Atari TT FAQ compiled by The Paranoid / Paradox
The following file can be found on but perhaps it has been distributed around the net the same way as the Atari STE FAQ compiled by The Paranoid / Paradox was (which happens to be available in the same Alive issue:
Some minor hints and notes on ___________ ___________ _____/ / _____/ / / / _____/ / / _____/ /____/ / / /____/ / / /_____/ / /_____/ / / / / / / / / / /_____/ /_____/ Coding assembled mainly from the Profibook ST-STE-TT from Julian F.Reschke, Hans-Dieter Jankowski and Dietmar Rabich (Sybex Verlag 1991) and various other sources including magazines by The Paranoid. For Ray of .tSCc. Paranoia Think you can handle it ?! (of the Lunatic Asylum) Preface. ======== The Atari TT or TT030 is a powerful workstation initially planned to approach the Unix-market in competition to SUN Microsystems and Hewlett-Packard, which were producing professional Unix-workstations based on Motorola 68000 and Motorola 68020 processors in the eighties. The Atari TT was initially designed to feature a Motorola MC68020, clocked at 16 MHz, a Motorola MC68882 FPU, also clocked at 16 MHz, and to run on a version of System V by AT&T. A TOS-compatible operating systems was initially only thought of either as a nice extension or as a last resort if everything else failed. The Atari TT that was commonly available in the stores looked slightly different after all: Instead of an 68020 as planned, it featured the even more powerful MC68030, which was also not clocked at 16 MHz anymore but ran at a full 32 MHz, just like its companion, an MC68882 at 32 MHz. Instead of System V, the computer was sold with a version of TOS, initially named TOS030, later on renamed to TOS 3.0x. However, hardly any software for the Atari ST ran on this system, even though the hardware was "similar" and the operating system compatible. Atari finally decided to release an awful lot of programmer's documentation on how to handle BIOS, XBIOS, GEMDOS, VDI and AES in a way to ensure maximum compatibility. Which was a good idea just as well. Games and demos usually refuse to run on the Atari TT. Reasons are numerous, but in some respect, parts of games or demos could have easily been designed in a way that they do run on a TT. Then again, certain aspects of game- or demo-writing would require a lot of reprogramming to make them TT-compliant. This little documentation is meant to introduce all of the TT-hardware that's relevant for games- or demo-programmers, i.e. graphics, timing and sound-hardware as well as certain approaches to make ST- and STE- programs TT-compatible. It will also feature certain TT-only aspects, in what way they could be used as an enhancement without losing ST-compatibility as well as the problems you might encounter when trying to use them. Conventions =========== Certain names or brands will be used in this documentation to adress the different Atari computer models that may be mentioned in this documentation: - Atari TT This will refer to the Atari TT or Atari TT030 as it was sold in large amounts, meaning a 32 MHz 68030 CPU, a 32 MHz 68882 FPU, at least 2 MB of ST-RAM, optional TT-RAM, equipped with a TT-Shifter. None of this documentation will actually apply to a TT using a graphics card. - Atari STE This usually refers to a computer of the Atari STE series, equipped with an 8 MHz 68000 CPU, the STE-shifter and a random amount of RAM. If required, the Atari MegaSTE series, equipped with a 16 MHz 68000 and a 16KB 2nd level cache will be adressed explicitely since it also features certain aspects of the TT hardware (VME-related). - Atari ST Means one of the ordinary Atari ST series computer, including Atari 260, 520, 1040 ST, STf, STm and STfm as well as the Mega 1, Mega 2, Mega 4 series, sometimes officially named Mega ST 1, 2 or 4. - Atari Falcon Refers to an Atari Falcon030. This machine is much more similar to an Atari STE than to an Atari TT, however, the graphic chip of the Falcon, the VIDEL, is capable of "emulating" certain resolutions of the Atari TT and it also has an 68030 CPU that can be equipped with an 68882 FPU. 1. The Atari TT hardware --------------------- The MC68030 CPU =============== The MC68030 in the Atari TT is a real 32-bit processor which is mainly 68000 compatible. The biggest advantage is the on-chip Data and Instruction caches of 256 byte length each. The caches can be manipulated by the Cache-Control-Register (CCAR) which is a part of the MC68030 itself (hiword is always zero!): 15 .......................................................... 