the same to define and validate the two parameters X1 & X2
(Start and end column of the scroll)
- To validate your scrolling, click on ON.
The TEST option allows you to check and preview your scrolling.
20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)[[User:Olivier.jan|Olivier.jan]] ([[User talk:Olivier.jan|talk]])
20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)[[User:Olivier.jan|Olivier.jan]] ([[User talk:Olivier.jan|talk]])
GRILLE: The grid option allows you to create a grid in the
format of the desired fonts, then save it in the Degas
(extension .PI1) format and work on it using your drawing software.
This facilitates the creation or touch-up of new
text fonts.
Click on the MUSIC icon or press the function key F8 to access the music definition box.
This option allows you to load music into your computer's memory and play it during the execution of your loader.
Sound on your ATARI can be obtained in two ways; by programming the sound chip or by playing sampled tunes.
You therefore have the option to load music of either SOUND CHIP type or SOUND-TRACK STE (.MOD) type.
- You can load Sound Chip type music using the LOAD option.
The music will then automatically play as soon as you return to the
dialogue box.
- For Chips composed of several tunes, you can
specify the number of the tune to play using the CHIP NUMBER option.
For this, click with your mouse on the two increment arrows of the counter.
CAUTION: Any loading of an unknown format other than MAD MAX,
WHITTAKER may "Crash" your machine.
- You can save the Sound Chip music in memory to a floppy disk with the SAVE option in the dialogue box.
(Extension: .ZIK)
* SOUND-TRACKS STE: (If you have an STE..!!)
- You can load uncompacted SoundTrack STE type music using the LOAD SoundTrack STE option.
The music will then automatically play as soon as you return to the
dialogue box.
- For better audio quality, Sound-tracks use
a high amount of machine time, therefore, there is a risk of disrupting
the text-scrolling if the scrolling trajectory or the fonts used are too large.
CAUTION: Do not attempt to load music files of formats other than those indicated, as this could force a system shutdown. The program will always try to verify that the music is in the expected format before using it; however, something may go wrong.
Click on the PACK icon or press the function key F9 to
access the dialogue box.
20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)[[User:Olivier.jan|Olivier.jan]] ([[User talk:Olivier.jan|talk]]) 20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)

Revision as of 21:49, 17 December 2023

                       --- USER MANUAL ---

            L O A D E R     C O N S T R U C T I O N     K I T         
                       Version  1.93F  (French)

                        Developed and programmed 
                           GRANDHOMME André

   Throughout this manual, it is assumed that you are proficient in 
   using your computer, including mouse operation, icon management, 
   drop-down menus, and the GEM environment.
   If this is not the case, we strongly advise you to carefully read 
   the manual that comes with your ATARI computer.


To save space, some files on the LOADER CONSTRUCTION KIT disk are compressed.

Here are various instructions to decompress them. These files are self-extracting with the extension (.TOS).

Please follow the instructions in order.

The original disk should always remain write-protected to avoid any mishandling.


Disk (A) is the original Loader Construction Kit disk. Disk (B) is your freshly formatted blank disk.

1) Format a blank double-sided disk (Disk B).

2) Copy the EXEMPLES.TOS file from the original disk (Disk A)

  onto your freshly formatted disk (Disk B).

3) Double-click on the EXEMPLES.TOS file (Disk B).

  All folders and annexed files will then decompress.

4) Delete the EXEMPLES.TOS file from Disk B.

5) You can now open the EXEMPLES.LCK folder to view

  all the decompressed files (Extension .LCK).

Repeat the same operations for the files CHIP.TOS, TRACK.TOS, DESSINS.TOS, and FONTES.TOS.


    Thank you and congratulations on your purchase of the LOADER 

CONSTRUCTION KIT. Every effort has been made to make this software a premium product.

We hope it will meet all your expectations.

                                                The Authors

                            --- TABLE OF CONTENTS ---


              - Warning                                      page..
              - Installation                                 page..
              - Protection                                   page..
              - Introduction                                 page.. 


              - Description of drop-down menus               page ..
              - Saving your work                             page ..
              - List of names                                page ..
              - Managing the background image                page ..
              - Touch-ups                                    page ..
              - Graphic effects                              page ..
              - Scrolling                                    page ..
              - Music                                        page ..
              - Program compressor                           page ..
              - Passive test of loader                       page ..



