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Well,  we've  almost completed this huge coverage of  the  Devpac 
system,  which  was  typed in its entirety by the  Animal  House. 
Edited by Sewer Rat for use in Doc Disk Number 8.

                            CHAPTER 4

                        SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER


Programs  written  in assembly language are  particularly  error-
prone  because  even a slight mistake can result  in  the  entire 
machine crashing.  There are various forms of bugs,  ranging from 
the trivial (e.g.  a missing CR in a printout),  though the usual 
(e.g.  an incorrect result_ to the very serious (e.g. the machine 
completely hanging, perhaps with a weird display).

To help you find and correct all forms of bugs, DevpacST includes 
MonST.  MonST is a symbolic debugger and disassembler which  lets 
you examine programs and memory,  execute programs an instruction 
at  a  time and trap processor exceptions  caused  by  programmer 
error. As MonST is symbolic you can look at your program complete 
with all the original labels,  making debugging very much  easier 
than having to battle with 6-digit hex numbers.

Although MonSt is a low-level debugger, displaying such things as 
68000 instructions and bytes of memory,  it can also be used  for 
debugging  programs  written  with any  compiler  that  generates 
machine-code output.  If the compiler has the option to dump  the 
symbols into the binary code then you will see your procedure and 
function  names  within  the code,  and you can  even  view  your 
original  source  code.  We ourselves used MonST  when  debugging 
LinkST,  which  was  written in a C  compiler,  MonST  and  GenST 
themselves were written entirely in assembly language.

As MonST uses its own screen memory,  the display of your program 
is  not destroyed when you single-step or breakpoint,  making  it 
particularly  useful  for graphical-output programs such  as  GEM 
applications or games.  It also uses it own screen drivers so  it 
is  possible  to  single-step into the  operating  system  screen 
routines such as the AES or BIOS without affecting the debugger.

There are three versions of MonST supplied on the disk.  All  are 
similar  to  use  and  are provided  to  make  the  debugging  of 
different  types  of programs easy.  the  Exact  differences  are 
detailed later.

68000 Exceptions

MonST  uses  the  68000  processor  exceptions  to  stop  runaway 
programs and to single-step,  so at this point it would be useful 
to  explain them and what normally happens when they occur on  an 

There  are  various  types of  exception  that  can  occur,  some 
deliberately,  others  accidentally.  When  one  does  occur  the 
processor saves some information on the SSP, goes into Supervisor 
mode and jumps to an exception handler.  When MonST is active  it 
re-directs  some of these exceptions so it can take control  when 
they occur. The various forms of exceptions, their usual results, 
and  what happens when they occur with MonST active is  shown  in 
the following table:

Ex. No. Exception           Usual effect       MonST active
   2    bus error           bombs              trapped
   3    address error       bombs              trapped
   4    illegal instruction bombs              trapped
   5    zero divide         bombs              trapped
   6    CHK instruction     bombs              trapped
   7    TRAPV instruction   bombs              trapped
   8    privilege violation bombs              trapped
   9    trace               bombs              trapped
  10    line 1010 emulator  fast VDI interface fast VDI interface
  11    line 1111 emulator  internal TOS       internal TOS
  32    trap #0             bombs              trapped
  33    trap #1             GEMDOS call        GEMDOS call
  34    trap #2             AES/VDI call       AES/VDI call
35-44   trap #3-#12         bombs              trapped
  45    trap #13            XBIOS call         XBIOS call
  46    trap #14            BIOS call          BIOS call
  47    trap #15            bombs              trapped

The exact causes of the above exceptions (and how best to recover 
from  them)  are  detailed at the end of  this  section,  but  to 

Exceptions  2  to  8 are caused by a  programmer  error  and  are 
trapped by MonST.

Exception  9  can remotely be caused by programmer error  and  is 
used by MonST for single stepping.

Exceptions 10,  11,  33, 34, 45 and 46 are used by the system and 
left alone.

The  rest  (i.e.  the unused Trap exceptions) are  diverted  into 
MonST,  but  can  subsequently be re-defined to be  exploited  by 
programs if required.

The  'bombs'  entry  in the table above means that  the  ST  will 
attempt  to  recover from the exception,  but it  is  not  always 

When an exception occurs, the ST prints on the screen a number of 
bomb  shapes   or mushrooms on disk-loaded  GEMDOS),  the  number 
being equal to the exception number.  Having done this,  it  will 
abort  the current program (losing any unsaved data from it)  and 
attempt a return to Desktop.

If  the exception was caused by or resulted in  important  system 
variables  being  destroyed  then the attempt may  fail  and  the 
machine will not recover.

Occasionally  very  nasty crashes can cause the whole  screen  to 
fill with bombs (or mushrooms) which looks very  impressive,  but 
is not very useful!

Memory Layout

The  usual  versions  of  MonSt  co-reside  with  programs  being 
debugged;  that is, they are loaded, ask for a filename, and load 
that file in together with any labels.

It  is  useful  to  examine the usual  logical  memory  map  (the 
physical  layout  in shown in Appendix C) both with  and  without 
MonST, shown in Figure 4.1 on the next page.

                           high memory
          Free                                     Free
         Program                                  Program
         System                                   System
                            low memory
      Without MonST                              With MonST

                 Figure 4.1 - Logical Memory Map

The actual code size of MonST is around 23k,  but in addition  it 
requires an additional 32k of workspace.  This may seem large but 
it  is  required for the copy of the ST screen  memory  saved  by 
MonSt; this is a most useful feature of the debugger.

The three versions of MonST supplied are:

          MONST2.PRG    GEM interactive version
          MONST2.TOS    TOS interactive version
          AMONST2. PRG  Auto-resident version

For  now  the  first two will  be  described;  the  auto-resident 
version  is  described later but is very similar in  use  to  the 

Invoking MonST

From the Desktop

The  two  interactive versions of MonST  are  actually  identical 
except for the filename extension. The GEM version should be used 
for GEM-based programs,  which require use of the mouse and  have 
initially a grey-pattern screen,  while the TOS version should be 
used for TOS-based programs which require the flashing TOS cursor 
and  have  initially a white screen display.  Both  versions  are 
invoked  by  double-clicking on their respective icons  from  the 

Note:  If  you  debug a TOS program with the GEM version  of  the 
debugger  it will work fine but the screen display will  probably 
be messy;  however,  debugging a GEM program with a TOS  debugger 
will  cause  all sorts of nasty problems to occur and  should  be 

From the Editor

When  GenST is invoked it automatically looks for and  loads  the 
file  MONST2.PRG into memory (unless this option is  disabled  in 
the  Preferences  option in the editor).  The  debugger  is  then 
instantly available at the press of a key from within the editor.

Pressing  Alt-M or clicking on MonST from the Program  menu  will 
then  invoke it in a similar way to that described for the  disk-
based version only very much more quickly.

Pressing  Alt-D or clicking on Debug from the Program  menu  will 
invoke  MonST  but  will also  automatically  prepare  a  program 
previously assembled to memory to be run,  including any  symbols 
within it.

The type of initial screen mode used when invoked from the editor 
is determined by the Run with GEM menu item on the Program menu - 
if  a  check mark is present then GEM  screen  initialisation  is 
done,  otherwise  TOS screen initialisation  is used.  The  rules 
described   above   about  using  the  wrong   type   of   screen 
initialisation are also relevant to the in-memory debugger.

