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   *                                                                *
   *              68000 ASSEMBLER COURSE ON ATARI ST                *
   *                                                                *
   *                     by The Fierce Rabbit (from 44E)            *
   *                                                                *
   *                         Second series                          *
   *                                                                *
   *                         Lesson number 8                        *

   I hope you are not approaching this course immediately after having
   finished reading the previous one, but, on the contrary, you have
   plunged into line A with joy!

   We are now going to approach a topic which, I must admit,
   scared me a bit at first: the GEM.

   In fact, in programming as in many other subjects, one
   starts working simply when one is forced to. So I
   had only done very small things with the GEM in
   assembler, things like office accessories that allow you to
   put the screen in reverse video, with a choice in an alert
   box, before finding myself faced with the description of software that a
   Parisian company proposed to me. I must admit that the first 
   days were a bit tough, but in the long run, I found that
   GEM is really a fabulous thing, not very hard to master,
   and the possibilities are more than sufficient to fill with joy any programmer worthy of the name!!! So I hope that you
   will take as much pleasure as me in programming under GEM once
   you have read this chapter.

   First of all, the remarks that are at the beginning of the chapter
   on line A, deserve to be reread. So, look for
   documentation without worrying about the language. You will find in the
   last course of this series a bibliography in which I have
   tried to list various very nice articles.

   GEM is accessible through TRAP #2, but in fact thanks to this trap
   we have access to several parts of the GEM, a bit like if the
   trap #1 at the same time led to GEMDOS and BIOS. GEM is,
   indeed, composed mainly of 2 parts:

    AES and VDI.

   take care of graphics;

   drawing of circles,

   On the other hand, the display of typical GEM objects:

   alert boxes

   is performed by the AES - APPLICATION ENVIRONMENT SYSTEM -.

   As you discover the VDI and AES functions
   you will realize their interaction.

   The great advantage of this system can be explained simply: it
   seems obvious to everyone that outputting a drawing on a screen,
   a diskette or a printer, it's not the same thing.

   WRONG! For the GEM it's the same!

   In fact, one can say that you have to prepare your drawing and to
   say "I am sending it." Where? Ah, there, it's as you wish because for the VDI
                      the screen,
                      the plotter,
                      the disk,
                      the printer

   are just peripherals. It is enough to designate the peripheral
   of our choice and it does the job all alone!!!!

   The only problem: 
   the truly independent routines of the peripherals are
   found in GDOS - this name surely makes you shiver with fright...

   -- Several programs at the same time?
   The principle of GEM is very attractive but must lead us to think
   a little bit about the potential mixing of data. In fact, even if it is not truly multitasking (to be multitasking consists in being able to run applications exactly
   at the same time, which is anyway impossible with a 68000)
   GEM, therefore, allows having several programs active at the same
   time, in this case a main program and 6 accessories.
   For GEM there is fundamentally no difference between a
   PRG and an ACC and, for this reason, in GEM vocabulary, we
   call them "applications". GEM can therefore find itself with managing 7 applications,
   each potentially having several windows. One can easily imagine the mess in memory!!!

   -- How does GEM manage it?

   At the launch of an application, it calls the AP-
   PL_INIT function (Application_Init). This function notifies GEM that our
   application wants to become active, and GEM responds by providing us
   with a number, the APP_ID (Application Identifier) which
   will now serve as a reference. Our application will therefore be
   for example number 3, and will be recognized as such by GEM. Attention, the APP_ID is only given
   to the application for the duration of its
   presence in memory. If I launch an ACC on Monday, it
   can inherit the APP_ID 4 but if I launch it again on Tuesday under different
   conditions, it can get the APP_ID 5. However, it
   will keep this APP_ID for all its activity.

   When we open a window, it's the same principle. GEM
   provides what we call a HANDLE, that is to say, a number corresponding to the window. In fact, the HANDLE is the identification number of a window but potentially also of a device.

   -- Multitasking?

   One of the most important parts of GEM concerns the management
   of events. An event is an action from the user of
   the machine: mouse click, pressing a key etc... In fact, under
   GEM the applications spend most of their time 
   waiting. Imagine a PRG with an open window and a dropdown menu, and at the same time in memory 3 accessories. I go to
   the accessories menu. The menu unfolds and the titles appear
   in reverse video when the mouse passes over them. All this is
   done by GEM, all alone like a big boy. I click on the title
   of accessory 2.

   GEM detects the click, knows that I am in the accessories, looks
   at which entry I clicked on. As GEM assigned the
   entries to the ACCs, it sends a message to accessory 2
   to tell it "you need to open up". So it opens up, and
   displays a window on the screen. So we have 2 windows at the same
   time. I click on the PRG's window, GEM looks to whom the window belongs
   and sends a message to the PRG to tell it "we have activated
   your window number XX" etc... So we are going to build in
   our GEM programs, a core of actions monitoring, and
   we will react according to these actions.

   -- To call GEM functions.

   Calls are made with parameters that we pass in arrays. As we use DEVPACK, we will use its library. Indeed, for calls to GEM, the parameters are
   numerous and to be placed in very specific places in the arrays.
   For these reasons, macros are very useful here. We will
   therefore call the GEM functions with the macros contained
   in the DEVPACK library. However, it is also necessary to know
   the arrays, in order to be able to perfectly understand the
   principle of operation.

