Guide to update CT60/CTPCI
There are two ways to update the CDPL of the CT60. You can either use a PC or the Falcon to flash the CDPL firmware. But this short procedure documented here uses the PC for this task.
Things you need
- You'll need a PC with a parallel port (true parallel port, no USB adapters)
- Download and install the Xilinx ISE Webpack from
- This is a big 4GB software package, you only need IMPACT app within it. But you have to download the entire 4GB package.
- Get/buy/build the Xilinx Parallel cable III programming adapter
- You can get from major stores or a cheap Jtag Cable from ebay. Search "xilinx parallel" in eBay.
- The latest CDPL firmware from PowerPhenix website firmware page.
- You need to obtain the correct pairs to use, otherwise you get instability.
Flashing the CT60
Set up the cable
Connecting the cable from your PC parallel port to the CT60 should take you 2-3 minutes.
- Open up your Falcon and expose the CT60.
- Locate the JTAG pins at the right rear of the CT60.