Symbolic Debugging

A major feature of MonST is its ability to use symbols taken from 
the original program whilst debugging. MonST supports two formats 
for  debug information - the DRI standard,  which allows up to  8 
characters  per  symbol,  and the HiSoft Extended  Debug  format, 
allowing up to 22 characters.  Both GenST and LinkST can  produce 
both formats,  and many other vendors' compilers and linkers have 
an  option to produce DRI-format debugging  information.  We  are 
trying  to  establish  the Hi-Soft Extended format  as  a  second 
standard  on the ST,  but at the time of writing the  only  other 
products to support the format are HiSoft BASIC and FTL-Modula 2.

MonST Dialogue and Alert Boxes

MonST  makes extensive use of dialogue and alert-boxes which  are 
similar  in  concept to those in GEM programs  but  have  several 
differences.  MonST does not use genuine GEM-type boxes in  order 
for  it  to  remain robust - that is to  avoid  interaction  when 
debugging programs that themselves use GEM calls. In addition the 
mouse  is  not available within the debugger itself  which  makes 
things like true GEM buttons impossible.

A  MonST dialogue box displays the prompt ESC to abort above  the 
top  left  corner of the box together  with  a  prompt,  normally 
followed  by a blank line with a cursor.  At any time a  dialogue 
box  may be aborted by pressing Esc,  or data may be  entered  by 
typing.  The cursor keys,  Backspace and Del keys may be used  to 
edit  entered  text in the usual way and the whole  line  may  be 
delted by pressing the Clr  key - note that this is different  to 
GEM  dialogue boxes which use the Esc key to delete a whole  line 
of  text.  An entered line is terminated by pressing  the  Return 
key, though if the line contains errors the screen will flash and 
the  Return key will be ignored allowing correction of  the  data 
before pressing Return again. Another difference is that dialogue 
boxes  that require more than one line of data to be  entered  do 
not  allow  the  use of the cursor up and  down  keys  to  switch 
between  different lines - in MonST the lines have to be  entered 
in order.

A  MonST alert box is a small box displaying a  message  together 
with the prompt (Return) and is normally used to inform the  user 
of  some form of error.  The box will disappear on  pressing  the 
Return or Esc keys, whichever is more convenient.

Initial Display

Unless  you  have chosen the Debug option within the  editor  you 
will be presented with a dialogue box prompting for an executable 
program name. If you wish to debug a program from disk you should 
enter the filename (which defaults to an extension of .PRG)  then 
press Return,  then you will be prompted for any command line. If 
you do not wish to debug a program from disk at this  stage,  for 
example  you  wish to investigate memory,  press the Esc  key  or 
enter a blank filename.

Low Res:  Certain features work differently or are not  available 
when  using  MonST in low resolution.  They are shown  with  this 

Front Panel Display

The main display of MonST is via a Front Panel showing registers, 
memory and instructions. The name Front Panel stems from the type 
of  panels that were mounted on mainframe and mini  computers  to 
provide  information on the state of the machine at a  particular 
moment,  usually through the use of flashing lights. These lights 
represent  whether  or  not  particular  flip-flops   (electronic 
switches) within the computer are open or closed;  the flip-flops 
that are chosen to be shown on this panel are normally those that 
make  up  the internal registers and flags of the  computer  thus 
enabling  programmers and engineers to observe what the  computer 
is doing when running a program.

So these are hardware front panel displays;  what MonST  provides 
you with is a software front panel - the code within MonST  works 
out the state of your computer and then displays this information 
on the screen.

The  initial MonSt display consists of four windows,  similar  to 
those shown in Figure 4.1.  In low-resolution the arrangement  of    
two  of the windows is slightly different to allow efficient  use 
of the smaller available screen space.

1. Registers

D0:00000000 601E 0100 00FC 0020
D1:00000000 601E 0100 00FC 0020
D2:00000000 601E 0100 00FC 0020
D3:00000000 601E 0100 00FC 0020
D4:00000000 601E 0100 00FC 0020
D5:00000000 601E 0100 00FC 0020
D6:00000000 601E 0100 00FC 0020
D7:00000000 601E 0100 00FC 0020
SR:0000  U
PC:00FC0020 MOVE,W #$2700,SR

A0:00000000 601E 0100 00FC 0020 0003 9752
A1:00000000 601E 0100 00FC 0020 0003 9752
A2:00000000 601E 0100 00FC 0020 0003 9752
A3:00000000 601E 0100 00FC 0020 0003 9752
A4:00000000 601E 0100 00FC 0020 0003 9752
A5:00000000 601E 0100 00FC 0020 0003 9752
A6:00000000 601E 0100 00FC 0020 0003 9752
A7:00000000 601E 0100 00FC 0020 0003 9752
A7'00000000 601E 0100 00FC 0020 0003 9752

2. Disassembly PC

00FC0020  *MOVE, W #$2700,SR
00FC0024   RESET
00FC0026   CMPI.L #$FA52235F,$FA0000
00FC0030   BNE.S $FC003C
00FC0032   LEA $FC003C(PC),A6
00FC0036   JMP $FA0004
00FC003C   LEA $FC0044(PC),A6
00FC0040   BRA $FC0508
00FC0044   BNE,S $FC0050
00FC0046   MOVE,B $424,$FFFF8001
00FC0050   SUBA.L A5,A5
00FC0052   CMPI.L #$31415926,$426(A5)

3. Memory

00000000 601E 0100
00000004 00FC 0020
00000008 0003 9752
0000000C 0003 9758
00000010 0003 97C0 
00000014 0003 97C6
00000018 0003 97CC
0000001C 0003 97D2 
00000020 0003 97D8 
00000024 0003 97DE
00000028 0003 9C48
0000002C 0003 953E                              

MonST 2.0 HiSoft 1988

                Figure 4.1 MonSt Initial Display

The top window (number 1) displays the values of the data and
address registers, together with the memory pointed to by these

The  next  window  (number 2)  is the  disassembly  window  which 
displays several lines of instructions,  by default based  around 
the program counter (PC),  shown in the title area of the window. 
A => sign is used to denote the currant value of the PC

Window number 3 is the memory window which displays a section  of 
memory in word-aligned hex and ASCII.

The  final  window  at the bottom of the  screen,  which  is  un-
numbered, is the smallest window and is used to display messages.

One  of  the most powerful features of MonST is  its  flexibility 
with  windows - up to 2 additional windows may  be  created,  the 
font  size  can  be  changed,  and  windows  may  be  locked  to 
particular registers, these features are detailed later.

Simple Window Handling

MonST  has the concept of a current window - this is  denoted  by 
displaying its title in black.  The current window may be changed 
by pressing the Tab key to cycle between them, or by pressing the 
Alt  key  together  with the window  number,  for  example  Alt-2 
selects  the disassembly window.  (AZERTY keyboard  users  please 
note  -  the Shift key is not required when using Alt  to  select 
windows).  Note  that  the lowest window can never may  made  the 
current window - it is used solely for displaying messages.

Command Input

MonST  is controlled by single-key commands which creates a  very 
fast user-interface,  though this can take getting used to if you 
are  familiar with a line-oriented command interface  of  another 
debugger. Users of HiSoft Devpac on other machines will find many 
commands  are  identical,  particulary with the Spectrum  and  QL 
debuggers, though the window commands are unique to MonST.

In  general  the  Alt  key  is the window  key  -  when  used  in 
conjunction with other keys it it acts on the  current window.

