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                           CHAPTER 0 : ASSEMBLER?

Right! For those of you that don't even know what assembler is I'm going to
explain briefly what it's all about. For more experienced people, see the
introduction. For people who can already code alot of stuff: Completely ignore
the first three chapters!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

You might be using your Atari like any normal person. Just doing the normal 
things to get the electrons flowing in your Atari's wires. Using the occasional
tool, playing games and watching demos.

Ofcourse you understand things like videomodes, RAM, ROM, disks, samples and
so forth. But have you ever wondered for instance how the screen is brought
from your atari to your screen? Or how a sprite is stored in memory and
how it is blitted?

Before starting to code in any language (let alone assembler) one should 
understand the basics of how an atari works. And so we start off with a
(immensely, hugely, completely) simplified schematic of your trusty old

                   +---------+           +----------+
                   | display |           | controls |
                   +---------+           +----------+
                        ^                     v 
                  +-----------+   +-----+  +------+
                  | videochip |<--| RAM |  | IKBD |
                  +-----------+   +-----+  +------+
                        ^            ^         ^
       . . . . . . . . .|. . . . . . | . . . . | . . . . . . . .
       b u s   b u s    |    b u s   |   b u s |   b u s   b u s
       . . . . . . . . .|. . . . . . | . . . . | . . . . . . . .
                        |            v         |
                        |         +-----+      |
                        +-------->| CPU |<-----+

There it is.. An ST without sounds or any peripherals except video and
controls (basics of a modern computer). Ofcourse the CPU (in this case the
68K) is the heart of the whole thing. It can read from the controls (mouse,
joystick, keyboard), read/write from/to RAM and send commands to the various


Very shocking, I agree completely =) The important thing is that the CPU
is PROGRAMMABLE. This means it can execute little commands (copying bytes,
calculating little arithmetic, etc.) and can execute these in sequence,
repeat and even execute them depending on condition codes. If you have ever
written some basic you understand what this means.

In assembler, when you're working on the lowest possible level, you can imagine
that you can't do a whole lot of things with one command (= "instruction"
in assembler terms). You can typically copy small portions of memory or
do a addition or mulitplication.

Anyway.. The CPU reads these little instructions from RAM or ROM. Typicly
these instructions are very small.. 2 upto 12 bytes depending on their

So the CPU uses the RAM to get it's program and to buffer too. In both cases
a whole bunch of wires spanning the motherboard are needed. These are called


The bus is needed to get things from chip to ram and the other way round.
If for instance the videochip wants to read some bytes to transform into
signals for the monitor it requests data from a specific ADDRESS. It sends
this request to the bus and the bus returns the data.

The same thing goes for the CPU wanting to access a piece of RAM or even to
send/receive to/from codes the video or ikbd. Sometimes chips have registers
for access on the bus. These are called hardware registers. These toghether
with all accessible RAM and ROM form the MEMORYMAP. Every byte in this map
has it's own unique 32bit address.


As mentioned above it can read from RAM, which means the videomemory is
located in the main RAM and is accessible from the CPU as well. The ST
videochip reads it's data in a quite awkard manner which is described in
chapter 2.

Also this chip has got shiftmode and palette hardwareregisters, which means
you can send information to it as well.


Has a few hardware registers for access. It reads from the keyboard and puts
scancodes and movements in it's register. It can be commanded from the CPU
by accessing a controlregister. This means you can alter the way mouse/
joystick information is sent.

Now you know that the CPU can control all major building blocks in the atari.
Equally important is the fact is that it can run a complex program with
sequencing, repetition and selection.

How to program this CPU? The asnwer is putting a sequence of instructions
in RAM where the CPU will read. And what better way to do this than with
the thing closest to putting the bytes in there by hand -> ASSEMBLER!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

First, you need a program called an assembler. Appendix D lists alot of these
and you're free to choose whatever one you like best. I still use DEVPAC 3.1.
In my eyes the best one so far.

A complete assembler package consists off:

* An editor: just a stupid screen your type your code into, and allows to load,
  save and use blockfunctions, etc.
* An assembler: Actually "assembles" (cool word, isn't it =)) the sourcecode
  you typed in to a nice PRG or TOS program.
* A debugger: Doesn't actually automaticly remove bugs from your code, but you
  can go through your code step by step to see what happend exactly. A debugger
  is also called a monitor.

