The SPL sample file format was introduced along with Digitrakker.
The "SPL", was used in older tracker-versions (V2.0-V2.2). This format isn't supported any longer in
Digitrakker, that means you can read it, but you can't save samples in this form.
The reason for this step was the fact, that there are too many sample-formats
and it makes no sense to introduce a new one, because the existing IFF-format
nearly contains all infos you need for a Digitrakker-sample.
Offset Length Description
000 004 "DSPL"; the four letters mark the spl-format
004 001 version; the current version is 0
005 032 sample-name; the name of the sample (filled with [32])
037 008 filename of the sample
045 002 C-4 sample-frequency in hz (00000-65535)
047 004 sample-length
051 004 sample-repeatstart
055 004 sample-repeatlength; if this value is set to 0, the sample will not loop
059 001 sample-volume (1-255)
060 001 infobyte:
bit 0 -> 0=8 bit sample, 1=16 bit sample
bit 1 -> 0=forward looping, 1=bidirectional looping
bit 2,3 -> packmethode (0=not packed, methodes 2 and 3 doesn't exist in this version)
bit 4-7 -> not used (should be set to 0)
061 ??? sampledatas... (see above)
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