The Addams Family

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The Addams Family -- Template:AL-Ocean

Move left past the "Continue" door on the screen (with the Continue and Quit options) to find four extra lives!

(maybe insert a screenshot with a big red-arrow on it pointing to the location!)


In the hall of rooms, go to the bottom left of the screen and press up on the joystick to reveal a hidden door. Now enter the door and on the next screen, directly above you is another hidden door which hides even more doors and extra lives.

To get four extra lives each time the game has ended, walk past the continue door to the left until you enter a secret room where you can collect them.

The Graveyard

Go left and climb up the hangman's noose. Get the fez and fly up to the top left of the screen. Collect the invincibility pill and land on the right chimney.

Go down the chimney and go down to the bottom left of the screen. Walk left and you'll enter a new room. You will come to a very high wall.

To get over it you must jump onto the small wall beside it and go one pixel to the edge. Walk through the next wall and jump up and to the left. To get the invincibility pill, walk through the wall to the right of it.

Keep on going and you will come to a room with three extra lives.

Now jump up on the chimney. Pull down on the joystick and you will enter another room. Now leave that room and jump off the roof! Walk right and go down the hole in the ground. Go left and you'll find a bonus room.

Jump up and right and collect the points. The rest of the level is easy, just remember to duck under the bats. When you reach the end go right and collect the money.

The is another level beyond this but ignore it, it's a waste of lives.

Exit the level. Now you are outside again, only there's a lot more baddies. Make sure to avoid the nasty looking tree! Go into the house.

Go into the bottom left room. Climb the tree. To kill the bird you must jump on his head six times. To do this, hide at the end of a branch where you are safe. When the bird passes beneath you jump on her quickly and go back to where you were. Once the bird is dead leave the room.

Wednesday 10:53, 22 August 2008 (EDT)mug_uk 10:53, 22 August 2008 (EDT)

The room to the bottom right (Conservatory) contains Wednesday.

First of all the walking helmets can't be killed without you losing a
heart, so avoid them. Shortly before you meet the first three spiders you
should see a running shoe. Go right and walk through the wall to find
bonus room.
Just beyond the spiders is a switch. To get to it jump onto the ledge
beside the spikes, jump onto a flying nasty and then jump again to reach
the switch. By the way, this tactic is very important; the game cannot be
finished without it.
To complete the new room you must use the ramps effectively. Walk up
these to increase your jumping power. You will come to a point where a
dozen flying nasties are flying over some spikes. Jump on them and when
they are all dead you can fall into the secret room beneath them.
When this sub level is complete you will enter a new room. Fall down onto
the spike nearest to you and it becomes a block. Go left and you will
find an extra life and points. Jump up and right for another power up and
more points.
This level is full of spikes, so remember when there's a spike above and
below you, a short hop is most effective. When this sublevel is completed
you will enter a graveyard. Watch out for the pumpkins, they drop fire on
Enter the little building at the end. Wednesday is in here. Bear in mind
the tactic I mentioned earlier on this level! You often have to use the
bubbles the fish fire as launch pads.
There is only one very hard point to this level which consists of a number
of small ledges. You must stand at the very edge of each ledge and use
large jumps to succeed. It's very frustrating I'm afraid! To dodge the
star-shaped guillotines you must pass under them when they're up.
To kill the end of level boss, dodge the skulls and use the two bricks
as launch pads for your jumps. Jump when the skulls leave the screen.
There is also a bonus room under where Wednesday is standing.
10:53, 22 August 2008 (EDT)~
Granny is in part of the top right room (Kitchen). When you enter the
room go left. The switch is at the very top of the level. There are two
bonus rooms, one is in the top right corner and the other is in the top
left one. Pull down on the top of the oven to enter.
There are bonuses to the right of the information box, any of the switches
in this room let you get to them. To avoid the nozzles which shoot fire
you must jump just after they fire.
The bouncing fireballs can be avoided by jumping when they are at their
lowest point. To dodge the hopping fireballs duck under them when they
are at their highest point.
The flying stars travel in circles. Walk past them just as they pass you.
There are also slow moving stars and they can be dodged by walking past
when they are at their furthest point from you.
Speed is important in this level, many of the moving bricks pass through
lava, so you must jump on them before this happens. Always go as close to
a platform's edge as possible to maximise your jump.
When you reach Granny go to the far right-hand corner of the room.
The boss passes by you three times. The first time, he can be hit, but
on the other occasions he turns his spikes towards you.
You can duck most of the fireballs, but sometimes he fires a low shot
which you must jump over. When he is dead you will appear on top of the
oven. Walk past the level entrance and go into the deep freeze.
You must kill as many penguins as possible because otherwise they will
follow you. You must use the tactic I mentioned earlier to get past some
of the higher walls. The snowman at the end of the level can only be hit
when he's in snowman form.
He's invincible when he becomes a snowball. Watch out for the icicles;
if you stand between them you will not get hurt. If you kill the snowman
then you are awarded four hearts per life.
10:53, 22 August 2008 (EDT)~~
The top room (Games Room) contains Pugsly.
There are three types of very harmful nasties on this level. The ball and
chains can be dodged by jumping past when they are at the furthest point
away from you. The nasty who fires the disk can be killed by jumping at
him when the disk has past you. Once he is dead the disk disappears.
Finally the chains of disks can be dodged by walking past when the chain
has just past you. Some of these chains also appear in the Granny level.
You must use the cannon balls as launch pads for your jumps, as in the
other levels. To kill the boss you must jump on the top of his head when
the discs leave the screen. Be quick though, they reappear very quickly.
Duck in a corner the rest of the time, so you can't be hit.
Uncle Fester
10:53, 22 August 2008 (EDT)10:53, 22 August 2008 (EDT)~~
The room to the top left (Portrait Gallery) contains Uncle Fester.
This level is quite long. The jumping nasties are easy to kill - just
jump on them when they are at their lowest point. In the case of the
flying ones, kill them when they are a standard jump's distance away.
The same goes for the unicycle baddies in the majority of cases, as well
as for the green mem, the knights, who are unarmed, and for the men on
green ducks with lances. There are also knights in this level who throw
swords. Jump on them when they turn their backs on you. The suits of
armour can be dodged by walking past when the mace just passes you.
If a jump is required, then use a low-powered one, and wait until the
mace is halfway through its swing. Later on you will come across book
worms. Use the unicycle tactic on them.
The paperweights are best avoided, but if you must kill them use the
unicycle tactic again, only this time be quick, because the weights move
very fast. There are also spring-powered baddies, who follow you like the
Jump at them when they are at the lowest point of their hop. You will
come to a room with a train in it. The track will kill you, as will the
sharp cogs. To avoid them look at their positioning, you can either jump
over them, or duck under them.
If you are going to jump over them then stand on the funnel of the engine.
If you want to duck, then stand on the lowest point of the train, and
Thw witch is very hard to kill, you must jump on her when she's at the
lowest point of her swoop. You also have to use Uncle Fester as a jumping
point by standing on his head. When she's dead, exit the level.
10:53, 22 August 2008 (EDT)mug_uk
Morticia is in the middle room (Music Room). Don't forget you have to
save the others first. Go into the middle room and wait for the music
to stop. The wall at the right side of the room drops and you can go in
the door. In the third maze room go left until you reach a door.
This leads to a money pit and two new doors. The left door leads to a
bonus room and the right door leads to a new level. All the nasties here
use a movement pattern that some other sprite uses elsewhere in the game.
The bird uses the pattern of the green flying eye in the snowman level.
The green blob moves the same as the bouncing flame in the oven.
The rolling rock moves the same as the snowballs in the deep freeze.
There are skulls and ball and chains too. There are also fish which can
be killed by swimming over them and touching your feet on them. Be warned
though because you move slowly in the water. There are flying mouse-like
faces as well, who move the same as the flying nasties in the garden
To kill the end of level boss you must dodge the hammers. Stand on the
right most part of the low right ledge when you want to hide. To begin
with he jumps to the right. To attack him jump onto the top of the
pedestal and jump down on him.
After your first attack, he hops once on the top of the pedestal and then
jumps to the left. From now on, however, he hops once on the pedestal,
then down onto the ground in the middle and then to the right. He hops
once more on the top of the pedestal, then on the middle ground and then
to the left. When he's dead you've won! Enjoy the end sequence!