0 0 0 WA DBE CD CED FD ED 0 0 IBE CI CEI FI EI WA = Write allocate IBE = Instruction Burst enable DBE = Data Burst Enable CI = Clear Instruction Cache CD = Clear Data Cache CEI = Clear entry in Inst.cache CED = Clear Entry in Data cache FD = Freeze Data cache FI = Freeze Instruction cache ED = Enable Data cache EI = Enable Instruction cache To completely disable one of the caches, you have to set the "Enable cache" bit to zero. "Freezing" the cache makes it work almost as a ROM - All Reads will be applied to the cache, but its contents will not be overwritten. To clear one whole cache, use the CD- or CI-bits. To clear a certain cache-entry, you will have to use the CEI- or CED-bits in conjunction with the Cache-Address-Register (CAAR) - also on chip - which contains the address of the cache entry. However, only bits 7 to 2 are being used currently in the CAAR, so only these bits have to be set. Burst mode enables extremely quick update of the cache which allows 128-bit to be read more or less at once. The MC68030 PMMU ================ The "paged memory management unit" of the MC68030 inside the Atari TT is capable of converting "virtual" adresses used by programs into "physical" adresses used by the hardware. This easily allows memory protection, mostly used by multitasking systems like Unix and MiNT or virtual memory that is actually on a harddisk. This device is usually not being used by games- or demo-programmers so it will not be discussed here in any way. The MC68882 FPU =============== The MC68030 was designed to cooperate with an MC68882 without any additional hardware- or software modification. The duo MC68030 and MC68882 work almost like they were on one chip, which makes it extremely easy for the programmer to handle the duo. The FPU features 8 floating point registers (FP0 to FP7) of 80 bits length each, it has its own Control Register (FPCR) and Status Register (FPSR) as well as its own Instruction adress register (FPIAR). The MC68882 communitcates with the MC68030 over the so-called LineF emulation (all instructions of the MC68030 that adress the FPU have "F" as the first hexadecimal digit). The FPU itself bears 64 instructions and 5 new instruction-width indices (Integer, Single Real, Double Real, Extended Real and Packed Decimal Real Data Format). The details on FPU-programming will not be discussed in detail in this documentation. Please refer to an MC68882 Programmer's Manual by Motorola. Compatibilities and incompatibilities ===================================== => In comparison to the Atari ST and Atari STE: These series only bear an MC68000 which has a few "disadvantages" in comparison to the MC68030 of the Atari TT. First, the external data bus is only 16-bits wide which makes reading and writing of a longword slower than of a word. In the Atari TT, reading or writing 16-bits at once makes absolutely no difference to reading or writing 32-bits. The 68000 does not have adress line 0, which makes it impossible for the MC68000 to read 16- or 32-bits from odd addresses (reading bytes is possible since the 68000 reads a 16-bit-word in fact and only leads through the required 8 bits) - The attempt to do this will lead to an error on the ST. The TT can read words and longwords from any given address. The 68000 has no cache. Attempting to set the caches will either crash the machine or have no affect at all (untested). The condition code register of the MC68030 and 68000 are identical. The other bits of the Status Register (8 to 31) are NOT identical. Handle with care. The 680x0-instructions MOVE from/to SR are allowed in USER-mode on the 68000, on the MC68030, they are NOT. The TOS of the TT has a patch for that by executing an exception, but in case the desired program shall not require or refer to TOS routines, this will have to be acknowledged. Furthermore, the MC68030 has additional ways of adressing and can multiply/divide longword operands. These instructions will generate an error on the MC68000. => In comparison to the Atari Falcon030: Both computers have an MC68030 with its caches and both have a PMMU. If equipped with an MC68882, the Falcon can also operate FPU-instructions just like the TT, if the FPU misses, they will generate an error. The bus-system of the Falcon does not allow burst-mode in memory-access. Setting this bit in the CCAR will not change anything. => What to look out for when writing ST-programs: The MC68030 is a 32-bit processor and has - basically - a 32 bit adress bus. The MC68030 will not work well if being fed 24-bit adresses only, which works on the ST. Also make sure to access the Condition Code Register instead of the whole Status Register if not in Supervisor mode. These instructions on the MC68030 are