                             CHAPTER I


    Any reproduction or copying by any means must be distributed for free.

It may not be altered, either completely or partially, nor any other files linked to it.


    The disk is not copy-protected. However, before you start working with the Loader Construction Kit, we recommend making a copy of the original and then storing it safely.

Use the copy disk for all your operations.

    This software is designed to be used under GEM and in medium 

resolution on your Atari ST. If you try to load the program in low or high resolution, you will get a message indicating that this cannot be done.

It works on all ATARI ST compatible computers, such as the ST, STF, STE, MEGA STF & MEGA STE, and can be installed and used on your hard drive if you wish.

CAUTION: For optimal use, it is preferable to use

          the program Loader Construction Kit on a computer
          with at least 1 Mega of RAM and equipped with a
          520 ST owners (512KB memory) must have a minimum of desktop accessories (see none...) to 
          save as much memory as possible.


The LOADER CONSTRUCTION KIT software, however, is protected by logical protection.

Before each use, the program will ask you to enter a series of 3 colors located on a grid supplied with the software.

You will then be given a code corresponding to the abscissa and ordinate of one of the cells on this grid (a letter + a number). Use your computer's mouse and click on the chosen color from among the 9 options to validate your response. This operation must be repeated 3 times to define your color series.

If you do not enter the correct color series, the software will automatically return to the GEM desktop without launching.

     * LOADER CONSTRUCTION KIT is a loader creation software.
       (In English: Selection and loading menu.)
       It allows, without any knowledge of computer programming, 
       the creation of an executable file integrating: music, 
       text scrolling, background image, graphic effects, etc.

       This allows you to personalize your demos, recreational or professional applications, advertisements, or to grant access to the computing world to any novice person from 5 to 77 years old...!!
       Moreover, its extreme ease of use will enable you to design your projects in record time, with your talent as the only limit.
                           CHAPTER II


*  The Loader Construction Kit uses the GEM interface of your ATARI ST
   in medium resolution. It is operated entirely with the mouse 
   or keyboard shortcuts.


    This option provides different information; the program version number, the publisher's contact details, 
    the authors' names, etc.  


    In this drop-down menu, you have access to a series of 
    file management functions.
         NEW - Resets all variables..
     LOAD.LCK - Load a .LCK file   (F1)
      SAVE.LCK - Save a .LCK file   (F2) 
      TEST.LCK - Test the operation of your loader (simulation..)   
 COMPILE LOADER - Creation of a LOADER.PRG on the disk..
 DELETE FILE - Delete a file on disk.
RENAME FILE - Rename a file on disk.
    CREATE FOLDER - Creation of a new folder on disk.
     EXIT LCK - Exit the Loader Construction Kit program
                   and return to GEM.


SELECT DRIVE: - Choice of the active floppy drive or hard drive.

  DISK INFO:   - Clicking on the A or B icon, you get the available space 
                   on your floppy disk.
                   It also provides various other information, 
                   such as the type of floppy disk, the number of sides, and 
                   tracks, etc.
                 - Clicking on the BOOT SPY option, you can test for 
                   the presence of a virus on the floppy disk. 
                   CAUTION:  Do not use this option on original 
                               floppy disks.  

    FORMAT:  - This option gives you a disk formatter.
                 The formatting performed is the same as that under the 
                 GEM desktop of your ATARI 
EXECUTE .PRG: - This option allows you to run another program
                 while remaining under the control of the LOADER CONSTRUCTION
               - You must have at least one mega of RAM
                 to use this option..


     LOAD .P?1: Loading an image in Degas Elite format
                   (PI1 & PC1)
     LOAD .NEO: Loading an image in Neochrome format
      SAVE .PI1:  Save an image in Degas Elite format (.PI1)
      SAVE .NEO:  Save an image in Neochrome format (.NEO)

                     SAVING YOUR WORK                    


     In order to retain your creations, it is imperative to 
     save them on a floppy disk or hard drive. 
     To do this, use the option SAVE .LCK from the FILES Menu, or 
     press the FUNCTION KEY F2 
     The extension (.LCK) will be automatically added by the program 
     with each save.

