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1) Exercise number 1

Here are the listings of the 2 macro instructions 'SAVE' and 'RESTORE'
that allow to respectively save and restore the 68000's registers.

I will skip the details, it was enough to use the MOVEM instruction.
The registers will be saved in the system stack by pre-decrement mode
and restored by post-increment mode. That's all ...


        movem.l   d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp)


        movem.l   (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6

2) Exercise number 2


Here is the listing of the HEXA macro, that allows to display the content of its parameter in hexadecimal.

        First we need to successively reach the 8 half-bytes making up

the L-M passed as parameter (1 hex digit = 4 bits). To do this we use the rotation instruction ROL and place it in a loop. (LSR also worked...) We will then mask the 4 least significant bits with AND.L #%1111,dn to keep only the half-byte to be processed. The most difficult comes then: It's now necessary to display the value of this hex digit coded by 4 bits on screen. If the digit is <$A (which means <10) this digit will be between 0 and 9. By adding $30 to the value of this digit we will get the ascii code of the digit. (Because the ascii code of '0' is $30: that of '1' is thus $30+1=$31 etc...) If the hex digit to be displayed is >9 this digit will be a letter from the alphabet (from A to F). By adding $37+$A to the value of this digit we will get the ascii code of the digit to display. (Because the ascii code of 'A' is $37+$A: that of 'B' is thus $37+$B=$42 etc...) It's then enough to display with CCONOUT the ascii code obtained and to repeat the operation with all the half-bytes of the parameter.

NB: We use the macros SAVE and RESTORE in our HEXA macro to -- be able to use all the registers without modifying their content at

  the end of the macro.
  Please note that I'm using LABELS in the HEXA macro.
  Hence the macro can only be used once in a listing because
  the assembler cannot distinguish between two identical labels and at
  each call of a macro, it is fully rewritten...
  You can, however, put the macro in a subroutine to
  be able to call it multiple times...

HEXA MACRO $\1 ;macro with 1 parameter

         SAVE                       ;we save the registers so as not
                                    ;to lose their content
         move.l    \1,d1            ;we put the parameter in d1
         moveq     #0,d2            ;initializes the number of shifts

SHIFT addi.b #4,d2 ;we add 4 to the number of shifts

         cmpi.b    #36,d2           ;if d2=36=32+4 we finished the 32
         beq       END              ;rotations, in this case -> END
         move.l    d1,d3            ;otherwise we put d1 in d3 and
         rol.l     d2,d3            ;do a rotation of 4 bits
         andi.l    #%1111,d3        ;and we mask these 4 bits as only
                                    ;they must be processed.
d3 therefore contains the value to be displayed
0 to 9 or A to F. (because a
hex digit is coded by 4 bits (see introduction) )
         cmpi.b    #9,d3
         bgt       HEX              ;if d3 >9, go to HEX because we will
                                    ;need to display a letter and no longer a

DECIMAL addi.b #$30,d3 ;d3=d3+$30 because the ASCII value of 0 is $30

                           ;For example, if d3 is worth 1, we represent it
                           ;by the ascii character $30+1=$31='1', if it
                           ;is 5, by the ascii code $30+5=$35='5', and so
                           ;on for all hex digits <9
         CCONOUT   d3      ;edition of the content of d3
         jmp       SHIFT   ;we re-shift the parameter and continue with
                           ;the next 4 bits in SHIFT

HEX addi.b #$37,d3 ;d3=d3+$37 for the hex numbers represented

                            ;by the letters because the ASCII value of A is
                            ;$37+$A. So for exp. if d3 is worth $B, we re-
                            ;present it by the ascii code $37+$B=$42='B'...
         CCONOUT   d3       ;we display the letter (from A to F)
         jmp       SHIFT    ;we re-shift the parameter and continue with
                            ;the next 4 bits in SHIFT

END RESTORE ;when we are done with all the 32 bits,

                            ;we restore the stacked registers

3) Exercise number 3


Here is the correction of the 'BINARY' macro.

To reach the 32 bits of the parameter and to display them on the screen, we use the instruction LSL.L #1, parameter in a loop and depending on the value of the shift out bit, we display a '1' (active bit) or a '0' (extinguished bit). The corresponding conditional branch instruction can for example be bCC (Which tests if the C bit of the CCR is zero: LSL copies the shifted out bit into the C bit of the CCR) To display the '1' or the '0', we use the CCONOUT #'1' or CCONOUT #'0' macro.

NB:Same remarks as for the HEXA macro concerning the use of labels -- in the 'BINARY' macro.


