*** THE GEMDOS ***
- The GEMDOS functions can be directly called in assembly.
.Pass the parameters needed by the function in the system stack
(WORDS or L-W).
.Pass the function code in the system stack. (WORD)
.Call the GEMDOS with a TRAP #1
- The same is true for BIOS and XBIOS functions.
(Only the TRAP number changes: TRAP #13 for BIOS and TRAP #14 for
- ATTENTION! The GEMDOS, BIOS and XBIOS functions often return
information: in certain data registers and some
address registers.
Care must be taken to preserve the concerned registers before
calling one of these functions so as not to lose their content.
(e.g. using MOVEM)
- Before using the GEMDOS, BIOS and XBIOS functions, it is necessary
to reserve a certain amount of memory because when the operating
system launches your program, we must allocate the quantity of memory
that the program really needs.
(To avoid overlapping of data in memory)
The operating system (the GEM Desktop) will read the BASE PAGE which
is at the start of your .PRG program (see the INTRODUCTION chapter)
before executing it.
This BASE PAGE is of size $100 (256) bytes and contains all
the information needed by the operating system for the loading
of the PRG, but it is up to us to indicate the size of memory
that will need to be reserved.
After loading the program, SP points to the BASE PAGE, so
the various data contained in the
BASE PAGE can easily be read by incrementing SP for example.
Organization of the BASE PAGE:
Byte:$00=Start of the Base Page
----- $04=Pointer to the end of free memory
$08=Pointer to the start of the prg
$0C=Size of the TEXT area
$10=Pointer to the DATA area
$14=Size of the DATA area
$18=Pointer to the BSS area
$1C=Size of the BSS area
$20=Pointer to the DTA buffer
$24=Pointer to the base page of the calling PRG (parent)
$80=The command line
To indicate the size of memory to reserve, there is a GEMDOS function, the parameters to pass are:
.the number of BYTES to reserve (L-W)
.A L-W which is the pointer to the end of free memory
.a WORD equal to 0
The function code is $4A (function 'SETBLOCK')
To find the number of bytes to reserve (the total size of the PRG)
thanks to the Base Page, we add:
.The size of the Base Page ($100 bytes)
.The space occupied by the instructions (L-W at $C(SP) because SP points to
the start of the base page)
.The size of the DATA area (L-W at $14(SP) )
.The size of the BSS area (L-W at $1C(SP) )
We put the result in a dn register and place it as a parameter
(L-W) in the system stack (MOVE.L dn,-(SP) ) followed by a L-W which is
the pointer to the end of free memory and a WORD equal to 0:
(MOVE #0,-(SP) )
Then we stack the code of the function SETBLOCK: MOVE #$4A,-(SP)
and call the GEMDOS with TRAP #1.
This initialization must be done at the beginning of any program.
To avoid retyping everything each time, we will create a
MACRO INSTRUCTION that will do it for us.
A MACRO is delimited by the directives:
MACRO (After the name of the Macro to mark the beginning of the MACRO)
ENDM (At the end of the MACRO to mark the end of it)
Example: A MACRO called ADD which adds the low word
---- of registers d0 and d1 will be written:
add MACRO ;beginning of the macro
ADD.W d0,d1 ;the Macro itself
ENDM ;End of the Macro
; This MACRO can then be used:
MOVE #3,d0
MOVE #5,d1
add ;call of the MACRO 'add'
MOVE d1,res
res DS.W 1 ;We will find the word 5+3=8 in 'res'
The MACRO can be used as many times as you want, but
care must be taken not to put Labels in your MACRO because they
would be rewritten multiple times and this would cause errors...
The MACRO can then be saved in a file.
To indicate to the LINKER that you are going to use a MACRO that is in
an external file, you will have to use the DIRECTIVE:
INCLUDE "file.xxx"
It must be used before the first MACRO from 'file.xxx' is
The entire file will be ASSEMBLED separately, but only the used MACROs
will be included.
But let's go back to our GEMDOS 'setblock' function:
The Listing of the SETBLOCK Macro will be:
SETBLOCK MACRO ;beginning macro
move.l a7,a5 ;USP in a5
lea stack,a7 ;'stack' is the address pointing to an area
;of memory reserved for certain
;(the name of the label is arbitrary...)
