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Here's the fully translated MediaWiki code:

    *                                                                    *
    *               68000 ASSEMBLER COURSE ON ATARI ST                   *
    *                                                                    *
    *                   by The Fierce Rabbit (from 44E)                  *
    *                                                                    *
    *                 Listing number 2 / Course number 7                 *
    *                                                                    *

    *  Test resolution, because if we are in high and we try to *
    *  switch to low, bam! RESET!                                *

           MOVE.W    #4,-(SP)              Getrez() function number
           TRAP      #14                   Xbios call
           ADDQ.L    #2,SP                 stack correction
           CMP.W     #2,D0                 high resolution?
           BEQ       LOAD                  yes, so load everything now

    * Since we are not in high resolution, we force into low resolution
    * first we note by setting a flag to 1

           MOVE.W    #1,RESOLUTION

           MOVE.W    #0,-(SP)              low resolution
           MOVE.L    #-1,-(SP)             unchanged screen address
           MOVE.L    #-1,-(SP)             unchanged screen address
           MOVE.W    #5,-(SP)              Setscreen() function
           TRAP      #14                   X bios
           ADDA.L    #12,SP                correction

    * Opening of the image file

  LOAD     MOVE.W    #0,-(SP)              opening in read mode
           MOVE.L    #FILENAME_ADDRESS,-(SP)   addr of the file name
           MOVE.W    #61,-(SP)             Fopen() function
           TRAP      #1                    from GEMDOS
           ADDQ.L    #8,SP                 stack correction

    * D0 contains the Handle or a negative error number

           TST.W     D0                    compare to 0
           BLT       ERROR                 less than so error

    * We save the file handle

           MOVE.W    D0,D3

    * Skip the first 34 bytes of the DEGAS file
    * (2 header bytes, 32 for colors)

           MOVE.W    #0,-(SP)              shift from the start of
           MOVE.W    D3,-(SP)              file handle
           MOVE.L    #34,-(SP)             number of bytes to skip
           MOVE.W    #66,-(SP)             Fseek() function
           TRAP      #1                    from GEMDOS
           ADDA.L    #10,SP
           TST.W     D0                    test D0
           BLT       ERROR

    * Determine the screen address

           MOVE.W    #2,-(SP)              Physbase() function
           TRAP      #14                   xbios
           ADDQ.L    #2,SP                 stack correction
           MOVE.L    D0,A5                 save address

    * Load the image directly onto the screen

           MOVE.L    A5,-(SP)              destination address
           MOVE.L    #32000,-(SP)          number of bytes to read
           MOVE.W    D3,-(SP)              file handle
           MOVE.W    #63,-(SP)             Fread() function
           TRAP      #1                    from GEMDOS
           ADDA.L    #12,SP
           TST.W     D0
           BLT       ERROR

    * Load the palette into our palette buffer
    * First reposition the file pointer

           MOVE.W    #0,-(SP)              shift from the start of
           MOVE.W    D3,-(SP)              file handle
           MOVE.L    #2,-(SP)              number of bytes to skip
           MOVE.W    #66,-(SP)             Fseek() function
           TRAP      #1                    from GEMDOS
           ADDA.L    #10,SP
           TST.W     D0                    test D0
           BLT       ERROR

    * Then loading

           MOVE.L    #PALETTE_BUFFER,-(SP) destination address
           MOVE.L    #32,-(SP)             number of bytes to read
           MOVE.W    D3,-(SP)              file handle
           MOVE.W    #63,-(SP)             Fread() function
           TRAP      #1                    from GEMDOS
           ADDA.L    #12,SP
           TST.W     D0
           BLT       ERROR

    * Now we set this palette with Xbios (6)

           MOVE.L    #PALETTE_BUFFER,-(SP) black palette address
           MOVE.W    #6,-(SP)              SetPalette() function
           TRAP      #14                   XBIOS
           ADDQ.L    #6,SP

    * We close the file

           MOVE.W    D3,-(SP)              handle
           MOVE.W    #62,-(SP)             Fclose() function
           TRAP      #1                    from GEMDOS
           ADDQ.L    #4,SP

           BRA       END                   and we get out

    * In case of error we come here

  ERROR    MOVE.L    #ERROR_MESSAGE,-(SP)  informs
           MOVE.W    #9,-(SP)
           TRAP      #1
           ADDQ.L    #6,SP

  END      MOVE.W    #7,-(SP)              wait for a key press
           TRAP      #1
           ADDQ.L    #2,SP

           CMP.W     #0,RESOLUTION
           BEQ       NOT_MEDIUM

    * Since we are in low, we force back into medium resolution

           MOVE.W    #1,-(SP)              medium resolution
           MOVE.L    #-1,-(SP)             unchanged screen address
           MOVE.L    #-1,-(SP)             unchanged screen address
           MOVE.W    #5,-(SP)              Setscreen() function
           TRAP      #14                   XBIOS
           ADDA.L    #12,SP                correction

    * Then we exit

           MOVE.W    #0,-(SP)
           TRAP      #1
  ERROR_MESSAGE      DC.B                  "Sorry, error with",13,10
                     DC.B                  "the file "
  FILENAME_ADDRESS   DC.B                  "A:\IMAGE.PI1",0

  PALETTE_BUFFER     DS.W                  16
  RESOLUTION         DS.W                  1

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