DEGAS Elite Compressed file format
DEGAS Elite (Compressed) *.PC1 (low resolution) *.PC2 (medium resolution) *.PC3 (high resolution) 1 word resolution (same as Degas, but high order bit is set; i.e., hex 8000 = low res, hex 8001 = medium res, hex 8002 = high res). Other bits may be used in the future; use a simple bit test rather than checking for specific word values. 16 words palette For high resolution pictures the least significant bit of the first word determines whether the picture is black on white (bit set) or white on black (bit not set) < 32000 bytes control/data bytes 4 words left color animation limit table (starting color numbers) 4 words right color animation limit table (ending color numbers) 4 words animation channel direction flag [0 = left, 1 = off, 2 = right] 4 words 128 - animation channel delay in 1/60's of a second. [0 - 128] (I.e., subtract word from 128 to get 1/60th's of a second.) ----------- < 32066 bytes total Compression Scheme: PackBits compression is used (see below). Each scan line is compressed separately; i.e., all data for a given scan line appears before any data for the next scan line. The scan lines are specified from top to bottom (i.e., 0 is first). For each scan line, all the data for a given bit plane appears before any data for the next higher order bit plane. Note that this is identical to the IFF 'BODY' image data. To clarify: The first data in the file will be the data for the lowest order bit plane of scan line zero, followed by the data for the next higher order bit plane of scan line zero, etc., until all bit planes have been specified for scan line zero. The next data in the file will be the data for the lowest order bit plane of scan line one, followed by the data for the next higher order bit plane of scan line one, etc., until all bit planes have been specified for all scan lines. Caveats: DEGAS Elite's picture loading routine places some restrictions on compressed DEGAS files: o Elite uses a 40-byte buffer to store data being decompressed. o Whenever a control command is encountered, bytes are stuffed in this buffer. o The buffer is only emptied when there are EXACTLY 40 characters in it. The important conclusion here is that No control command may cause the buffer to have more than 40 bytes in it. In other words, all control commands must end on or before the 40-byte boundary. Any picture violating the last condition will cause Elite to get a bus error when the picture is loaded.
See also PackBits Compression Algorithm
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