Commands  may  be entered in either upper or  lower  case.  Those 
commands  whose  effects are potentially disastrous  require  the 
Ctrl  key to be pressed in addition to a command  key.  The  keys 
used  where  chosen to be easy to  remember,  wherever  possible. 
Commands  take  effect immediately - there is no  need  to  press 
Return  and  invalid commands are simply  ignored.  The  relevant 
sections  of  the  front panel display  are  updated  after  each 
command so any effects can be seen immediately.

MonSt is a powerful and sometimes complex program and we  realise 
that  it  is  unlikely  that many users  will  use  every  single 
command.  For  this reason the remainder of the MonST  manual  is 
divided into two sections - the former is an introduction to  the 
basic  commands  of  the program,  while the  latter  is  a  full 
reference section.  It is possible for new users and beginners to 
use the debugger effectively while having only read the Overview; 
don't be intimidated by the Reference section.

                         MonST Overview

To  start with you will need to load a program to debug;  if  you 
have  assembled a program to memory you can use the Debug  option 
from  the  editor,  else  you will need to load  a  program  from 
disk. When initially loaded you will be prompted for a file  name, 
if  you  got an error or didn't specify a filename you  can  have 
another go by pressing Ctrl-L.

A  program's symbols will be used by the debugger,  if  found.  A 
program  will  have  symbols included if you used  the  Debug  or 
Extended  Debug  options of the  assembler.  The  extended  debug 
option  means  you will get longer  symbols,  the  normal  option 
forces them to be truncated to 8 characters.

The  most  common  command  in  MonST  is  probably  single-step, 
obtained  by  pressing  Ctrl-Z (or Ctrl-Y if  you  find  it  more 
convenient). This will execute the instruction at the PC, the one 
shown in the Register window and,  normally,  also in the  Disas�
sembly  window.  After executing it the debugger re-displays  the 
values  of the registers and memory displayed,  so you can  watch 
the processor execute your program, step by step. Single-stepping 
is  the  best  way of going through sections  of  code  that  are 
suspect  and  require deeper investigation,  but it is  also  the 
slowest  - you may only be interested in a section of  code  near 
the  end of your program which could take ages to get to  if  you 
have to single-step all the way. There is, of course, an answer.

A  breakpoint is a special word placed into your program to  stop 
it  running and enter MonST.  There are many types of  breakpoint 
but  we  will  restrict ourselves to  the  simplest  for  now.  A 
breakpoint  may  be  set by pressing  Alt-B,  then  entering  the 
address you wish to place the breakpoint. You can enter addresses 
in MonSt in hex (the default base),  as a symbol, or as a complex 
expression.  Examples of a valid address are  1A2B0,  prog_start,  
10+mydata.  If  you  type in an invalid address the  screen  will 
flash and allow you to correct the expression.

Having set a breakpoint you need some way of letting your program 
actually  run,  and  Ctrl-R will do this.  If will  execute  your 
program  using the registers displayed and starting from the  PC. 
MonST will be re-entered if a breakpoint has been hit,  or if  an 
exception occurs.

MonST uses its own screen display which is independent from  your 
own  programs.  If you press the v key you will see your  current 
programs  display,  pressing  another key switches  you  back  to 
MonST. This allows you to debug programs without disturbing their 
output at all.

MonST  uses its own windows to,  and any window may be zoomed  to 
the  full screen size by pressing Alt-Z.  To return to  the  main 
display press Alt-Z or the Esc key.  The Esc key is also the best 
way of getting out of anything you may have invoked by  accident. 
The Zoom command,  like all Alt- commands,  works on the  current 
window  which you can change by pressing Tab.  You can  dump  the 
current window to your printer by pressing Alt-P.

To  change  the address from which a window  displays  its  data, 
press  Alt-A,   then  enter  the  new  address.   Note  that  the 
disassembly  window will always re-display from the PC after  you 
single-step,  because  it  is locked to the PC.  The  locking  of 
windows is detailed in the Reference section.

To quit MonST press Ctrl-C. Strange as it may sound this will not 
always work - what Ctrl-C does is terminate the current  program, 
which  may  be  MonST  or,  more  likely,  the  program  you  are 
debugging.  You  know when you have terminated the program  under 
investigation  because it will say so in the lower  window.  Once 
your program has been terminated,  pressing Ctrl-C will terminate 
MonST.  If you used the Debug option from the editor then  Ctrl-C 
will always terminate MonST as well as your program.
We  hope  this  overview has given you a good idea  of  the  most 
common  features  of  MonST to let you get on  with  the  complex 
process of writing and debugging assembly language programs. When 
you  feel  more confident you should try and read  the  Reference 
section, probably best taken, like all medicine, in small doses.

                         MonST REFERENCE

                       Numeric Expressions

MonST  has a full expression evaluator,  based on that in  GenST, 
including operator precedence.  The main differences are that the 
default  base  is hexadecimal (decimal may be denoted  with  a  \ 
sign),  there is no concept of types of expressions (relative  or 
absolute), ø  is used only for multiplication and there is a not-
equals operator, <>.

Symbols  may be referred to and are normally  case-sensitive  and 
significant  to either 8 or 22 characters (depending on the  form 
of debug used), though this can be changed with Preferences.

Registers  may be referred to simply by name,  such as A3  or  D7 
(case insensitive),  but this clashes with hex numbers. To obtain 
such  hex numbers precede them with either a leading zero or a  $ 
sign. A7 refers to the user stack pointer.

There  are several reserved symbols which are  case  insensitive, 
namely TEXT,  DATA,  BSS, END, SP, SR, and SSP. END refers to one 
byte past the end of the BSS section and SP refers to either  the 
user- or supervisor-stack,  depending on the current value of the 
status register.

In addition there are 10 memories numbered M0 through  M9,  which 
are treated in a similar way to registers and can be assigned  to 
using  the Register Set command.  Memories 2 through 5  inclusive 
refer  to  the current start address of the relevant  window  and 
assigning to them will change the start address of that window.

The  MonSt expression evaluator also supports  indirection  using 
the { and } symbols.  Indirection may be performed on a byte word 
or long basis, by following the } with a period then the required 
size,  which defaults to long.  If the pointer is invalid, either 
because the memory is unreadable or even (if the word or longword 
indirection is used) then the expression will not be valid.

For example, the expression
will return the word contents of location data_start+10, assuming 
data_start is even. Indirection may be nested in a similar way to 
ordinary parenthesis.

Window Types

There  are  four  window types and the exact  contents  of  these 
windows and how they are displayed is detailed below. The allowed 
types of windows is shown in the table below.

Window  Allowed Types
  1     Register
  2     Disassembly
  3     Memory
  4     Disassembly, Memory or Source-code
  5     Memory

Register Window Display

The  data  registers are shown in hex,  together with  the  ASCII 
display  of  their low byte and then a hex display of  the  eight 
bytes  they point to in memory.  The address registers  are  also 
shown in hex,  together with a hex display of 12 bytes.  As  with 
all hex displays in MonST this is word-aligned, with non-readable 

The   status  register  is  shown  in  hex  and  in  flag   form, 
additionally with U or S denoting user- or supervisor-modes.  A7' 
denotes the supervisor stack pointer,  displayed in a similar way 
to the other address registers.

The PC value is shown together with a disassembly of the  current 
instruction.  Where this involves one or more effective addresses 
these are shown in hex, together with a suitably-sized display of 
the memory they point to.

