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  • Atomik Packer : Atomik Cruncher by Altair/MCS/VMAX.
  • Automation Packer : Automation Packer by EGB.
  • CDC : The Chaos Disk Compactor by Miles Vignol.
  • ICE : Pack-Ice version by Axe of Superior.
    • PACK-FIRE is an another GEM version.
  • IMPLODER : This little hack is an extremely quick port (by Torbjorn 'Hackbear/Digital Chaos' Ose) of the Amiga file packer "File Imploder".
  • IDRAGON : Ivory Dragon Packer By Vermilion Pawn.
  • GOLLUM : GOLLUM Packer.
  • JAM PACKER : Jampacker compressor by Andrew and Tim Knipe.
  • MPACK : by Hans Streibel. This is a port of the mpack/munpack programs. mpack/munpack encodes/decodes MIME messages.
  • PACK/UNPACK : PACK/UNPACK are amazing programs from Europe by Escape.
  • PFXPAK : Programm-Packer by Thomas Quester who will take an executable program and apply LZH compression.
  • SPACKER : S P A C K E R III - A FIREHAWKS Utility FREEWARE !!! librement copiable coded by Spiral.
  • UPX : The Ultimate Packer for eXecutables by Markus Oberhumer, Laszlo Molnar & John Reiser

Packers Shells

  • EXPEND-O-M : Expand-o-matic version 1.5 by Andrew Cullum is a shell for dealing with a variety of compressed formats.
  • FLEXI-ARC : FLEXI-ARC by William Wong.
  • GEM-PackerShell : A GEM based LZH (LHARC) Packershell by Braendli Otto is a shell for use with LHarc.
  • IMPLODE : Imploid archive utility by Markus Dobler is a packer shell for use with GEMINI.
  • LAZAZ : LAZAZ! by Andreas Papula is a shell for LHarc, ARC, ZOO, ARJ & ZIP.
  • LAZY : LAZy-Shell by Oliver Michalak is a Gem based archiver shell for all archiver types.
  • LHArc : LHarc by Christian Grunenberg and others, based on LZH 2.01l and using the same commands but with additional switches, the more extensive UNIX wildcards, a built in GEM-interface and support for self-extracting files!
  • LH-Shell : LHarc Shell version 1.021 by Andreas B”lt is a shell for most archivers.
  • LH-Work-Utility : LHArc-Work-Utility by Andreas B”lt is a utility program that will test LZH archives and convert between ARC, ZOO, ZIP, ARJ, and LZH.
  • PacShell : PacShell by Holger Weets is a GEM shell for various archiver programs including: Zip, Zoo, Lzh, Arc, (UN)Arj, Tar.
  • Two-in-One : Archive shell and manager for the Atari ST/STe/TT/Falcon that supports ARC, ARJ, LZH, ZIP, and ZOO by Gregor Duchalski (Includes a text viewer module).
  • ULTIPACK : The Ultimate Packer Shell by Robert Stupp. Makes using LHArc, ZIP, ARC, ARJ, ZOO a simple, straightforward task.


  • ADP : "Auto D-Pack" by Kasar/Positivity. ADP is a resident program which diverts the system-calls relative to the file loadings in order to depack every kind of data.
  • Depack D : By Dadu, allow to decompress easily datas files packed with : PACK ICE v2.11, v2.12, or v2.31, and ATOMIK CRUNCHER v3, or v3.5 (file containt start with the "Ice!" or "ICE!" or "ATOM" word).
  • Mega Depacker : by Mike Watson in 100% 68000 assembler.
  • Multi Depacker : Multi Depacker by MUG U.K.
  • New Depack : New Depack is quite simply a file de-compressor by Mike Watson.
  • POWERPACKER : DataDePacker by bITmASTER of TCE, small utility that will unpack files that were packed with the PowerPacker from the Amiga.
  • SYNERGY DEPACKER : Synergy Giga Depacker by Wingleader/Synergy.
  • The Naughty Unpacker : The Naughty Unpacker by Marinos Yannikos.
  • Universal Program UNPACKer : Universal Program UNPACKer by STS Software.

