TruePaint Animation file format
TruePaint Animation *.TPA 1 long file id: $54504100 ['TPA\0'] 1 word version? [$0100] 1 word palette size [0 = none] 1 word width 1 word height 1 word planes 1 word compression [always 0 = uncompressed] 1 long image data size = ((width+15)&0xffff0)*height*bits_per_pixel/8 104 bytes reserved? [$0] 1 word speed 1 word length of sequence (not necessarily total frames) --------- 128 bytes total for header 3*palette_size words Palette data, RGB, values 0..1000. (VDI order) image data size 1st frame, always a full frame width*height in size Repeated for each frame, until end of file 1 long size of frame data size of frame frame data The first frame is always a standard Atari ST bitmap, including Falcon modes. The structure of individual frames is still unknown.
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