For example, the display
        TST.W $12A(A3)  ;00001FAE 0F01
signifies that the value of $12A plus register A3 is  $1FAE,  and 
that the word memory pointed to by this is $0F01.  A more complex 
example is the display
        MOVE.W $12A(A3),-(SP) ;00001FAE 0F01 =>002AC08 FFFF
The  source  addressing  mode is as before  but  the  destination 
address  is $2AC08,  presently containing $FFFF.  Note that  this 
display is always of a suitable size (MOVEM data being  displayed 
as a quad-word) and when pre-decrement addressing is used this is 
included in the address calculations.

Low  Res:  No  hex data is shown for the data registers  and  the 
address register data area is reduced to 4 bytes. In addition the 
disassembly  line  may  not be long  enough  to  display  complex 
addressing modes such as the second example above.

Disassembly Window Display

Disassembly  windows display memory as disassembled  instructions 
to the standard described below.  On the left the hex address  is 
shown,  followed by any symbol,  then the disassembly itself. The 
current value of the PC is denoted with =>.

If  the instruction has a breakpoint placed on it this  is  shown 
using  square brackets ([ ]) afterwards,  the contents  of  which 
depend on the type of breakpoint.  For stop breakpoints this will 
be the number of times left for this instruction to execute,  for 
conditional  breakpoints  this  will  be  a  ?  followed  by  the 
beginning  of the conditional expression,  for count  breakpoints 
this  will  be a = sign followed by the current  count,  and  for 
permanent breakpoints a symbol resembling a small zero in 
superscript is shown.

The  exact  format  of  the  disassembled  op-codes  is  Motorola 
standard,  as  GenST accepts.  All output is  upper-case  (except 
lower-case  labels) and all numeric output is  hex,  except  Trap 
numbers. Leading zeroes are suppressed and the $ hex delimiter is 
not  shown on numbers less than 10.  Where relevant numerics  are 
shown  signed.  the only deviation from Motorola standard is  the 
register  lists  shown in MOVEM instructions - in order  to  save 
display  space  the  type of the second register in  a  range  is 
abbreviated, for example
        MOVEM.L d0-d3/a0-a2,-(sp)
will be disassembled as
        MOVEM.L d0-3/a0-2,-(sp)

Low Res:  Any displayed symbols replace the hex address  display, 
limited to a maximum of 8 characters

Memory Window Display

Memory  windows  display  memory in the form of  a  hex  address, 
word-aligned hex display and ASCII.  Unreadable memory  locations 
are denoted by (two zeros in superscript).  The number  of  bytes
shown is calculated  from the window width, up to a maximum of 16
bytes per line.

Source-code Window display

The source code window displays ASCII files in a similar way to a 
screen  editor.  The default tab setting is 8 though this can  be 
toggled to 4 with the Edit Window command.

Window Commands

The Alt key is generally used for controlling windows,  and  when 
used to apply to the current window. This is denoted by having an 
inverse title and can be changed by pressing the Tab or Alt  plus 
the window number.

Most window commands work in any window,  zoomed or  not,  though 
when  it  does  not make sense to do  something  the  command  is 

Alt-A                                                 Set Address        

This sets the starting address of a memory or disassembly window.

Alt-B                                              Set Breakpoint

Allows  the setting of any type of  breakpoint,  described  later 
under Breakpoints.

Alt-E                                                 Edit Window

On a memory window this lets you edit memory in hex or ASCII. Hex 
editing can be accomplished using keys 1-9,  A-F,  together  with 
the cursor keys. Pressing Tab switches between hex & ASCII, ASCII 
editing takes each keypress and writes it to memory.  The  cursor 
keys can be used to move about memory.  To leave edit mode  press 
the Esc key.

On  a register window this is the same as  Alt-R,  Register  Set, 
described shortly.

On  a source code window this toggles the tab setting  between  4 
and 8. 

Alt-F                                                   Font size

This changes the font size in a window. In high resolution 16 and 
8 pixel high fonts are used,  in colour 8 and 6 pixel high  fonts 
are used.  This allows a greater number of lines to be displayed, 
assuming your monitor can cope.

Changing the font size on the register window causes the position 
of  windows  2 and 3 to be re-calculated to  fill  the  available 

Alt-L                                                Lock Windows

This  allows disassembly and register windows to be locked  to  a 
particular register. After any exception the start address of the 
window is re-calculated, depending on the locked register.

To  unlock simply enter a blank string.  By default window  2  is 
locked  to  the  PC.  You  can lock  windows  to  each  other  by 
specifying a lock to a memory window, ash as M2.

Alt-O                                                  Show Other

This  prompts for an expression and displays it in  hex,  decimal 
and as a symbol if relevant.

Alt-P                                                Printer Dump

Dumps the current window onto the printer.  It can be aborted  by 
pressing Esc.

Alt-R                                                Register Set

Allows  any  register to be set to a  value,  by  specifying  the 
register, an equals sign, then its new value. It can also be used 
to set the value of memories. For example the line
sets  register A3 to be A2 plus 4.  You can also use this to  set 
the  start address of windows when in zoom mode so that  on  exit 
from  zoom  mode  the  relevant window  starts  at  the  required 

Note:  Do  not assign M4 if window 4 is currently  a  source-code 

Alt-S                                               Split windows

This  either splits windows 2 into 2 and 4,  or splits  window  3 
into  3 and 5.  Each new window is independent from its  creator. 
Pressing Alt-S again will un-split the window.

Low Res: This command has no effect.

Alt-T                                                 Change Type

This only works on window 4 (created either by splitting window 2 
or by loading a source file).  It changes the type of the  window 
between disassembly,  memory and source-code (if a file has  been 

Alt-Z                                                 Zoom Window

This zooms the current window to be full size. Other Alt commands 
are  still available and normal size can be achieved by  pressing 
Esc or Alt-Z again.

Note: Zooming the register windows is unlikely to be useful.

Cursor Keys

The cursor keys can be used on the current window,  the action of 
which depends on the window type.

On  a  memory  window all four cursor  keys  change  the  current 
address, and Shift Up Cursor and Shift Down Cursor move a page in 
either direction.

On  a  disassembly window Up Cursor and Down  Cursor  change  the 
start  address  on an instruction basis,  Left Cursor  and  Right 
Cursor change the address on a word basis.

On  a  source-code window Up Cursor and Down  Cursor  change  the 
display on a line basis and Shift Up Cursor and Shift Down Cursor 
on a page basis.

Screen Switching

MonST  uses  its  own  screen  display  and  drivers  to  prevent 
interference  with  a program's own  screen  output.  To  prevent 
flicker caused by excessive screen switching when single-stepping 
the  screen  display is only switched to the program's  after  20 
milliseconds,  producing  a  flicker-free display  while  in  the 
debugger.  In addition the debugger display can have a  different 
screen resolution to your program's if using a colour monitor.

V                                               View Other Screen

This flips the screen to that of the programs, any key returns to 
the MonST display.

Ctrl-O                                          Other Screen Mode

This  changes the screen mode of MonST's display between low  and 
medium  resolution.  It  re-initialises  window  font  sizes  and 
positions to the initial display. This will not affect the screen 
mode of the program being debugged.

This command is ignored on a monochrome monitor.

As MonST has its own idea of where the screen is, what mode it is 
in and what palettes to use you can use MonST to actually look at 
the  screen memory in use by your program,  ideal  for  low-level 
graphics programs.