   For AES, 6 arrays are needed:


   For VDI, 5 arrays are needed:


   Pay attention to the slight spelling difference between INT_IN and
   INTIN ! To indicate, during the call to GEM, where it
   will find these arrays, their addresses are placed in 2 lists:

   One for AES:
   aes_params dc.l control, global, int_in, int_out, addr_in, addr_out
   and one for VDI:
   vdi_params dc.l contrl, intin, ptsin, intout, ptsout

   Here are the arrays as they are defined in the DEVPACK
   GEM library:

   control   ds.w  5
   global    ds.w  14
   int_in    ds.w  16
   int_out   ds.w  7
   addr_in   ds.l  3
   addr_out  ds.l  1

   contrl    ds.w  1
   contrl1   ds.w  1
   contrl2   ds.w  1
   contrl3   ds.w  1
   contrl4   ds.w  1
   contrl5   ds.w  1
   contrl6   ds.w  1
   contrl7   ds.w  1
   contrl8   ds.w  1
   contrl9   ds.w  1
   contrl10  ds.w  1
   contrl11  ds.w  1

   intin     ds.w  128  min  30
   intout    ds.w  128  min  45
   ptsin     ds.w  128  min  30
   ptsout    ds.w  128  min  12

   You will notice the strange setup of the CONTRL arrays (array
   for VDI). Indeed it is often necessary to pass parameters
   'by hand' into this array. With this system, it will be possible to
   perform an operation like MOVE.W #10,CONTRL2

   Pay attention, this numbering of CONTRL corresponds to the number of
   words because each of the entries is defined by DS.W and not by
   DS.B!!! This is explained by the fact that 99% of the documents related
   to GEM are for 'C' and that is the type of command that is
   made in 'C'. Thus you will find often; "put 10 in
   contrl(2)"; you just have to do MOVE.W #10,CONTRL2 and it's done.

   -- Why so many arrays? Because each of these arrays is
   meant to receive or to return a certain type of data.
   Let's see a quick description of these arrays.

   AES Arrays

   ** control

   Designed to contain, in order:

   number of the                function (.W),
   number of bytes of           INT_IN (.W),
   number of bytes of           INT_OUT (.W),
   number of long words of      ADDR_IN (.W)
   number of long words of      ADDR_OUT

   ** global
   This array is a bit special, and the explanations concerning it are of no use in the context of these courses. Once well absorbed the rest, you can always look into it, but
   currently, this would only confuse you! (See bibliography for more)

   ** int_in
   This array is intended to receive integer values (Integer
   In) that AES will need.

   For example, a window number.

   ** int_out
   The opposite of the previous one, this array returns results, for example
   if you ask for the available surface for a window, you
   will have the dimensions here.

   ** addr_in 
   List in which you can place addresses

   ** addr_out 
   and here, you can read them! In fact, it suffices, like
   always, to read the name of the array to deduce what it 

   VDI Arrays

   ** contrl
   In contrl0 we place the opcode of the function, as it is called
   its number.

   In contrl1 we place the number of data that will be put
   in the INTIN array

   In contrl2 we place the number of points (so pairs of
   data) that will be placed in the PTSIN array

   In contrl3 we will place the sub-function identifier.
   For example, the drawing of circles, ellipses, rectangles etc... is
   done with function 11. A sub-code is therefore necessary to
   define which module within function 11 we wish to use.

   In contrl6 we place the handle of the device. (see above)
   Starting from contrl7 there are sometimes pieces of information to pass,
   depending on the function.

   ** intin and ptsin
   We will then fill the INTIN array with the integer parameters
   required by the function and the PTSIN array with the coordinates
   required by the function. Once the function is called,
   we will retrieve:

   in contrl2 the number of pairs of coordinates of ptsout and
   in contrl4 the number of words of intout.

   Here is a call to GEM. This function displays a sentence where one
   wants on the screen, unlike Gemdos (9) which is limited to lines and text columns. Moreover, this function allows
   to display text with effects (bold, underline, etc...) with
   the font of our choice:

            LEA       MESSAGE,A1            address of the sentence
            LEA       INTIN,A0              receiving table
            MOVEQ.L   #0,D2                 init the letter counter
   HERE3    CLR.W     D0
            MOVE.B    (A1)+,D0              takes in bytes
            BEQ       GO_ON                 end of the text
            ADDQ.B    #1,D2                 we count the letters
            MOVE.W    D0,(A0)+              transfer to INTIN (in words)
            BRA       HERE
   GO_ON    MOVE.W    #100,PTSIN            X position
            MOVE.W    #150,PTSIN+2          Y position
            MOVE.W    D2,CONTRL3            number of letters
            MOVE.W    #1,CONTRL1
            MOVE.W    #8,CONTRL             opcode
            MOVE.L    #VDI_PARAMS,D1
            MOVE.W    #$73,D0
            TRAP      #2

   AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGLLL!!!!!! It's a horror, isn't it!

   You must arm yourself with patience and dissect the multiple calls to GEM.

   To help you with your tests, you will find enclosed a file
   named GEM. It contains the source of an ACC that displays an
   alert box, of a PRG that manages a resource (listing from
   WERCS) and of an accessory that manages a window. Regarding resource editors, I work with K Resource which is very
   nice and does not crash, unlike Wercs!

   Try to understand the principle well: display an alert
   box with a single button, then with several, make small
   simple resources, then more and more complicated ones etc... The principle will always remain the same no matter how big your application is. Try to make small accessories
   such as disk formatters, with a small form
   that asks if you want to format disk A or B, simple or double-sided etc...

   With these examples, you should be able to manage.
   That's how I started! Also take a look at the bibliography, there are some interesting things!

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