  1. 1: In case ya don't already get 4 free lives each time your
game has ended, walk past the CONTINUE DOOR to the left and there is a

room where you can collect them!

  1. 2:
       Go up immediately into the hall of rooms, walk left until you are

under the door above you...push up. You are now in a secret room. Collect the shit in that room, THEN walk up directly up that door and push up--there you will find a MASS amount of treasures, 1UPS, and other goodies!

 Who the fuck needs a trainer? This game is loaded with 1ups everywhere!


  1. 1 When you begin, in front of Gomez's house, go to the left and climb the noose, there you will find a hat that will allow you to fly.
  1. 2 You may fly down into Gomez's Chimneys, there you will find extra lives and many $ signs..
  1. 3 In the house there are several DOORS, if you go into the VERY TOP door then as you get past the level, past the various cannons, and blades, there comes the LAST door, you know, the LEVEL DOOR. WEll DONT go in there! Jump above it (on top of) and push UP. It will open a new secret door, IN here, you will see below you many riches.. hehe well to get them, go in front of

the door on the right, by the hinges, and jump up, till you get on top of the glowing border, then go either to the left or the right and jump off.. you will collect several thousands i bonus, and you will get some other neat shit. To get back up, simply stand under the door on the right and jump.

Then go into the door (on the right.) (it is a "warp zone") --HERE it gets tricky.. go into the door, THEN GO INTO THE NEXT DOOR!! In other words, there you are.. in front of the door on the right, you go in, then you are in front of a door in another area, well go RIGHT BACK IN.. this will put you in a variable BONUS room... Get the money, then go to the FAR RIGHT wall where the "blade spitter" was.. then while pushing UP, JUMP UP. Then go into the door on the right. (after you climb to the top (in the wall)). ok, now you are in a room with a couple blade thingys swinging.. well walk off the wall, and then go UNDER The door (in the wall, there is another bonus area).... (you will be going to the left) ok, now as you guessed, complete this area, by going all the way to the right, then DONT GO IN THE DOOR.. jump on top of it, there you will find another door if you push the joystick UP. If you dont get all the money, and the life, then jump on top of the door to the right, and then you can walk through that wall and get the stuff you missed... hehe

NOW go into the door, and then go in the door that we used to go to the warp zone.. complete the area.. (this is the main guy).. Password is K1Y1H. (easy to kill this guy... just jump on him.) But you arent done YET! Go into the "tube" that the kid was standing on.. and you will find a nice profitable DROP!!HEHEEH


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