GFA Artist file format

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GFA Artist    *.ART

Referred to as '1000-Colors OFF' in the manual. This format is similar to the format
used in colorStar.

16 words       palette
32000 bytes    st low resolution screen dump
32032          total file size

Referred to as '1000-Colors ON' in the manual. This format is more complex because of
the 1000 color mode..

1 word         number of planes [4]
1 word         unused (revered)
32000 bytes    st low resolution screen dump
16 words       normal palette used when 1000 color mode is off
16*69 words    69 palettes used when the 1000 color mode is on
1 long         color cycling flag [0 = off, 1 = on]
1 long         color cycling speed [0 to 20]
9 longs        start palette number of 9 definable color cycling zones
9 longs        end palette number of 9 definable color cycling zones
9 longs        direction of the 9 definable color cycling zones 
                 [0 = off, 1 = forward, 2 = backwards]
34360 bytes    total file size

Regarding the '1000-Colors ON' mode. The layout of the rasters and how to calculate the
color of a pixel at a given x/y coordinate is unknown.

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