BINARY MACRO $\1 ;MACRO with 1 parameter

         SAVE               ;registers saved
         move.L    \1,d1    ;the parameter in d1
         move      #31,d3   ;loop counter for shifts

LOOK move #'0',d0 ;d0 contains the ascii code of 0

         lsl.l     #1,d1    ;shift of one bit of d1: Copy of the bit into
                            ;the C code of the CCR
         bcc       ZERO     ;if the bit is zero (C=0): go to 'zero'
         move      #'1',d0  ;otherwise d0 contains the ascii code of '1'

ZERO CCONOUT d0 ;we display the content of d0 (0 or 1)

         dbf       d3,LOOK  ;we continue with the other 31 bits
         RESTORE            ;we restore the registers
         ENDM               ;done...

4) Exercise number 4:

Here is the listing of the program that formats a floppy disk.

 It was simply necessary to properly use the FLOPFMT function of the Gemdos
and put it in a loop to be able to vary the number of the track to format.
To ask for execution confirmation from the program's user,
we display an alert message with PRINTLINE, we wait for him to press
a keyboard key (with 'WAIT') and we test the ascii code of
the selected key. (value which returns in d0)
If this key is 'F' we format the floppy, otherwise we exit the program
with the TERM macro (TERM function of the Gemdos).
If an error occurs during formatting (d0 negative after FLOPFMT),
we display the error code in DECIMAL.
We will first need to make the digit to process positive with NEG  dn.
The digit to process (the error code) will thus be a positive number 
and less than 100 (see the Gemdos error codes).
We perform a division by 10 of this digit to get the tens digit
with DIVU #10,dn.
The quotient returns in the low weight word of dn: it's the tens digit, we display it
by adding $30 to obtain an ascii code (with CCONOUT).
The remainder is in the high weight word of dn: It represents the
units digit of the error code. We SWAP dn and also display it.
When the formatting is finished, we display a message indicating that
everything is OK.
    BE CAREFUL, our program will format the disk correctly, but if
    you look at the disk information using the 'INFORMATION' option of the GEM desktop, it will indicate that there
    remain 0 bytes free even though there are also 0 used...
    This is explained by the fact that we haven't initialized the
    BOOT SECTOR of the floppy: It will therefore not be writable because
    it contains all the necessary information for disk operations...
NB: Those who don't have PROFIMAT and who want (must!) set
-- the buffer for FLOPFMT to an EVEN address should not write
   the DIRECTIVE: 'ALIGN.W' in the BSS area.
   For METACOMCO, there is an equivalent DIRECTIVE: CNOP 0,2
   For DEVPAC ST: it's the EVEN directive.
   The others will assemble the listing and if it doesn't work, it's because
   the buffer for FLOPFMT is not at an even address.
   It will then be sufficient to reserve 1 BYTE just in front of the buffer: it
   will thus move from an odd address to an even address (odd+1).

         INCLUDE   "INIT_TOS.L"
         INCLUDE   "MACROS.L"

         PRINTLINE ATTENTION   ;the alert message   
         WAIT                  ;waiting for a key:ascii code in d0
         CMPI.B    #'F',d0     ;d0='F' ?
         BEQ       FORMAT      ;if so, FORMAT
         CMPI.B    #'f',d0     ;d0='f' ?
         BEQ       FORMAT      ;if so, FORMAT
         TERM                  ;otherwise exit


         clr.l     d0

LOOP movem.l d0,-(sp) ;we save just d0

         move.w    #$e5e5,-(sp)      ;virgin
         move.l    #$87654321,-(sp)  ;magic word
         move.w    #1,-(sp)          ;interleave
         move.w    #0,-(sp)          ;side
         move.w    d0,-(sp)          ;d0=different tracks
         move.w    #9,-(sp)          ;number of sectors per track
         move.w    #0,-(sp)          ;drive A
         clr.l     -(sp)             ;L-M=0
         pea       BUFFER            ;buffer address
         move.w    #$a,-(sp)         ;Flopfmt
         trap      #14
         add.l     #26,sp            ;update SP  
         tst       d0
         bmi       ERROR             ;If d0 is negative: error
         movem.l   (sp)+,d0          ;we restore d0
         addi.b    #1,d0             ;we increment the track number
         cmpi.b    #80,d0            ;have we the 80 tracks ?
         bne       LOOP
         PRINTLINE OK                ;no problem, OK

CONTINUE WAIT ;waiting for a key

         USER                        ;we return to USER mode
         TERM                        ;-> exit

ERROR move d0,d5 ;we save d0 in d5 because d0 will be modified

         neg       d5           ;d5 becomes positive
DECIMAL display of d5
         divu      #10,d5       ;tens digit in the low word of d5
         add       #$30,d5      ;digit=ascii code
         CCONOUT   d5           ;we display it
         swap      d5           ;low word of d5=remainder of division=digit
                                ;units of d5
         add       #$30,d5      ;digit=ascii code
         CCONOUT   d5           ;we display it
         jmp       CONTINUE     ;--> end


ATTENTION DC.B 27,'E','DANGER! This program FORMATS the floppy disk,'

         DC.B      ' insert a BLANK disk then',10,13,'press'
         DC.B      ' [F] to FORMAT the floppy disk...'
         DC.B      ' (Or another key to EXIT!)',7,0

OK DC.B 27,'E','No error: OK...',0

PROBLEM DC.B 27,'E',7,'ERROR code:-',0

         DS.B      20000    ;buffer upstream of the new STACK

PILE DS.B 1 ;formatting requires a lot of space...