;(Of course, you must reserve this area with
;DS.x space: 200 bytes are generally enough)
move.l 4(a5),a5 ;free memory ending address in a5
move.l $c(a5),d0 ;TEXT area length in d0
add.l $14(a5),d0 ;adds the size of the DATA zone
add.l $1C(a5),d0 ;adds the size of the BSS zone
add.l #$100,d0 ;adds size of Base P. to d0
move.l d0,-(sp) ;STACKS the space to reserve (1st parameter)
move.l a5,-(sp) ;STACKS a5 (2nd parameter)
move #0,-(sp) ;STACKS word=0 (3rd parameter)
move #$4a,-(sp) ;STACKS the CODE of SETBLOCK
trap #1 ;GEMDOS call ->execution of the function.
add.l #12,sp ;When returning, SP is incremented to
;regain its initial value.
ENDM ;end of the MACRO
END ;end of assembly
We will save this macro in the file 'INIT_TOS.L'.
All the programs we write will therefore have to look like this:
INCLUDE "INIT_TOS.L" ;Linkage of the file
. ;the instructions
. ;that form the prg
DATA ;the data zone
. ;with the initialized data
BSS ;the bss zone
. ;with the reservations
DS.B 200 ;and space reserved for the needs
stack DS.B 1 ;of the GEMDOS, BIOS, XBIOS functions we
;will use. (Upstream of the
;'stack' label). USP points on 'stack' and
;will be decremented when passing the
;parameters to the functions
;(MOVE.x source, -(SP) )
;:Let's not forget that only the memory that
;the program really needs is
;reserved after SETBLOCK.
The listing of the SETBLOCK macro instruction is found in the file
INIT_TOS.L on this disk and is fully available to you.
NB:You will therefore always have to make sure to reserve memory in the
-- BSS zone upstream from the address pointed to by the label we
named 'STACK'.
There is no need to economize on space by reserving little memory,
the size of the BSS segment does not affect the
size of the PRG...
- I will now enumerate the various functions of the GEMDOS.
Only the commonly used functions will be studied, for the
others, you will have to refer to THE ST BIBLE, but I doubt you
will need to use them in the near future...
For each function, I will give you:
.The CODE and the NAME of the function
---- ---
.The PARAMETERS to pass
.The PURPOSE of the function
.A MACRO INSTRUCTION that uses the studied function if it
can be frequently useful to us...
All these macro instructions that we will create from the
GEMDOS, BIOS and XBIOS functions will be collected in the file
MACROS.L and of course, you can use them whenever
you desire.
$00 (TERM), no parameter
TERM allows to end the program and return to the calling program
(or parent program).
That is to say that if we use the TERM function of gemdos, the prg stops and
returns to the GEM DESKTOP (if the program has only been loaded from
the DESKTOP) or to the instruction following the calling instruction, of
the FATHER program. In this latter case, the PRG using the term function is
named SON program and has been loaded by the so called 'FATHER' program.
TERM MACRO ;TERM macro named 'TERM'
CLR.W -(SP) ;TERM code
TRAP #1 ;GEMDOS call
$01 (CCONIN), no parameter
CCONIN waits for a character on the keyboard and displays it at the current
cursor position.
The function returns, the ASCII code of the pressed key in the low
byte of the low word of d0 and the SCANCODE of the
key in the low byte of the high word of d0.
The SCANCODE allows to identify keys that do not have an ASCII code
(such as function keys) and it also allows to distinguish between
keys that have the same ASCII code (such as numbers on the numeric
keypad and those on the main block)
The ASCII code and SCANCODE can be reached in this way for
TRAP #1 ;-->gemdos
ADDQ.L #2,SP ;we reinitialize SP
CMPI.B #'A',d0 ;compare the low byte of the low word of
;d0 with the ASCII code of
;'A' that is $41
BEQ yes
SWAP.W d0 ;SWAP the 2 words of d0
CMPI.B #0,d0 ;is the SCANCODE nill ???
BNE no
NB:You have noticed that I wrote:CMPI #'A',d0.
-- Writing 'A' or the ASCII code of A that is $41 is identical.
You can therefore for example replace MOVE #$42,d0 with MOVE #'B',d0
,this makes the listing more readable if you use instructions
that must move data representing ASCII codes...
