STOS Memory Bank file format

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STOS Memory Bank    *.MBK

9 words         ?
1 long          $19861987 (magic number?)
1 long          offset from this long to header for low resolution 
                parameter block (if past end of file, no low res frames)
1 long          offset from this long to header for med resolution 
                parameter block (if past end of file, no med res frames)
1 long          offset from this long to header for high resolution 
                parameter block (if past end of file, no high res frames)
1 word          number of low resolution frames
1 word          number of medium resolution frames
1 word          number of high resolution frames

For each frame {
1 long          offset to data (probably only used internally by STOS)
1 byte          width in words (multiply by 16 to get width in pixels)
1 byte          height in pixels
1 byte          X hotspot location
1 byte          Y hotspot location

(The format implies other stuff could be here.)

1 long          ["PALT" $50414C54]
16 words        palette

?               words of data for each frame, in the order mentioned in the
                header.  Monoplanar mask data follows image data for each
? words         total

   The frames often seem to be in semi-random order, not necessarily in 
the order they are to be animated. 

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