ST Displays
The ST range supports three video modes:
- Low has a resolution of 320x200 with 16 colours @ 15kHZ
- Medium has a resolution of 640x200 with 4 colours @ 15kHz
- High has a resolution of 640x400 in monochrome @ 31.5kHz
Low and medium resolution are displayable via a standard TV RF cable, RGB SCART( Not all SCART capable TVs and monitors support the Atari ST RGB SCART signal) cable or VGA (Not all VGA capable TVs and monitors can display low and medium 15kHz frequency) cable.
High resolution is not compatible with a television or standard RGB monitor and therefore requires a monitor with VGA connection.
CRT Displays - Old style monitors and TVs (usually manufactured before year 2000)
Flat Panel Displays - New style monitors and TVs (usually manufactured after year 2000)
Falcon Displays
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