D/A converter
3. HOW TO MAKE AN EVEN CHEAPER D/A ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────── For the price of 20 1% resistors and a plug, with no power supply needed you can make a D/A converter that sounds close to the IC one above (it seems only the UK can get a Plessey ZN426E) You need one plug for your amp, one for your parallel port and 9 20k and 9 10K resistors Use 1% resistors if possible ─ and 20k sound much better than 22k Printer Port: signal pin 20k 20k D0 2 >───░░░─┬─░░░──0v 20k ░ 10k D1 3 >───░░░─┤ 20k ░ 10k D2 4 >───░░░─┤ 20k ░ 10k D3 5 >───░░░─┤ 20k ░ 10k D4 6 >───░░░─┤ 20k ░ 10k D5 7 >───░░░─┤ 20k ░ 10k D6 8 >───░░░─┤ 20k ░ 10k D7 9 >───░░░─┤ 20k ░ 10k 100nF ├──────┤█────> TO AMPLIFIER ░ 10k GND 20 >───────┼────────────> 0v Thanks to Harry Stox for the above circuit. Again, make sure all the 0v lines are connected together. The 100nF capacitor may not be needed, try removing it if this circuit sounds poor.