Note:  If your program changes screen position or resolution, via 
the  XBIOS or the hardware registers,  it is important  that  you 
temporarily  disable  screen switching  using  Preferences  while 
executing such code else MonST will not notice the new attributes 
of your program's screen.

When  a  disk is accessed,  when loading or  saving,  the  screen 
display  will  probably  switch  to  the  program's  during   the 
operation.  This is in case a disk error occurs,  such as  write-
protected or read errors,  as it allows any GEM alert boxes to be 
seen and acted upon.

                     Breaking into Programs

Shift-Alt-Help                                   Interrupt Program

While a program is running it can be interrupted by pressing this 
key  combination,  which  will  cause a trace  exception  at  the 
current  value of the PC.  With  computationally-intense  program 
sections  this  will  be within the program  itself  but  with  a 
program making extensive use of the ROM, such as the BDOS or AES, 
the interruption will normally be in the ROm itself, or the line-
F  handler  stored  in low-memory.  If this is  the  case  it  is 
recommended  that a breakpoint be placed in your  actual  program 
area then a Return to Program command (Ctrl-R) issued.

Pressing  Alt-Help without the Shift key will normally produce  a 
screen  dump to the printer - if you press this  accidentally  it 
should be pressed again to cancel the dump.

It  is  possible  for this key combination  to  be  ignored  when 
pressed  -  if this occurs press it again when  it  should  work. 
Pressing it when in MonST will produce no effect.

Note:  A program should never be terminated (using Ctrol-C) if it 
has just been interrupted in the middle of a ROM routine. This is 
likely to cause a system crash.


Breakpoints  allow you to stop the execution of your  program  at 
specified points within it. MonST allows up to eight simultaneous 
breakpoints,  each  of  which may be one of five  types.  When  a 
breakpoint  is hit MonST is entered and then decides  whether  or 
not to halt execution of your program,  entering the front  panel 
display,  or continue,  this decision is based on the type of the 
breakpoint and the state of your program's variables.

Simple Breakpoints

These are one-off breakpoints which,  when executed,  are cleared 
and cause MonST to be entered.

Stop Breakpoints

These are breakpoints that cause program execution to stop  after 
a particular instruction has been executed a particular number of 
times.  In  fact a simple breakpoint is really a stop  breakpoint 
with a count of one.

Count Breakpoints

Merely counters; each time such a breakpoint is reached a counter 
associated with it is incremented, and the program will resume.

Permanent Breakpoints

These  are  similar to simple breakpoints except  that  they  are 
never  cleared  -  every  time  execution  reaches  a   permanent 
breakpoint MonST will be entered.

Conditional Breakpoints

The  most  powerful type of breakpoint and  these  allow  program 
execution to stop at a particular address, only if an arbitrarily 
complex set of conditions apply.  Each conditional breakpoint has 
associated with it an expression (conforming to the rules already 
described).  Every time the breakpoint is reached this expression 
is evaluated,  and if it is non-zero (i.e. true) then the program 
will be stopped, otherwise it will resume.

Alt-B                                              Set Breakpoint

This  is  a window command allowing the setting  or  clearing  of 
breakpoints  at any time.  The line entered should be one of  the 
following forms, depending on the type of breakpoint required.


will set a simple breakpoint.


will  set a stop breakpoint at the given address,  after  it  has 
executed <expression> times.


will set a count breakpoint.  The initial value of the count will 
be zero.

<address>,(small zero in superscript)

will set a permanent breakpoint.


will set a conditional breakpoint, using the given expression.


will clear any breakpoint at the given address.

Breakpoints  cannot  be  set  on  addresses  which  are  odd   or 
unreadable,  or  in  ROM though ROM breakpoints may  be  emulated 
using the Run Until command.

Every  time a breakpoint is reached,  regardless of  whether  the 
program  is  interrupted  or  resumed,   the  program  state   is 
remembered in the History buffer, described later.

Help                                    Show Help and Breakpoints

This  displays  the  text,  data and BSS  segment  addresses  and 
lengths, together with every current breakpoint, Alt-commands are 
available within this display.

Ctrl-B                                             Set Breakpoint

Included  mainly  for compatibility with MonST  1,  this  sets  a 
simple breakpoint at the start address of the current window,  so 
long  as it is a disassembly window.  If a breakpoint is  already 
there then it will be cleared.

U                                                        Go Until

This prompts for an address, at which a simple breakpoint will be 
placed then program execution resumed.

Ctrl-K                                           Kill Breakpoints

This clears all set breakpoints.

Ctrl-A                                Set Breakpoint then Execute

A  command  that places a simple breakpoint  at  the  instruction 
after that at the PC and resumes execution from the PC.  This  is 
particularly  for DBF-type loops if you don't want to go  through 
the loop, but just want to see the result after the loop is over.

Ctrl-D                                            BDOS Breakpoint

This  allows a breakpoint to be set on specific BDOS  calls.  The 
required  BDOS number should be entered,  or a blank line if  any 
existing BDOS breakpoint needs to be cleared.


MonST  has  a  history  buffer in which  the  machine  status  is 
remembered for later investigation.

The  most common way of entering data into the history buffer  is 
when  you single-step,  but in addition every breakpoint  reached 
and  every  exception caused enters the machine  state  into  the 
buffer. Various forms of the Run command also cause entries to be 
made into this buffer.

Note:  The  history  buffer has room for five entries -  when  it 
fills  the  oldest entry is removed to make room for  the  newest 

H                                             Show History Buffer

This opens a large window displaying the contents of the  history 
buffer. All register values are shown including the PC as well as 
a disassembly of the next instruction to be executed.

Note:  If  a  disassembly  in the  History  display  includes  an 
instruction  which has a breakpoint placed on the [ ]s will  show 
the  current values for that breakpoint,  not the values  at  the 
time of the entry into the history buffer.

                         Quitting MonST

Ctrl-C                                                  Terminate

This will issue a terminate trap to the current GEMDOS task. If a 
program  has been loaded from within MonST it will be  terminated 
and  the message Program Terminated appear in the  lower  window. 
Another program can be loaded, if required.

If no program has been loaded into MonST it will itself terminate 
when this command is used.

If  the  Debug option has been used from the  GenSt  editor  then 
MonST  will  terminate  automatically  when  the  program  it  is 
debugging has terminated.

Note: Terminating some GEM programs prematurely, before they have 
closed workstations window control properly can seriously confuse 
the AES and VDI. This may not be noticeable immediately but often 
causes crashes when a subsequent program is executed.

                        Loading & Saving

Ctrl-L                                    Load Executable Program

This  will prompt for an executable filename then a command  line 
and will attempt to load the file ready for execution.  If  MonST 
has  already loaded a program it is not possible to load  another 
until the former has terminated.

The file to be loaded must be an executable file - attempting  to 
load  a non-executable file will normally result in TOS error  66 
and further attempts to load executable files will normally  fail 
as  GEMDOS  does not de-allocate the memory it  allocated  before 
trying  to load the errant file.  If this occurs terminate  MonST 
then re-execute it and use the Load Binary File command.

Note:  This command in not available in the auto-resident version 
of MonST or in MonST invoked using Debug from the editor.

B                                                Load Binary File

This  will  prompt  for  a filename  and  optional  load  address 
(separated  by  a  comma)  and will  then  load  the  file  where 
specified.  If  no  load  address is given then  memory  will  be 
allocated  from  GEMDOS and used.  M0 will be set  to  the  start 
address and M1 to the end address.