only allowed as Supervisor. Also, clockcycle-based effects will never work correctly on ST and TT. First, instruction timing on the 68030 is not only different to that on 68000, but also more flexible due to cache and RAM-usage. Besides that, the clockspeed of the TT is not controlable and always runs at 32 MHz - In contrast to the Falcon which is switchable to 8 MHz. 2. Two kinds of RAM in the TT ========================== The TT sports two kinds of RAM - So called "dual purpose RAM", commonly known as ST-RAM, and "single purpose RAM", also known as TT-RAM. The ST-RAM is, as seen by the programmer, identical to the RAM in the ST and is being shared by CPU and all the custom-chips. It appears in the RAM-space of the 68030 at adress $00000008 to $009FFFFF The most significant difference to the RAM in the ST is the way it is internally organised since it allows the TT-Shifter to access 64 bits at once. This, however, is of no concern for the programmer. The ST-RAM is, in theory, expandable from $00A00000 to $00DFFFFF. The other kind of RAM maps the remaining adress space of the MC68030. It (commonly) supports burst-mode access for lightning fast fills of the 68030-cache and cannot be accessed by any other device of the TT. Hence, it only supports 32-bit wide accesses, which is however sufficient for the CPU. For the programmer: =================== For sensible support of multitasking or advanced systems, a program should always "start" with an MSHRINK GEMDOS-command to "free" the RAM that the program does not require. TOS memory management is somewhat simple, so each program is being given the whole free RAM of the computer and it is being relied on that the program returns the unused RAM. If the program requires additional RAM, this should be done via either a MALLOC, or better yet, an MXALLOC GEMDOS-command. Please refer to the GEMDOS documentation for the usage of MSHRINK to reduce the memory usage of your program. The important difference between MALLOC and MXALLOC is that MALLOC will always allocate the RAM-type specified in the file-flags. However, if file-flags are set to allocate TT-RAM via MALLOC and this certain program uses MALLOC to request screen memory, the program will not work since screen memory has to be in ST-RAM. MXALLOC allows to specify which RAM to allocate within the command itself. The usage is as follows: move.w mode,-(sp) ;which RAM to allocate move.l amount,-(sp) ;number of byte to allocate move.w #$44,-(sp) ;GEMDOS function number trap #1 ;execute GEMDOS addq.l #8,sp ;clean up stack amount contains the number of bytes to request, mode allows the following settings: mode = 0 allocate ST-RAM only, error if not enough ST-RAM free mode = 1 allocate TT-RAM only, error if not enough TT-RAM free mode = 2 allocate what is free, preference on ST-RAM mode = 3 allocate what is free, preference on TT-RAM Using MXALLOC allows the programmer to both allocate ST- and TT-RAM specifically for all purposes. Please note that ALL memory-areas that customchips need to access, like video memory (Shifter), sampled sound data (DMA-sound chip), I/O-buffers (DMA in general) need to be in ST-RAM. It is unwise to use MALLOC and restrict the program to use ST-RAM via the fileflags, even if the program is prefered to run on an ST and only meant to be TT-compatible. TT-RAM is lightning fast in comparison to ST-RAM and will result in a tremendous speedup in all CPU-intense tasks. Compatibilities and incompatibilities ===================================== => In comparison to the Atari ST and Atari STE: This computer series does not feature TT-RAM in general. There are some expansions that have TT-RAM, but the number is too small to list them in detail here. An MXALLOC-call that requires TT-RAM will fail to work on these machines, but an MXALLOC-call that just prefers TT-RAM will allocate ST-RAM (if free). => In comparison to the Atari Falcon030: The Falcon030 also has, in general, no TT-RAM. Certain accelerator cards (FX card, Centurbo 2, etc.) do have TT-RAM though, some even allow burst-mode access, just like the TT does. In these cases, it's also sensible to write TT-RAM compatible software by using MXALLOC that prefers but does not require TT-RAM. => What to look for when writing ST-Programs: Already dealt with in the chapter "for the programmer". 