PS: For protection, if a file with the same

     name already exists, a (.BAK) file is automatically created .
     So watch out for the free space on your floppy disk...!


     Of course, you can subsequently reload your creations 
     by using the LOAD .LCK option from the FILES Menu, or press 
     the FUNCTION KEY F1


     After finishing your LOADER, you can save it as 
     an executable program directly under the GEM desktop.
     To do this, use the option COMPILE LOADER from the drop-down 
     menu and follow the program's instructions.
     After compiling, do not change the name of the executable file
     created by the program (LOADER.PRG). This would cause an error 
     when launching it...

                           LIST OF NAMES                    

   * Click on the NAME icon or press the function key F3 
     to access the dialogue box.
     This option allows you to define the list of NAMES for 
     EXECUTABLE PROGRAMS that you want to load through 
     your LOADER.
     The maximum number of these programs is 18, but you can 
     increase this limit by chaining multiple loaders together. 
   * To create your loader, you must define the NAMES of the EXECUTABLE PROGRAMS to be launched and the KEYS assigned to them.
   For this, use your mouse and proceed as follows:
           - Click on the PRG №1 box
           - The GEM file selector appears,
             then click on the chosen FILE (executable..!).
           - The program then asks you to hit the KEY 
             associated with this FILE.
           - Return to the main dialogue box where the File Name and the Keyboard Code of the key are displayed.
           - Proceed in the same way for all programs
             to create your list.

* Each Program to be launched must be located in the same DIRECTORY
  as the LOADER.PRG file on your Floppy Disk or hard drive. 
* For the LOADER to launch a Program under GEM, it must not be 
  compiled in an AUTO folder.
* If the programs to be launched are COMPRESSED, there may be 
  conflicts with the LOADER and memory.(Run TESTS...!)
* Avoid mixing programs that operate at different resolutions (Low or Medium) in your list.
* If you have decided to compile your LOADER in an AUTO folder, 
  the programs in your list must be located at the root of the directory on your floppy disk.
  These must not call GEM and must operate 

                    MANAGING THE BACKGROUND IMAGE                    

To load or save a background image, click on the IMAGE icon or press the function key F3. You can also use the BACKGROUND IMAGE drop-down menu.


   - This option allows you to load an image into your computer's memory (the background image) which will later serve as a graphic backdrop for your loader.
     The LOADER CONSTRUCTION KIT can load images of the Degas Elite type (extension .PI1 or .PC1), or Neochrome type (extension .NEO),
     these three file formats being the most common in the ST-compatible computer world.
     After each read, the program displays the image that has just been loaded; click the right mouse button to 
     return to the main screen. 


      This option allows saving the background image stored in your computer's memory. The LOADER CONSTRUCTION KIT can save this image in Degas (.PI1) or Neochrome (.NEO) formats.

( the program will automatically add the extension of the chosen image format with each save )

VIEW BACKGROUND IMAGE: ( View Image or Function Key F3 )

    - This option allows you to view the background image stored in your computer's memory at any time.
      After viewing it, click the right mouse button to 
      return to the main screen. 


Click on the DRAWING icon or press the function key F5 to 
access the dialogue box.
    - This option allows you to load your drawing program directly within the Loader Construction Kit to make touch-ups to your various graphics.
    - You will then be asked to specify the desired resolution to launch your drawing program. 
      Since some software uses GEM, despite a usage in LOW resolution, the benefit of MEDIUM 
    resolution is highly appreciable.
    (Example: Neochrome...)   

CAUTION: It is strongly recommended to have a computer

           with at least one mega of RAM to use 
           this option.

                            GRAPHIC EFFECTS                   

Click on the EFFECTS icon or press the function key F6 to access the graphic effects definition screen.

     - This option gives you the possibility to combine various foreground and background effects for your background image. 
       You have 6 types of appearance effects and as many for disappearance.
     - The selection of such effects is done through icons represented by a drawing. 
     Click on the desired effect, then on TEST to preview your choice.
     - After viewing the effect, click the right mouse button to 
     return to the dialogue box. 
     - To have no appearance or disappearance effects, select 
     the NORMAL option in the dialogue box.


