Ghostlink v1.02 Beta 02/05/94 Copyright Bitz 1994
What is ghostlink:
Ghostlink is a link between an Atari GEM Computer (Master) and a MS-DOS computer (Slave) It allows the drives (floppy, harddisk, CD-ROM) installed on the slave to be used by the master as a GEM-partition. It is possible to connect up to 3 PC slaves (on different ports!)
So, you can, for instance, import a picture stored on a CD-Rom (connected to a MS-DOS PC) into Calamus!
A simple nullmodem cable is required.
Installation on ATARI:
Run the program STMASTER.PRG
- Select port & speed
On the left you see 3 channel boxes.
Set the wanted port and speed for channel 1:
- STANDARD All Atari's (ST/STE/TT/Falcon) The standard TOS routines are used. Select port & speed in the control panel. (Select 8 bit, 1 stopbit, no parity, no flowcontrol) - SERIAL 2 Only MEGA STE & TT Speed: 300/600/1200/2400/4800/9600/19200 38400/57600/115200 On a MEGA STE, do not use more than 57600 Baud - MODEM 2 Only MEGA STE & TT Speed: 300/600/1200/2400/4800/9600/19200 38400/76800/153600 On a MEGA STE, do not use more than 57600 Baud - MODEM Only Falcon Speed: 300/600/1200/2400/4800/9600/19200 38400/57600/115200
- Select the partition ID's
On the right side is the partition box. Double click on existing
entries to edit them, or click on ADD to add an entry.
Editing a partition entry:
- Select a local drive ID (this is the drive-letter used by GEM to access the slave). - Select a remote drive ID (this is the drive-letter used on the slave computer). Here you can also select "All existing drives"; this means that with 1 local drive-ID, you can access all the remote drives (the remote drives are showed as folders in the ROOT directory). - Select a channel (take 1).
- Click on Save to save the settings, this will avoid you to select
all settings every time the program is runned. (Note: the settings are saved directly into the program!)
- Click on install. The program will quit but remains resident.
Just install the icon(s) for the LOCAL partitions on the desktop.
The program can also be installed in the AUTO-folder, this way the dialog does not appear (select & save settings before).
Installation on MS-DOS:
Run the program PCSLAVE.EXE
- Select the port with keys <1> = COM1 <2> = COM2
- Select the speed with the function keys 1->10
300 -> 115200 Baud
- Of course, the speed must be the same as the master speed!
- So, thats all, as long as the slave is active, you'll have access to it from the master.
- To quit, press escape (access is terminated).
Use it the first time at low speed, to avoid speed problems.
The data that is transfered is CRC32 controlled, so when a datablock send by master or slave has errors, it is send again (this as much as needed). So, if a computer is to slow, or in other words the transfer speed is to high, the system will lock up. In that case hold CONTROL/SHIFT/ALTERNATE on the master (Atari) and the transfer will stop with an ERROR code.
If on the MS-DOS screen, command tracing is ON, you can watch all used GEM-DOS operations (very interesting). Here you also can see the errors. MASTER ERROR means the master recieved a datablock with checksum error (Master to slow?) and SLAVE ERROR means the slave received a bad data block (Slave to slow?).
What does not work:
- Renaming a folder on the slave. (difficult to do under DOS)
- Starting a program (.PRG of course) on the slave. (maybe in the next version...)
What's next:
- An Atari Slave program, to connect Atari to Atari
- More ports support (midi, parallell) (I am really curious to see the parallell speed...)
--- This is a beta-version, Bitz does not take any responsability for dammage occured to hard- and/or software by using this program...
If you have any suggestions, bug-reports or whatever, or if you are interested in a full working version, contact me:
BITZ Computers c/o P. Van Malderen
Brusselsesteenweg, 107
B-1500 Halle / Belgium
Phone: (02) 361 10 89
Fax: (02) 361 25 52
BITZ Atari BBS: (02) 361 14 08 (message to PIRRE KING)
So, enjoy this program...
(c)Bitz 1994 Pierrot Van Malderen.