3. TT Graphics subsystem ===================== The TT bears a set of 6 fixed resolutions of which 5 are accessible with an ordinary VGA-compatible monitor while the sixth requires a special Atari 19" b/w monochrome monitor to be accessed. The set of resolutions is separated into 3 "ST-compatible" ones, 2 "TT-resolutions" in colour and the last monochrome one. The registers to control the graphics subsystem are: Video Base Register: $FFFF 8201 X X X X X X X X Adress High Byte $FFFF 8203 X X X X X X X X Adress Mid Byte $FFFF 820D X X X X X 0 0 0 Adress Low Byte The Video Base Register can only contain multiples of 8. The TT-Shifter can, due to ST-RAM memory logic, access 64 bits at once which are interleaved over the ST-RAM memory modules. Hence, the adress always has to be a multiple of 8 to allow this 64-bit access. Only the TT-Shifter can access ST-RAM in 64 bits width. The register works as a default adress which is being used after each VBL interrupt as base adress for the screen memory. Video Count Register: $FFFF 8205 X X X X X X X X Counter High Byte $FFFF 8207 X X X X X X X X Counter Mid Byte $FFFF 8209 X X X X X X X X Counter Low Byte This register displays the adress that the Shifter is currently fetching its data from. It can be read AND written, at least in ST-compatible and TT-colour resolutions (Thanks to Ray/.tSCc.). It should maybe not be touched in TT-high resolution which features a pixel-clock of 95 MHz, which is almost 3 times the TT-CPU speed and 6 times the speed of the TT-bus. Hence, this register should be handled with care. Besides this, according to certain documentation, these registers are read only! Sync-Mode Register: $FFFF 820A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X ST-Sync mode This register is mainly there for compatibility reasons, however, it is NOT ST-compatible. Only Bit 0 is being used. On the ST, setting bit 0 to 1 switched to EXTERNAL synchronisation of the video timing, on the TT, setting this bit to 0 switches the TT to external synchronisation. ST Palette registers: $FFFF 8240 0 0 0 0 r R R R g G G G b B B B Colour 0 $FFFF 8242 0 0 0 0 r R R R g G G G b B B B Colour 1 ... . . . . . . ... . . . . . . ... . . . . . . $FFFF 825E 0 0 0 0 r R R R g G G G b B B B Colour 15 These palette registers are STE-compatible and allow to set 16 colours. Each entry consists of 12 bytes for the according RGB values. Bit 3 of each nibble for either red, green or blue, features the least significant value (1), while bits 0, 1 and 2 contain the values 2, 4 and 8. This results in 16 values for each red, green and blue share, giving 4096 colours in total. However, the TT always works with a 256 colour palette. The palette registers from adress $FFFF8240 to $FFFF825F contain just a selected subset of colours - a so-called bank - of the 256 TT-palette registers. This will be dealt with in detail further on. ST Shift mode register: $FFFF 8260 0 0 0 0 0 0 X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ST Shift mode This register selects one of the 3 ST-compatible graphic modes in the following way. The 2-bit combination and the modes are: 0 0 - ST-Low mode (320x200 pixels in 16 of 4096 colours) 0 1 - ST-Mid mode (640x200 pixels in 4 of 4096 colours) 1 0 - ST-High mode (640x400 pixels in 2 of 4096 colours) 1 1 - reserved Once again, this register is not fully ST-compatible though. If a TT-specific mode is selected (dealt with in detail further on), this ST-Shift mode register ALSO contains all bits of the TT-Shift mode register. Therefore, handle with care. TT Shift mode register: $FFFF 8262 S 0 0 M 0 X X X 0 0 0 0 P P P P TT Shift mode This register contains basically any setting the TT-Shifter allows. The "middle" bits, named X X X above, contain the desired video mode in the following order: 0 0 0 - ST Low mode (320x200 pixels in 16 of 4096 colours) 0 0 1 - ST Mid mode (640x200 pixels in 4 of 4096 colours) 0 1 0 - ST High mode (640x400 pixels in 2 of 4096 colours) 0 1 1 - reserved 1 0 0 - TT Mid mode (640x480 pixels in 16 of 4096 colours) 1 0 1 - reserved 1 1 0 - TT High mode (1280x960 pixels monochrome) 1 1 1 - TT Low mode (320x480 pixels in 256 of 4096 colours) The TT-High mode is not switchable and will automatically be set if a TT-High-compatible monitor is detected, similarly to the monochrome signal detection on the Atari ST to enable monochrome hires mode. In contrast to the ST, the ST-High mode does NOT require a special monitor on the TT and allows to select the 2 colours displayed freely from the palette. Bit 15, named "S" above enables "Sample & Hold", nicknamed "smear"-mode. In this mode, the TT-Shifter will draw all pixels of colour "0" in the colour of the first pixel to the left with a different colour than "0". This means, a pixel of a certain colour in a line will "smear" to the right as far as there are pixels of colour "0" following. Intended to work as "hardware polygon fill" for line-vector 3D routines. Bit 12, named "M", enables "Hyper-mono