S                                                Save Binary File

This  will  prompt  for  a  filename,  a  start  address  and  an 
(inclusive) end address.  To re-save a file recently loaded  with 
the above command <filename>,M0,M1 may be specified,  assuming of 
course that M0 and M1 may be specified,  assuming of course  that 
M0 and M1 have not been re-assigned.

A                                                 Load ASCII File

This  powerful command allows an ASCII file,  normally of  source 
code,  to  be loaded and viewed within MonST,  Window 4  will  be 
created if required then set up as a source code  window.  Memory 
for  the  source  code is taken from GEMDOS  so  sufficient  free 
memory must be available.  It is recommended that source-code  be 
loaded before an executable program to ensure enough memory.

Low  Res:  Window 4 is not an ASCII file though may be loaded  in 
low-res  then viewed after switching to medium  resolution  using 
Ctrl-O and pressing Alt-S, Alt-T, Alt-T.

Note:  If an ASCII file is loaded after an executable program the 
memory used will be owned by the program itself,  not MonST. when 
such a program terminates,  any displayed source-code window will 
be  closed.  The  auto-resident version of  the  debugger  cannot 
detect  this so care should be taken if loading source code  into 

                       Executing Programs
Ctrl-R                                      Return to program/Run

This  runs the current program with the given register values  at 
full speed and is the normal way to resume execution after  entry 
via a breakpoint.

Ctrl-Z                                                Single-Step

This  single-steps  the instruction at the PC  with  the  current 
register values.  Single-stepping a Trap, Line-A or Line-F opcode 
will, by default, be treated as a single instruction. This can be 
changed using Preferences.

Ctrl-Y                                                Single-Step

Identical  to  Ctrl-Z above but included for the  convenience  of 
German users.

Ctrl-T                           Interpret on Instruction (Trace)

This  interprets  the instruction at the PC using  the  displayed 
register  values.  It is similar to Ctrl-Z but skips  over  BSRs, 
JSRs, Traps, Line-A and Line-F calls, re-entering the debugger on 
return from them to save stepping all the way through the routine 
or trap it works on instructions in ROM or RAM.

R                                                   Run (various)

This is a general Run command and prompts for the type of the Run 
to be done, selected by pressing a particular key.

Run    G  Go

This  is  identical to Ctrl-R,  and resumes the program  at  full 

Run    S  Slowly

This  will run the program at reduced  speed,  remembering  every 
step in the history buffer.

Run    I  Instruction

This  is similar to Run Slowly but allows a count to be  entered, 
so  that  a  particular number of instructions  may  be  executed 
before MonST is entered.

Run    U  Until

You  will be prompted for an expression which will  be  evaluated 
after  every instruction.  The program will then run,  albeit  at 
reduced speed,  until the given expression evaluates to  non-zero 
(true) when MonST will be entered. For example if single-stepping 
a DBF loop which used d6 in the ROM code you could say Run  Until 
d6&ffff=ffff  (waiting  for the low word of d6 to be  $FFFF)  or, 
alternatively, PC=FC8B1A, or whatever.

Note:  This  should not be confused with the Until command  which 
takes  an  address,   places  a  breakpoint  there  then  resumes 
With  all  of  these commands (except Run Go) you  will  then  be 
asked Watch Y/N?  If Y is selected then the MonST display will be 
shown  after  every instruction and you can watch  registers  and 
memory  as they change,  or interrupt execution by pressing  both 
Shift keys simultaneously.  If N is selected then execution  will 
occur  while showing your program's display and execution may  be 
interrupted by pressing Shift-Alt-Help.

Note:  Selection  Watch mode with screen switching turned off  is 
likely  to  result in a great deal of eye strain as  the  display 
will  be flipped after each and every  instruction,  particularly 
alarming with colour monitors.

With  any  of these Run modes (except Go) all  information  after 
every  instruction will be remembered in the history  buffer.  In 
addition  Traps will be treated  as  single-instructions,  unless 
changed  with  Preferences,  though see the warnings  under  that 
command about tracing all the way through ROM routines.

When a program is running with one of the above modes a couple of 
pixels near the top left of the display will flicker,  to  denote 
that  something  is happening,  as it is possible  to  think  the 
machine has hung when in fact, it is simply taking a while to Run 
through the code an instruction at a time.

Searching Memory

G                                  search memory (Get a sequence)

This  will  prompt Search for  B/W/L/T/I?,  standing  for  Bytes, 
Words, Longs, Text and Instructions.

If  you select B,  W or L you will then be prompted to enter  the 
sequence  of numbers you wish to search for,  each  separated  by 
commas.  MonST is not fussy about word-alignment when  searching, 
so it can find longs on odd boundaries, for example.

If you select T you may search for any given text  string,  which 
you will be prompted for. The search will be case-dependent.

If you select I you can search for part or all of the mnemonic of 
an instruction,  for example if you searched for $14 (A you would 
find  an  instruction like MOVE.L D2,$14(A0).  The  case  of  the 
string you enter is important (unlike MonST version 1),  but  you 
should  bear in mind the format the disassembler  produces,  e.g. 
always use hex numbers, refer to A7 rather than SP and so on.

Having  selected  the  search type  and  parameters,  the  search 
begins, control passing to the Next command, described below.

N                                                       find Next

This can be used after the G command to find subsequent  occuren�
ces of the search data.  With the B,  W, L and T options you will 
always find at least one occurrence,  which will be in the buffer 
within  MonST that is used for storing the sequence.  With the  T 
option   you may also find a copy in the system keyboard  buffer. 
With these options, the Esc key is tested every 64k bytes and can 
be used to stop the search.  With the be used to stop the search. 
With  the I option,  which is very much slower,  the Esc  key  is 
tested every 2 bytes.
The  search area of memory goes from 0 to the end  of  RAM,  then 
from $FA0000 to $FEFFFF (the cartridge and system ROM area), then 
back to 0.

The search will start just past the start address of the  current 
window  (except register windows) and if an occurrence  is  found 
re-display the window at the given address.

Searching Source-Code Windows

If  the  G  command is used on a source-code window  the  T  sub-
command  is  automatically chosen and if the text  is  found  the 
window will re-display the line containing it.


Ctrl-P                                                Preferences

This permits control over various options within MonST. The first 
three require Y/N answers,  pressing Esc aborts or Return  leaves 
them alone.

Screen Switching

Defaulting  to  On,  this causes the display to  switch  to  your 
program's only after 20 milliseconds.  It should be switched  off 
when a program is about to change a screen address or resolution,
then turned back on afterwards.

Follow Traps

By  default  single-stepping  and the various forms  of  the  run 
command  treat  Traps,   Line  A  and  Line  F  calls  as  single 
instructions.  However  by  turning this option On  the  relevant 
routines will be entered allowing ROM code to be investigated. 

Note:  Important:  This option should be used with care.  Certain 
time critical routines,  such as the floppy- or hard-disk drivers 
have portions of code designed to be atomic,  i.e.  not  interrup
table,  and being traced will cause malfunctions within such code 
and  possible loss of data.  On the other hand it can be  fun  to 
watch the AES as it draws pull-down menus or opens windows.

If  you have let ROM execute for a while you can interrupt it  by 
pressing Shift-Alt-Help,  then resume at normal speed by pressing 
Ctrl-R.  However the AES and VDI both use Line-A and Line-F calls 
and  it is very likely that there are pending stack  frames  left 
with the Trace bit set,  so having resumed a traced program it is 
likely   that  seemingly  spurious  trace  exceptions   will   be 
generated.  Pressing Ctrl-R will resume at normal speed, though a 
few  more such exceptions are likely until program  flow  reaches 
the lowest level, i.e. your program.

