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*                                                              *
*          68000 ASSEMBLY COURSE ON ATARI ST                   *
*                                                              *
*            by The Fierce Rabbit (from 44E)                   *
*                                                              *
*                    Second series                             *
*                                                              *
*                    Course number 1                           *

This is the second series of courses on 68000 assembly on Atari. 
This course follows the first series. I hope for you that the 
first series was perfectly understood, and that NOTHING was left
to chance. Based on this principle, we can say that your 
foundations are solid, and that we are going to be able to go 
much faster. The first series was designed to teach you the 
mechanism of how the 68000 and the ST operates at the level of 
its operating system, the second series will just be a bunch of 
tricks, keys to access various things. If you have STUDIED 
the first series PERFECTLY, you will be able to gently pull on 
these strings to bring the information to you.

If, on the other hand, you 'think' you have understood the first 
series but you are not 'sure' you have understood everything, 
it is still time to read it again because in a few pages you 
will start to feel lost, which would be a pity!!! To check 
your knowledge a little bit, here are some simple questions:

1) MOVE.L       #$12345678,A0 then MOVE.W #$1234,A0
        What do we get in A0?
2) MOVE.L  #$12345678,A0 then MOVE.B  #$12,A0
        What do we get in A0?
3) Can you explain concretely what happens when I 
   do MOVE.W       #$2700,SR
4) MOVE.L       #MESSAGE,-(SP)    What does this function do?
   MOVE.W       #9,-(SP)
   TRAP #1
   ADDQ.L       #4,SP               

Before giving you the answers, here is the (non-definitive) list 
of what will be covered in this second series of courses. The traps 
(how to reprogram them), the Line A, the GEM, arrays, self-modifying 
programs, macros, file inclusions, etc... Every time, the task 
will consist in indicating how to do and provide a list of 
articles, more or less precise works in this field. It seemed 
ridiculous to me to spread for example 50 pages on GEM when this 
is not likely to interest everyone. However, it seemed normal to 
outline this subject and to provide all the necessary pieces 
(or, at least, the pieces I know of) so that those of you who 
want to create high-level applications can do so. They will 
have to work hard, but in assembly, it's common to spend a lot 
of time just looking for documentation. Thus, I provide you with 
this list, it's up to you to see if you need it. As an indication, 
the doc I use for GEM is called PRO GEM, is about 200 pages long, 
and is all in English!!!! So, you can well understand that doing 
a complete course on GEM would stupidly inflate this assembly 

  This same principle will be used for the various topics 
addressed in this second series. You will find 2 booklets, 
the first one including the courses themselves, the second one 
containing short listings on the various subjects. Be careful, 
most of these listings are unusable without having read the 
corresponding course first. To conclude, I will give you the 
same advice as for the first series: take your time, re-read 
each chapter carefully, create small programs using what you have 
just learned!

    Contest result: If you got one thing wrong, I strongly 
advise you to retake the first course!!!

1) We get #$00001234 in A0. Those who answered that we would 
obtain #$12341234 are completely wrong! Indeed, we would have 
obtained #$12341234 if the operation had taken place on a data 
register. On an address register used as a destination operand, 
there is an extension to the most significant bit. There, already 
50% are going back to series 1......

2) We get nothing at all because we cannot assemble!!! You 
can only work with an address register as a destination operand 
on the word or long word format, not on the byte format.

3) $2700 gives in binary %0010011100000000. If we overlay this 
number on the Status Register (those who believed that SR was 
the stack and who therefore confused it with SP must absolutely 
start series 1 over again, they are just ready to understand 
nothing that follows!), we realize that the bits set to 1 in 
this number correspond to bits S, I2, I1, and I0. Since we can 
only access SR in supervisor mode, we deduce that such an 
operation can only be done in this mode. Our MOVE thus keeps 
the supervisor bit in state 1 and forces the bits describing the 
interrupt level to 1. The minimal interrupt level taken into 
account is therefore level 7, which is the highest level. In 
summary, we have just blocked and forbidden interruptions.

4) This function does two things. First of all, it displays 
the text located at the address MESSAGE. This is indeed the 
Cconws() function of the gemdos. But this function also does 
something else... a joyous error! Because by passing the address 
and then the number of the function we have modified the stack 
by 6 bytes (a long word for the address and a word for the 
function number) but we only correct it by 4!!!!!

    According to your answers, you may continue or else 
start series 1 again with a little less haste. You must 
understand EVERYTHING, that's the secret. If you have made 
some mistakes and still want to directly attack the second series, 
don't be surprised to abandon assembly in a few months, discouraged 
by mountains of listings that you will not understand!

                Good luck

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