mode", a superior greyscale mode in which 256 greyscales can be displayed at once. The 4096 colours palette is replaced by 256 greyscales. The nibble containing the "red" value in the palette registers are being ignored, the "green" and "blue" nibbles are combined to contain an 8-bit number of which greyscale to display. Finally, bit 0 to 3, named "P" above contain the number of the palette-"bank" from the TT-palette that is being used as ST-compatible palette. Values can be anything between 0 and 15. A value of "1" means, the colour 16 to 31 of the TT-palette are being used for the "ST-compatible Palette". TT Palette registers: $FFFF 8400 0 0 0 0 r R R R g G G G b B B B Colour 0 $FFFF 8402 0 0 0 0 r R R R g G G G b B B B Colour 1 ... . . . ... . . . ... . . . $FFFF 85FE 0 0 0 0 r R R R g G G G b B B B Colour 255 Same function and structure like the STE-palette registers, just that there are 256 instead of 16. For the programmer: =================== While the TT-Shifter seems to be highly ST-compatible first, it must be noted that it is not. First, the three so-called "ST-Compatible"-resolutions work at a line-frequency of 31.5 KHz, and not, like in the ST, with 15. ST-Low- and ST-Mid-resolution even require the TT to "doubly paint" all lines, just like the Falcon allows to. This may be invisible to the programmer (a HBL interrupt is only executed after each line has been drawn twice), yet again it means a totally different timing within each rasterline than on the ST. Besides that, the TT delivers a VGA compatible signal, meaning a vertical refresh of 60 Hz in all cases, while the ST allows both 50 and 60 Hz. Also, all coloured ST-resolutions use the TT's 256 palette registers basically, just that only a 16-colour subset of it is being used at once. Finally, the ST-Highres-mode is also being displayed with a refresh of 60 Hz (in comparison to 71 Hz on the ST) and allows to select the 2 colours on display (which is why it's called Duochrome mode). The 2 colour TT-modes, TT-Low and TT-mid allow higher resolutions and more colours. Hardware scrolling is being done the same way as on the STE (please refer to the STE-FAQ for that), just that adresses on the TT have to be multiples of 8. This makes horizontal fine-scrolling require at least 8 bytes per set of bitplanes (meaning ST-Low, TT-Mid or TT-Low. No other mode on the TT can be used in conjunction with horizontal fine-scrolling). Compatibilities and incompatibilities ===================================== => In comparison to the Atari ST and Atari STE: The biggest difference is the fact that the timing of the ST-compatible resolutions on the TT is totally different than on the real ST. Additionally, note that the Sync-mode register works different than on the ST. Depending on the environment your program runs in, it might be possible that the ST-palette registers do not resemble colour 0 to 15 of the TT-palette, so always access the ST-palette. If your program is also supposed to run in a TT-compatible resolution, bear in mind that the shift-mode register on the TT has additional bits that you might not want to change. As a conclusion one should note that when it comes to just write data to the screen memory to bring it on screen, the TT works just as the ST-does. "Old-school effects" like Overscan, Sync-Scrolling etc. would not work on the TT anyway since both CPU- as well as Shifter-timing differs vastly from the ST. => In comparison to the Atari Falcon030 The Atari Falcon030 can be programmed to emulate the TT-compatible resolutions, by programming the VIDEL to display either 320x480 or 640x480 in either 256- or 16 of 4096 colours (by setting the ST(E)-compatibility-bit). However, the Falcon does not display a border on VGA (which the TT unfortunately does) and can also be programmed to display 320x480 or 640x480 pixels on RGB using a refresh of 50 Hz, while the TT is fixed to refresh 60 times a second in any way. Besides that, the Falcon is not really capable of displaying the TT-High resolution. The part of the TT-Shifter that displays TT-High is not an Atari customchip anyway but an off-the-shelf circuitry by National Semiconductors. The Falcon can be "forced" to display 1280x960 in 2 colours by certain hard- or software expansions though. => What to look for when writing ST programs: Mind the Sync-mode register as well as the fact that screen adresses have to be multiples of 8 when trying to use STE-features on the TT. Also mind that screen memory has to reside in ST-RAM in all cases for the shifter to access. 