There  is a side effect of this that can cause machine  to  crash 
though:  If you have traced through any AES event-type calls then 
stack  frames can be created in desk accessories with  the  Trace 
bit  set.  If your program terminates before the accessory has  a 
chance to respond to its own event call,  a trace exception  will 
occur after MonST terminates and returns to the Desktop or GenST, 
causing  a  system  crash,   unless  an  auto-resident  MonST  is 
installed or the NOTRACE.PRG program is used.

This  is  a very small program intended to be added to  the  AUTO 
folder  of  your boot disk which causes trace  exceptions  to  be 
ignored,  instead of producing a large number of bombs as it will 
do by default. The source code is also supplied.

Relative Offsets

This  option  defaults to On and effects the disassembly  of  the 
address  register  indirect with offset  addressing  modes,  i.e. 
xxx(An).  With  the  option  on the current value  of  the  given 
address register is added to the offset then searched for in  the 
symbol table.  If found it is disassembled as symbol  (An).  This 
option  is  very useful for certain styles of  assembly  language 
programming  as  well as high level languages which  use  a  base 
register as a major offset, such as HiSoft BASIC which uses A3 as 
a pointer to the run-time system.

Symbols Option 

This  allows  control over the use of symbols in  expressions  in 
MonST.  It will firstly ask whether the case of symbols should be 
ignored,  pressing Y will cause case independent searching to  be 
used.  It  will  then prompt for the maximum length  of  symbols, 
which is normally 22 but may be reduced to as low as 8.

I                                                Intelligent Copy

This  copies  a block of memory to another  area.  The  addresses 
should be entered in the form

        <start>,<inclusive end>,<destination>

The copy is intelligent in that the block of memory may be copied 
to a location which overlaps its previous location.

NOTE:  No  checks at all are made on the validity  of  the  move; 
copying to non-existent areas of memory is likely to crash  MonST 
and corrupting system areas may well crash the machine.

L                                                     List Lables

This opens up a large window and displays all loaded symbols. Any 
key displays the next page, pressing Esc aborts. The symbols will 
be  displayed  in the order they were found on the  disk  (or  in 
memory if using the Debug option from the editor).

W                                                Fill Memory With

This fills a section of memory with a particular byte.  The range 
should be entered in the form


The warning described previously about no checks applies  equally 
to this command.

P                                     Disassemble to Printer/Disk

This  command  allows  the disassembly of an area  of  memory  to 
printer or disk,  complete with original labels and,  optionally, 
an  automatic list of labels created by MonST,  based  on  cross-
references. The first line should be entered as


Next  is the prompt for data areas which will be disassembled  as 
DC instructions, of the form


The optional size field should be B,  W or L ,  defaulting to  L, 
determining the size of the data.  When all data areas have  been 
defined, a blank line should be entered.

Finally,  a  filename prompt will appear;  if this is  blank  all 
output  will be to the printer,  else it will be assumed to be  a 
disk file.

If  automatic labels were specified there may be a delay at  this 
point while the table is generated.  Automatic labels are of  the 
form Lxxxxx where xxxxx is the actual hex address.

Printer Output

This is of the form of an 8 digit hex number, then up to 10 words 
of hex data,  12 characters of any symbol,  then the  disassembly 
itself. Printer output may be aborted by pressing Esc.

Disk Output

This is in a form directly loadable by GenST,  consisting of  any 
symbol, a tab, then the disassembly itself, with a tab separating 
any operand from the op-code. If you are disassembling an area of 
memory without loaded symbols then the XREF option should be used 
else no symbols will appear in the output file. Pressing Esc or a 
disk error will abort the disassembly.

M                                                  Modify Address

Included for compatibility with MonST 1, equivalent to Alt-A.

O                                                Show Other Bases

Included for compatibility with MonST 1, equivalent to Alt-O.

D                                        Change Drive & Directory

This allows the current drive and sub-directory to be changed.

Auto-Residemt MonST

The  additional version of MonST called AMONST2.PRG will  now  be 
described. When placed in the AUTO folder on a boot disk, it will 
be loaded and initialised automatically on boot-up.

Once  booted,  this version of MonSt lies dormant,  ready  to  be 
invoked  when  any exception occurs in the machine,  such  as  an 
address error.  It is intended primarily for programmers  writing 
and  debugging desk accessories or other AUTO-type  applications, 
as  if  there is a problem in the code which gets called  as  the 
machine boots, it hangs before you get a chance to use the normal 
MonST.  If  required you can deliberately put an illegal  opcode, 
such as ILLEGAL,  at the start of your auto program so that MonST 
will be invoked then use it to investigate any problems your code 

The auto-resident version may be double-clicked from the  Desktop 
and  will  initialise  itself in the same way as  from  the  AUTO 
folder, unless a version of MonST is already resident.

Once invoked the auto-resident version is very similar in use  to 
the  other  versions  except that programs or  labels  cannot  be 
loaded  and the base page variables are unknown and so set to  0. 
The  other  difference is that when the  program  being  debugged 
exits  or  Ctrl-C is pressed within  MonST,  MonST  itself  stays 
active in memory.

In addition any program may be interrupted by pressing the Shift-
Alt-Help  key  combination when a resident version  of  MonST  is 

The  resident  version of MonST cannot be reclaimed  from  memory 
except by resetting the machine and booting with a disk which does 
not contain MonST in the AUTO folder.

When  an  auto-resident version of MonST  is  loaded,  the  usual 
versions can still be used as normal,  memory permitting, and the 
resident  version will be ignored until the non-resident  version 
exits, when it will become active once again.

Note:  Do not invoke an auto-resident MonST from within a program 
other  than  the Desktop,  such as using Run  Other  from  within 
GenST,  as  large areas of system memory will become locked  away 
and unusable until a machine reset.

If  both shift keys are held down during the installation of  the 
auto-resident MonST, the debugger is itself entered, allowing the 
editing  of memory or setting of BDOS breakpoints.  When  entered 
via this method the debugger should be left using Ctrl-C when the 
debugger will remain resident.

                         Command Summary

Window Commands
Alt-A ..................... Set Address
Alt-B ..................... Set Breakpoint
Alt-E ..................... Edit Window
Alt-F ..................... Font Size
Alt-L ..................... Lock Window
Alt-O ..................... Show Other
Alt-P ..................... Printer Dump
Alt-R ..................... Register Set
Alt-S ..................... Split Windows
Alt-T ..................... Change Type
Alt-Z ..................... Zoom Window
Screen Switching
V ......................... View Other Screen
Ctrl-O .................... Other Screen Mode
Alt-B ..................... Set Breakpoint
Help ...................... Show Help and Breakpoints
Ctrl-B .................... Set Breakpoint
U ......................... Go Until
Ctrl-K .................... Kill Breakpoints
Ctrl-A .................... Set Breakpoint then Execute
Ctrl-D .................... BDOS Breakpoint
Loading and Saving
Ctrl-L .................... Load Executable Program
B ......................... Load Binary File
S ......................... Save Binary File
A ......................... Load ASCII File
Executing Programs
Ctrl-R .................... Return to program/Run
Ctrl-Z .................... Single-Step
Ctrl-Y .................... Single-Step
Ctrl-T .................... Interpret an Instruction (Trace)
R ......................... Run (various)
Searching Memory
G ......................... Search Memory (Get a sequence)
N ......................... Find Next
Ctrl-C .................... Terminate
Ctrl-P .................... Preferences
I ......................... Intelligent Copy
W ......................... Fill Memory With
L ......................... List Labels
P ......................... Disassemble to Printer/Disk
M ......................... Modify Address
O ......................... Show Other Bases
D ......................... Change Drive & Directory
Shift-Alt-Help ............ Interrupt Program
H ......................... Show History Buffer

Debugging Stratagem

Hints & Tips

If  you have interrupted a program using Shift-Alt-Help or  by  a 
Run  Until command and have found yourself in the middle  of  the 
ROM,  there  is  a way of returning to the exact  point  in  your 
program  which called the ROM.  Firstly ensure the  Follow  Traps 
option is on, then do Run Until with an expression of sp=a7. This 
will  re-enter MonST the moment user mode is restored which  will 
be in your program.

