FLOPPY VIRUS KILLER V3.0 Coded by Pacman 1991 Written entirely in 68000 m/code using Devpac and Wercs by Hisoft. v3.0 Changes.... More bootsector checks, obviously!!! More Internal Checks at boot up too. The program will now run as an ACCESSORY or PROGRAM (yeah, I finally got round to sorting this out). The program will now function through the keyboard as well as the mouse (hi Poppers). These keys are the 1st letter of each of the functions, except exit. D = Dump a bootsector as a DAT file. X = Exit the program I = Immunise a disk R = Renew (clean up) a bootsector P = Write out a Pompey Bootblock M = Write out a Medway Bootblock L = Look for Link Viruses C = Credits, press return or click on the icon to leave. Pressing A or B will read the desired disk and display it. The UP & DOWN arrow keys will move through the bootsector display. Oh yeah, the program now uses DMA read routines for speed! There is now a STATUS display incorporated into the program. Pressing HELP will throw up a status display of important vectors used on the ATARI ST. --------------------------------- Here is a brief explanation of the vectors displayed in the status window. FREE RAM is obviously the amount of FREE RAM in your machine. MEMORY TOP is the contents of $436. On a bare machine with nothing resident in the computer the address should yield $78000 for 520 ST or $F8000 for 1040's. Any values lower than this should immediately make you suspicous, so pay attention when viewing these vectors. TRAP #1 Vector is the main Gemdos function vector. Ideally nothing should be using this vector, in real life however it is often essential. Viruses are unlikely to use this vector as there are no DISK READ routines within GEMDOS. TRAP #13 Vector is the BIOS routines provided by ATARI. Viruses WILL use this vector as there are DISK routines within the BIOS. TRAP #14 Vector is the eXtended BIOS routines provided by ATARI. Viruses WILL use this vector as there are DISK routines within the XBIOS functions. RESET VECTOR is a location in ram where the computer will go after you SOFT reset the machine. Normally VIRUSES would try to occupy this vector to make sure that they stay inside your machine without you noticing. Ideally this vector should be ZERO. Note:- Some Hard Disk drivers (e.g. Vortex) will occupy this vector also. H/D BPB is the address in memory of the H/Drive's Bios Parameter Block. On normal machines (without H/Drive or RAM disk) this vector should point into ROM. H/D R/W if you're lucky enough to have one you'll find the drivers for your Hard drive at this vector. Because H/Drives are rare amongst most users it is a good location for VIRUSES to hide themselves. RAM DISKS will also use this vector for their drivers too. To sum up, if you have no H/Drive and no Ram Disks this vector should point into ROM. All the other Vectors should be pointing into ROM. Because of the variety of Tossers's (Operating Systems) around and the possiblity of different devices plugged into your ST it's impossible to provide you with details of what these vectors can contain. You should note what these vectors contain when you normally boot up your ST. Do not expect these vectors to remain unchanged, they will change once you start running applications and accessories, but you will have to make your own decisions about what is NORMAL and what is suspicious!! To leave the STATUS display press RETURN or click on the RETURN button. --------------------------------- Here follows the instructions on how to use the Floppy Virus Killer. 1. Select the drive to read by CLICKING on either of the two DRIVE buttons 'A' or 'B' or PRESS 'A' or 'B' on your keyboard. The bootsector of the disk will be read into memory and displayed. 2. If it's a VIRUS or a bootsector that you don't require then select one of the alternative bootsectors labelled IMMUNE, RENEW, MEDWAY or POMPEY by clicking the required button. Alternatively press any one of these keys:- I = Immune R = Refresh P = Pompey M = Medway (Causes crashes on 4meg machines) The new bootsector will be written to the disk replacing the old bootsector, but retaining the disk information. 3. If after reading the disk you are unsure about the bootsector code, use the arrows in the display window to check the bootsector for any text or info about what is on the disk. The UP & DOWN arrow keys will also move up and down the bootsector display window. If this fails to bring any results then you will have to use your own judgement. --------------------------------- DUMP Allows you to save out a file of a suspicous bootsector, presumably so you can send it to me! A printer OPTION will be installed sometime (he said confidently). Pressing the 'D' key will also operate this function. --------------------------------- LINK Click on this button or use the 'L' key. At the moment the FVK recognises only one LINK viruses, others will be added when I come across them. When selecting LINK from the main screen you will be thrown into a file selector from where you should click on any EXECUTABLE files on the disk. These will be read in and checked by the program. Should the file be okay you will return to the file selector to continue your search. Clicking on CANCEL while in the file selector will exit back to the main screen. Should you find an infected file you will be told so. At this time you can either KILL the file (delete it) or CONT (continue) checking files. A manual check was preffered to AUTOMATICALLY searching and checking the disk, as only program files are affected by this particular LINK virus. I may incorporate AUTO checking later. --------------------------------- Well this appears to be it for now. Hope you find the program useful and easy to use. If you have anything strange lurking on your bootsector or attached to any of your files then don't hesitate to kill it!! (Well I wouldn't be that hasty myself - Alien) Alternatively you could bring the offended code to me, but you'll have to know where to get in touch with me 1st won't you!! If you don't know how to get in touch with me directly you may have to resort to CHAINING the file to me through a friend of a friend. This way we can expect to infect 50% of all disks collected by everyone. This could lead to full time employment within a very short period!! Not a bad way to make a living!! Anyone sending a disk with infected bootsectors or programs should CLEARLY mark the offending disk as CARRYING a VIRUS. --------------------------------- Anyone with a spare H/drive (plug in and go type of H/drive!) can send it to me and I'll sort out the viruses lurking on those devices too! This appears to be no problem, I just have trouble convincing people otherwise! Don't know why H/drive owners are so touchy!! (It's something to do with the cost of h/ds and amount of data on them I think... - Alien) A printer donation will be gratefully appreciated and will allow me to incorporate a hard copy feature into the program! Thanks to everyone who helped me with FVK. Mucho thanks to the rigorous testing of Mike, Rod and Radion Man! Thanks to the BOG BROTHERS for the viruses. Thanks also to CLOCKWORK ORANGE for the Link virus. Pacman
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