4. Blitter ======= The Blitter, introduced in 1988 by Atari to massively speed up VDI copy and move operations, is NOT present in the TT. The TT does not have a Blitter. This makes sense in some way, as the CPU in the TT is a lot faster when it comes to copying blocks around the memory than the CPU in the ST is. If source and/or destination are even located in TT-RAM, which the Blitter could not access anyway, the speed gain is even more massive. TOS 3.0x therefore does not offer Blitter-based VDI-routines. All attempts to access the Blitter will crash the TT. Compatibilities and incompatibilities ===================================== => In comparison to the Atari ST and Atari STE: The ordinary ST usually does not have a Blitter (only the Mega ST series has a Blitter), the STE does have a Blitter. In the ST (where present) or STE, the Blitter does mean quite a speed-up. However, if you are trying to program the ST or STE in a TT-compatible way, you may not use the Blitter. => In comparison to the Atari Falcon030: The Atari Falcon030 does have a Blitter, and for most copy operations, the Falcon-Blitter, even though it's operating at 16 Mhz, is a factor of 3 to 4 slower than the CPU is on the same operations. Therefore, it is usually not adviseable to use the Blitter in the Falcon anyway. To program the Falcon in a TT-compatible and efficient way, you may not use the Blitter. => What to look for when writing ST programs: No Blitter in the TT. That's all to mind. 5. DMA-Sound ========= The TT-DMA sound is, as seen by the programmer, 100% identical to the DMA-sound of the STE. It offers: -> 6.25, 12.5, 25 or 50 KHz replay rate -> stereo or mono -> 8 bit samples -> National LMC 1992 soundchip to enhance bass/treble etc. -> Microwire interface to connect to the LMC1992 All adresses and registers are identical to the ones in the STE, hence i recommend to refer to the STE-FAQ for details on the DMA-sound subsystem. Hardware-wise, the TT DMA-sound system is totally different. Since the STE-Shifter also houses the largest parts of the STE-DMA-sound system and since the TT does not have the STE-Shifter, the whole adress generation logic as well as the DMA-sound replay system had to be put into its own set of chips. This is, however, invisible to the programmer. 6. Other specifications of the TT to mind about: ============================================= -> The Atari TT does not have the advanced joystick ports that the STE (not MegaSTE) and Falcon030 have. Any program requiring user interaction using these ports will not work on the TT. -> The Atari TT does not have simple SIMM-slots for upgrading the ST-RAM. This is due to the special logic needed by the TT-Shifter to access ST-RAM with 64 bits width. There are, however, ST-RAM expansion cards that allow to connect SIMMs of a certain type. -> The Atari TT has neither the Megabus nor an 68000 on a DIL-socket for ST-compatible expansions. The TT was meant to drive VME-bus expansions. Besides that, due to the fact that the TT has an 68030, expansions that work on the Megabus or 68000-socket would not have worked anyway. 7. Epilogue: ========= In 1990, the TT seemed a very very powerful machine. And it did quite well for some time, being sold as DTP- and Layout computer in conjunction with Calamus and Digital Arts' software. Nevertheless, the TT never conquered the homes like the ST did. It didn't play any ST-games and there were hardly any TT-compatible games. Besides a few 3D- or 256-colour demos, the TT never saw any demos either. Besides "Sweety" by DHS, the TT does not run many ST demos until now. By this little documentation i hope however that this situation can be improved. It is not very hard to write games or demos in a TT-compatible way if you mind the aspects discussed in this little documentation. Old-school demo-effects will never work on the TT - on the Falcon, there is at least the option to switch the CPU and Blitter to 8 MHz and when also switching all caches off, the Falcon can behave very ST-like. The TT can't. The CPU always runs at 32 MHz, the bus always at 16 MHz. The video-timing is totally different because the TT only supports VGA. Additionally, there's the separation between TT- and ST-RAM to mind. However, new-school effects can easily be done in a TT-compatible way. Chunky-2-planar conversion works on the TT similarly to the ST and Ray of .tSCc. even found quick ways of doing 256-colour-c2p (thanks to the Amiga community) - and when doing new-school effects, the additional power of the TT's CPU along with the TT-RAM can achieve a stunning performance. Frankly, the less your program relies on hardware-accesses, the more ST-compatible the TT will behave.
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