If you are in a subrouting which doesn't interest you and want to 
let  it run but return to MonST the easiest way is to  use  Until 
(not  Run Until) then specify the expression (sp) - this  sets  a 
breakpoint  at the return address.  If the subroutine has  placed 
something on the stack, or uses a local stack frame (normally the 
case for compiled programs) then try Run Until (pc).w=4e75  which 
will run slowly until the instruction RTS is reached.  This won't 
work  if  the subroutine in question calls  another,  so  it  may 
require a further condition, such as ({pc}.w=4e75)&(sp>xxx) where 
xxx is one less than the current value.

When  using Run Until and you know it will take a quite  a  while 
for  the  condition to be satisfied,  give MonST a hand  by  pre-
computing as much of the expression as you can, for example


could be reduced to


where xxx has been calculated by you using the Alt-O command.

MonST Command Line

If  you  use a CLI-type program you can pass a  command  line  to 
MonST, consisting of the program you wish to load and optionally, 
a command line to pass on to it.

Bug Hunting

There  are probably as many strategies for finding bugs as  there 
are programmers;  there is really no substitute for learning  the 
hard way,  by experience.  However, there are some hints which we 
have learnt, the hard way!

Firstly, a very good way of finding bugs is to look at the source 
code  and  think.  The  disadvantage of reaching  first  for  the 
debugger,  then second for the source code,  is that it gets  you 
into  bad  habits.  You may switch to a  machine  or  programming 
environment that does not offer low-level debugging,  or at least 
not one as powerful as you are used to.

If a program fails in a very detectable way,  such as causing  an 
exception,  debugging is normally easier than if,  say, a program 
sometimes doesn't quite work exactly as it should.

Many  bugs  are  caused by a  particular  memory  location  being 
stepped on.  Whether the offending memory location is detectable, 
by producing a bus error,  for example,  a conditional breakpoint 
placed  at  one or more main subroutines can  help  greatly.  For 
example, suppose the global variable main_ptr is somehow becoming 
odd during execution,  the conditional expression could be set up 


If this method fails,  and the global variable is being corrupted 
somewhere un-detectable,  the remaining solution is to Run  Until 
that expression,  which could take a considerable time. Even then 
it  may  not  find it,  for example if the bug is  caused  by  an 
interrupt  happening  at a certain time when the stack  is  in  a 
particular place.

Count  breakpoints  are a good way of tracking down  bugs  before 
they occur. For example, suppose a particular subroutine is known 
to eventually fail but you cannot see why,  they you should set a 
count breakpoint on it,  then let the program run.  At the  point 
where the program stops, because of an exception say, look at the 
value  of  the  count  breakpoint  (using  Help).  Terminate  the 
program, re-load it, then set a stop breakpoint on the subroutine 
for that particular value or one before it.  Let it run, then you 
can  follow  through  the sub-routine on the very  call  that  it  
fails on, to try and work out why.

Good luck!

AUTO-folder programs

If  these crash during initialisation then use AMONST (which  must 
be before your program in the directory) to catch the  exception. 
Including a deliberate ILLEGAL instruction at its beginning  will 
let you single step the initialisation.

Desk Accessories

If an accessory is mis-behaving during normal execution then  use 
AMONST. To find a desk accessory in memory, enter the debugger by 
pressing  Shift-Alt-Help then start looking from location  0  for 
the  upper-cased  name  of  your  .ACC  file,   padded  to  eight 
characters  with  spaces.  Ignore  occurrences  within  directory 
buffers  (these will be preceded by an ASCII  T  character).  The 
correct occurrence will have a longword 12 bytes after the  start 
of  the name.  This will point to the basepage of your  accessory 
and $100 bytes after that will be the start of your program. From 
looking at this you should be able to find your main loop and set 
a  suitable breakpoint.  Normal execution should be resumed  with 
Ctrl-R  then  MonST will be re-entered when  your  breakpoint  is 

If an accessory is misbehaving during its initialisation then you 
have  to stop it at the very beginning before it has a chance  to 
do anything.  The recommended way is to re-assemble the accessory 
with an ILLEGAL instruction at the beginning and let AMONST catch 
it,  but this is sometimes not possible.  There follows a  method 
that  works  on current ST ROMs to stop the AES  just  before  it 
executes your program,  but please note the method is complicated 
and not recommended for beginners.
Firstly hold down both shift keys to enter AMONST during the boot 
sequence then set a BDOS Breakpoint on the Open call,  $3D,  then 
press Ctrl-C to let the boot sequence resume.

MonST  will  be re-entered every time something tries to  Open  a 
file,  so  make window 3 the current window and after every  BDOS 
breakpoint is hit set its address to (sp+2) - if the name is  not 
your accessory then Ctrl-Z, to execute the Open call, set another 
BDOS breakpoint on $3D then Ctrl-R, and try again. If the name is 
your  accessory then set a BDOS breakpoint on $4B,  then  Ctrl-R. 
MonST will then be entered just before it loads the accessory, so 
Ctr-Z  to do the GEMDOS call,  then Alt-B and enter d0+100  which 
sets a breakpoint on the very first instruction.  Now Ctrl-R  and 
the  next time MonST appears it will be on the first  instruction 
of  the accessory.  This method takes a while but it's often  the 
only way of finding bugs in accessories.

Exception Analysis

When an unexpected exception occurs,  it's very useful to be able 
to work out where and why it occurred and,  possibly,  to  resume 

Bus Error

If the PC is in some non-existent area of memory then look at the 
relevant stack to try and find a return address to give a clue as 
to  the cause,  probably an unbalanced stack.  If the PC is in  a 
correct  area of your program then the bus error must  have  been 
caused  by a memory access to non-existent or  protected  memory. 
Recovering  from bus errors and resuming execution  is  generally 
not possible.

Address Error

If  the PC is somewhere strange the method above should be  used, 
otherwise the error must have been caused by a program access  to 
an  odd  address.  Correcting a register value may be  enough  to 
resume execution, at least temporarily.

Illegal Instruction

If the PC is in very low memory, below around $30, it is probable 
that it was caused by a jump to location 0.  If you use MonST  to 
look  here  you will see a short branch together  with  normally, 
various   ORI   instructions  (really  longword   pointers)   and 
eventually an illegal instruction.

Privilege Violation

This  is  caused by executing a privileged  instruction  in  user 
mode,  normally  meaning  your program has gone  horribly  wrong. 
Bumping  the PC past the offending instruction is unlikely to  be 
much help in resuming the program.

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