         ALIGN.W            ;SPECIFIC to PROFIMAT !!!!!

BUFFER DS.B 10000 ;buffer for formatting (EVEN address) SAUV_SP DS.L 1 ;buffer for SUPER and USER


5) Exercise number 5

Here is the program that replays the sounds created with PRO SOUND DESIGNER.
The program will wait until a key is pressed on the keyboard then it
tests it (Macro 'WAIT' from gemdos, return of the code and the scancode in
Function keys have no ascii code but all have a
SCANCOD that differentiates them.
If the low byte of d0 contains an ascii code (d0.w different
from 0), we exit the program because it means we have pressed a key other
than one of the 10 function keys.
You then had to find the different scancodes of function keys
to be able to use them here.
For that, you just had to write the following program,


AA WAIT ;waiting for a key

    SWAP   d0           ;low weight byte of d0 = scancode
    and.l  #$FF,d0      ;we keep only the low byte of
                        ;this word (which is the SCANCODE)           
    HEXA   d0           ;display in HEXA the scancode
    WAIT                ;waiting for a key
    CCONOUT   #27
    CCONOUT   #'E'      ;we clear the screen
    jmp       AA        ;and we start again
 then to assemble it, to execute it and to press on the function keys to note their SCANCODES.
 The rest of the program must identify the different scancodes of
 the function keys and play a sound.
 To test the values of the scancode of the pressed key, we compare
 the value of the scancode entered with the values of the 10 scancodes of the function keys that we have placed in the DATA area.
 At the same time, we vary the value of an 'an' address register
 which points to the different sound addresses.
 If a scancode is identified, we play the sound pointed by 'an' by
 providing it as a parameter to the macro 'DOSOUND', otherwise we increment
 address registers (mode (an)+) pointing to the DATAs that represent
 the scancodes and sound addresses.
 If no scancode is finally recognized, we restart the keyboard test from
 the beginning of the program.
     The data defining the sounds are in the file 
PROSOUND.DAT, just include it in the DATA zone in the listing.

NB:I'm modifying the value of a SYSTEM VARIABLE in this listing (with
-- move.b  #0,$484) this with the purpose of stopping the 'BEEP' that is
   heard when pressing a key in order not to disturb
   the replayed sound.
   I will soon talk about the SYSTEM VARIABLES...

              INCLUDE       "INIT_TOS.L"
              INCLUDE       "MACROS.L"
              SUPER                           ;SUPERVISOR mode
              PRINTLINE     message           ;text
              move.b        #0,$484           ;system variable (putting
                                              ;0 removes repetition and
                                              ;beep of the keys)

TEST WAIT ;waiting for a key

                                              ;:CODE in d0
              tst.b         d0                ;if ascii code different from
              bne           STP               ;0, then SToP, otherwise
              swap          d0                ;low word d0
                                              ;becomes the SCANCODE
              lea           FUNCT,a0          ;a0=address of SCANCODES
              lea           VECTOR,a1         ;a1=address of sound
                                              ;address of VECTOR

SONGS cmp.b (a0)+,d0 ;compare SCANCODE of the

                                              ;pressed key (d0) to
                                              ;those in the table DC.B .
              move.l        (a1)+,a5          ;Puts the address pointed by
                                              ;a1 in a5
              beq           SOUND             ;if CMP=yes, go play the 
                                              ;sound pointed by a5
              addq.b        #1,d1             ;otherwise add 1 to d1
              cmpi.b        #9,d1             ;d1=9 ?
              beq           TEST              ;then no more scancodes
                                              ;and we return to 'TEST'
              jmp           SONGS             ;otherwise we increment a0
                                              ;and a1

SOUND DOSOUND a5 ;Dosound the sound pointed by

              jmp           TEST              ;then we return to 'TEST'


              TERM                            ;we exit


MESSAGE DC.B 27,'E','Here are some PRO SOUND DESIGNER sounds'

              DC.B       ', press the Function keys:'
              DC.B       '(Or another key to exit)',7,0

VECTOR DC.L sound0,sound1,sound2,sound3,sound4,sound5

              DC.L          sound6,sound7,sound8,sound9
              ;addresses of the 10 sounds.