C is one of the most used programming languages.
- HSC (Heat-and-Serve C - 1992) : Modified version of Sozobon C !
- Lattice C : Lattice C ST by HiSoft.
- Prospero C
- Pure C : Pure C English Overview (or, "What Your 'Mutter' Never Told You About Pure C") by Dan Wilga.
- Sozobon ADB Debugger for Sozobon C on the Atari ST.
- Sozobon C : The freeware Sozobon C Compiler by Tony Andrews, Johann Ruegg and Joe Treat.
- Turbo C : Turbo C and Turbo Debugger by Borland GmbH.
External links
Back to Programming
- Atari ST C for newbies
- A C introduction to GEM and TOS
- GemDos BIOS functions (August 26, 1985)
- Professional GEM programming