The assembler will make the correction. (just as MOVE source,an is
accepted and replaced by MOVEA source,an)
CCONIN MACRO ;The equivalent macro
MOVE #$1,-(SP)
$02 (CCONOUT), WORD=ascii code
CCONOUT displays the character represented by the ASCII code that is passed
as a parameter on the stack at the current cursor position.
CCONOUT MACRO $\1 ;here, $\1 tells the assembler that we
;will pass a parameter to the macro.
move \1,-(SP) ;we stack the parameter \1
move #2,-(SP) ;then the code of CCONOUT
trap #1 ;gemdos
addq.l #4,SP ;correction of the stack
ENDM ;end of the MACRO
As you can see, we have just created a MACRO instruction
that accepts a PARAMETER.
It is indicated to the assembler by the directive: MACRO $\1
The parameter can be for example:#'A' or d0 or #$48 etc...
Examples of using the macro CCONOUT (with a parameter):
will display an 'a' on the screen
MOVE #'a',d0
will display the character with ASCII code 53.
$03 (CAUXIN), no parameter
CAUXIN allows the reception of a character via the RS232 interface.
If there has been no error, the ASCII code of the character returns in
the low byte of d0.
MOVE #$3,-(SP)
$04 (CAUXOUT), WORD=ascii code
CAUXOUT causes the emission of the character whose ASCII code has been passed
as a parameter in the stack to the RS232 interface.
MOVE #'A',-(SP) ;sends an 'A'
MOVE #$4,-(SP)
$05 (CPRNOUT),WORD=ascii code
CPRNOUT emits the character whose ASCII code has been stacked to
the printer.
If the character was well sent, we obtain the word -1 in d0.
If the printer is unable to receive the character, we obtain a
word equal to 0 in d0.
MOVE #'A',-(SP) ;we print an 'A'
MOVE #$5,-(SP) ;CPRNOUT code
$06 (CRAWIO),WORD=$FF or ascii code
CRAWIO admits two types of parameters.
If the parameter is a WORD equal to $FF, CRAWIO tests if a key of
the keyboard IS pressed.(like INKEY in BASIC)
If a key was pressed, its ASCII code and its scan code enter
in d0, otherwise d0 remains unchanged.
If the parameter is different from $FF, this value is interpreted as
the ASCII code of a character to send to the screen.
INKEY MACRO ;CRAWIO with $FF as parameter
MOVE #$6,-(SP)
Example of using the INKEY macro:
test INKEY ;macro call INKEY
CMPI.B #'A',d0 ;compare the ASCII code of d0 with 'A'
BEQ yes ;key 'A' pressed? If yes, goes to 'yes'
JMP test ;otherwise return to 'test'
yes NOP
As long as the 'A' key is not pressed, we jump to 'test'.
$07 (CRAWCIN), no parameter
CRAWCIN waits for a key to be pressed.
The recognized character is not displayed, but the ASCII code and scan code
of the pressed key is transmitted to d0 in return.
WAIT MACRO ;waiting macro for a key
MOVE #$7,-(SP) ;CRAWCIN code
ADDQ.L #2,SP ;keys codes in d0.
$08 (CNECIN), no parameter
Identical function to CRAWCIN, except that here, pressing CONTROL-C ends the
PRG (like with PTERM), CONTROL-S stops the display, CONTROL-Q resumes
the display interrupted by control-s.
$09 (PRINT LINE), L-W= address of a string of characters terminated by a
--- zero byte.
This function allows to display a string of characters on the screen.
The string of characters to be displayed must be located in the DATA area
and must be terminated by a NULL byte.
PRINTLINE MACRO $\1 ;MACRO with \1 parameter: The address of
;the string of characters to be displayed.
PEA \1 ;STACK the address \1.
MOVE #$9,-(SP) ;PRINTLINE code
Example of using the macro PRINTLINE:
laurent DC.B 'laurent PIECHOCKI 8,impasse Bellevue 57980',0
exp2 DC.B 53,54,56,80,45,25,0
exp3 DC.B 27,'E',7,'LAURENT',25,0
NB: To obtain effects such as screen erasing, line jumps... there are special codes that must be transmitted to
--- functions such as PRINTLINE,CCONOUT...
The codes preceded by the ASCII value 27 (ESC).
27,'E' :erase the screen
27,'B' :positions the cursor one line lower
27,'A' :positions the cursor one line higher
27,'C' :positions the cursor one line further to the right
27,'D' :positions the cursor one line further to the left