 Click on the SCROLLS icon or press the function key F7 
 to access the scrolling definition screen.
 You can define vertical scrolling of a maximum height of 33 

         - First, enter the text of your scrolling,
           click on the WRITE TEXT button.  
         - The text editor box then appears:
           (with the ASCII order of authorized characters..)
         - Then just type your text.
           The maximum size of your text is 720 characters.
           The ESC key allows you to erase the line where
           the cursor is located.         
         * You also have the options LOAD, SAVE, and
           DELETE (Extension: .TXT )
         - You must have loaded the image containing 
           the objects to be scrolled into the buffer:
           These objects will most often be text font drawings, but it is not forbidden to scroll mountains, clouds, etc.
         - To load your font image into memory, use 
           the option LOAD FONTS. (Extension .PI1, .PC1 or .NEO) 
           After loading, your image will automatically be previewed.

           Click the right mouse button to return to 
           the dialogue box.

         - Then you can save, in the Degas format, the
            same image using the option SAVE FONTS.
         - The save format of this option is different 
           from the standard DEGAS format, in that the size of the fonts 
           (size defined by the HEIGHT and WIDTH parameters)
           is saved along with the image. 
           This facilitates the use of your fonts while remaining 
           compatible with all drawing software.

         - The option VIEW FONTS will allow you to preview your font image at any time.
         - The option DELETE FONTS will allow you to clear the memory buffer where your font image is stored.          

     - Then you must specify the size of your objects to 
       scroll using the PARAMETERS box:
         - WIDTH: Use the increment arrows to define in pixels the width of each object.
                   (Maximum 8x4=32 Pixels)

         - HEIGHT: Use the increment arrows to define in pixels the height of each object.
                    (Maximum 33 pixels)

      - Click on CREATE TRAJECTORY to define the location of the
        your scrolling trajectory directly on your background image.
      - For this, use your ST's mouse, move the trajectory
        (Y) directly with your mouse. 
        The location of your scrolling is then displayed 
        on the screen by 2 parallel lines. 
        Click the LEFT MOUSE BUTTON to validate your 
      - Do the same to define and validate the two parameters X1 & X2
        (Start and end column of the scroll)             


                  - To validate your scrolling, click on ON.
                    The TEST option allows you to check and preview your scrolling.

20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)Olivier.jan (talk) IF ANY PARAMETERS ARE MISSING FROM THE PROGRAM, THIS ACTION WILL BE IMPOSSIBLE..! 20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)Olivier.jan (talk)

GRILLE:  The grid option allows you to create a grid in the
         format of the desired fonts, then save it in the Degas 
         (extension .PI1) format and work on it using your drawing software.
         This facilitates the creation or touch-up of new 
         text fonts.


Click on the MUSIC icon or press the function key F8 to access the music definition box.

This option allows you to load music into your computer's memory and play it during the execution of your loader.

Sound on your ATARI can be obtained in two ways; by programming the sound chip or by playing sampled tunes.

You therefore have the option to load music of either SOUND CHIP type or SOUND-TRACK STE (.MOD) type.



       - You can load Sound Chip type music using the LOAD option.
         The music will then automatically play as soon as you return to the 
         dialogue box. 
       - For Chips composed of several tunes, you can 
         specify the number of the tune to play using the CHIP NUMBER option. 
         For this, click with your mouse on the two increment arrows of the counter.

CAUTION: Any loading of an unknown format other than MAD MAX,

           WHITTAKER may "Crash" your machine.


       - You can save the Sound Chip music in memory to a floppy disk with the SAVE option in the dialogue box.
         (Extension: .ZIK)

* SOUND-TRACKS STE: (If you have an STE..!!)
    - You can load uncompacted SoundTrack STE type music using the LOAD SoundTrack STE option.
      The music will then automatically play as soon as you return to the 
      dialogue box. 
    - For better audio quality, Sound-tracks use 
      a high amount of machine time, therefore, there is a risk of disrupting 
      the text-scrolling if the scrolling trajectory or the fonts used are too large.

CAUTION: Do not attempt to load music files of formats other than those indicated, as this could force a system shutdown. The program will always try to verify that the music is in the expected format before using it; however, something may go wrong.

                         PROGRAM COMPRESSOR                    

 Click on the PACK icon or press the function key F9 to 
 access the dialogue box.

20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)Olivier.jan (talk) 20:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC) FOR