Archive Tools

  • 4PAK : TOS/PRG file compactor.
  • AFX : Automatic File Extractor by Thomas Quester. With this Program it is possible to unpack and use files which were packed with LHarc. The only difference users will notice is in the speed of access: A Floppy-drive will seem to accelerate to the speed of a Hard Disk or RamDisk.
  • ARC : ARC version by System Enhancement Associates, Inc. (ported to the Atari ST by Howard Chu).
  • ARJ : (UN)ARJ version 9.90 by the TOS crew. Claims to be 100% compatible with R.Jung's ARJ.EXE for IBM.
  • BAPACK : Branch Always Packer by Branch Always Software. It takes an existing program, which may have a .PRG, .TOS, .TTP, or .ACC extender, and creates a file which is smaller but still remains executable.
  • Compress : Compress is an adaptive Lempel-Zev compression program that was ported to the Atari platform from the world of Unix.
  • Compak : Compak by Mike Coates. It is based on Bytekiller (a PD compacting program for the Amiga) but has been re-written to work on an Atari ST.
  • CWAC : Cool Wave Archive Converter by Lee Offenberger is a tool that automates the conversion of archive files from one format to another (convert between ARC/ARJ/LZH/ZIP/ZOO formats).
  • ESS-CODE : This program by Michel Forget supports the four popular methods of Unix style file conversions/encoding; UUEncoding/UUDecoding, MIME-Encoding/MIME-Decoding, BTOA-Encoding/BTOA-Decoding, and SHIP-Encoding/ SHIP-Decoding.
  • EXEPACKG : EXEPACKG is a small GEM utility which allows you to compress executable files into an executable form by Dimitri Koveos.
  • EZSQUEEZ : EZ Squeeze by John Brocha.
  • GTARBIN : GNU Tar version 1.10 Ported to the Atari ST with MiNT (and without) by Alan Hourihane.
  • GZIPST : GNU ZIP version 0.6 byDaniel Eriksson.
  • HPAC : Multi system archiver ported to the Atari ST by Martin Braschler.
  • LHX : LHX by Mark Armbrust can be used to list the contents of an LHARC archive, test the integrity of an archive, scan a damaged archive to look for recoverable files, and to extract files from an archive. It will *ONLY* recover lh1 format files
  • LPAK : LPAK by Andrew D. Webber is a little utility that allows you to compress data files.
  • NABOB : NABOB (New Archive by BOB) Very good archiver, ported from PC, much better than ZIP/LZH/ARC.
  • NCOMPRESS : (N)compress is an improved version of Compress 4.1. Compress is a fast, simple LZW file compressor.
  • PKUnarc : PKUnarc - extracts files from an ARC archive. HANDLES Squashed (PKARCed) FILES !!! It is more robust than ARC.TTP which has been known to crash on rare occasions. It is faster than ARC.TTP, but slower than DCOPY191.
  • RD : Resident De/Compressor (Demo) by Si. RD is a file compressor and decompressor that works automatically with minimal intervention from the user.
  • SFX_LZH : Self-Extracting LZH File Creator by Stefan Gross (dated10/9/89). This program turns any .LZH file into a .TOS file that will auto-extract when run.
  • ST_TAR : TAR and UNTAR for the ST. Tar is a data compression format used by Unix systems.
  • STCRUNCH : ST-Cruncher by "The X-King Arthur". A GEM based cruncher program from Europe.
  • STZIP : Compressor by Vincent Pomey.
  • TAR : This is a port of GNU tar 1.11.2 for MiNT and minix file-systems.
  • WWTAR : Tar archiver - ported to the Atari ST by Wolfgang Wander - includes some extra functions.
  • UNSIT : UNSIT by Allen G. Weber (Ported to the ST by Alan Hamilton). This program will extract archived files that were created using the Macintosh program known as Stuffit.
  • UNLZH : Extracting .LZH archive files by John Harris. UNLZH combines an easy to use, GEM based interface with high speed extraction routines, to give you a much simpler and much faster way to extract LZH archives.
  • UNZIP : The Info-ZIP group's portable UnZip zipfile-extraction program. UnZip is an extraction utility for archives compressed in .zip format (also called "zipfiles").
  • UUE : The programs by Steve Yelvington are full implementations of UUencode and UUdecode.
  • X-Tract : X-Tract by Manfred Ssykor is yet another shell for LHarc.
  • YUVPAK : YUVPAK for Fractal Image Compression (Color Targa Version) by WD Young.
  • ZOO : ZOO Release by Rahul Dhesi and Gereon Steffens is a full Atari ST port of the ZOO archiver.

Externals links

Auto D-Pack
Depack D
ST Zip

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