You can begin with starting up the package. Then typing in some crap in a new
sourcefile. You need to understand the basic format of the assembler language.
Every line in assembler consists of fields. As you can see in the ASCII drawing
below, there can be four. Field are separated by spaces or tabs (easier).

labels  instr   param   comments
|       |       |       |
v       v       v       v
label:  move.l  d0,d1   * Moves d0 into d1.
        move.l  d0,d2   * Moves d0 into d2.

The beginning of everyline can be filled up with a label. Simply a name to give
a certain part of te code. This is optional, you can also type in a tab or a
few spaces. After having typed that you must type the instructionfield. Take a
look at appendix B for a complete list of all possible instructions.

The next field is the parameterfield for the instruction. Some instructions like
"rts", "nop", "reset" don't require any parameters. Some require 1 and some 2.
Parameters can be so-called CPU-registers, addresses, and pointers. Which
parameters can be used, depends on the used instruction. Parameters are
seperated by "," characters.

A asterisk "*" or ";" semicolon indicates the following characters in the line
are comment and should not be assembled.

Now, for our very first program. Type in the following:

        clr.w   -(sp)                   * Code 0: Pterm: Terminate program.
        trap    #1                      * Call OS to do call.

And find the "assemble" option in your package. Once it has assembled the
sourcecode into a PRG-file you can also run it. Search for the run option and
use it.

This program should do nothing more than return to the assembly package. Cool,
eh? ;-) Not very stunning or anything, but what did you expect from 2 lines
code? =)

Now you do however know to basic steps to make a program:

1) Edit the sourcecode.
2) Assemble it.
3) Run it.

Now for some small excersizes with some basic instructions and explaining what
these instructions actually do. But before this let's explain the registers of
the 680x0 CPU.

d0 to d7: 32bits (=LONGWORD) data registers. Most number crunching instructions
          can only have them as parameters. You can also use the low-word (=
          the lower 16 bits), or the low-byte of the registers for
          instructions. Registers can hold integer numbers, fixed point
          fractional numbers, characters, bitfields, etc.
a0 to a6: 32bits address registers. These can be filled with an address that
          points to a byte/word/longword in RAM. Most C-users (blech!! =))
          would call these pointers. Most number crunching instructions don't
          work with these. It's only possible to copy and add/subtract with
          address registers. And ofcourse use them for what they are designed to
          do: fetch data, store data to the position they point to.
a7 (sp):  Address register nr. 7 is also an address register, but this time
          it's used as a so called "StackPointer". A register that points to a
          stack of data. You can put data on the stack and you can get it off
          the stack again. See it as a pile of little blocks.

The most basic instructions:

* move: moves data from one operand to the other.

        move.w  #1,d0                   * Copy number 1 into the lowword of d0.
        move.w  d0,d1                   * Copy contents of d0 lowword in d1.
        move.l  d1,d2                   * Copy longword d1 to d2.
        move.b  (a0),d0                 * Fetch byte from RAM where a0 points
                                        * and put it in d0 lowbyte.
        move.l  d0,a0                   * Copy d0 longword to a0.
        move.b  d2,(a0)                 * Store d2 low byte in RAM where a0
                                        * points.

* add: adds one operand to the other.

        add.w   #1,d0                   * Add 1 to d0 lowword.
        add.w   d0,d1                   * Add d0 to d1 lowword.
        add.w   (a2),d0                 * Fetch word from RAM where a2 points.
                                        * and add it from d0 lowword.

* sub: subtracts one operand from the other (big suprise there! =)).

        sub.w   #1,d0                   * Subtract 1 to d0 lowword.
        sub.w   d0,d1                   * Subtract d0 to d1 lowword.
        sub.w   (a2),d0                 * Fetch word from RAM where a2 points
                                        * and subtract it from d0 lowword.

You might have noticed the instruction field can often have a point with a "b"
(byte), "w" (word) or "l" (longword) attached to it. This denotes the size of
the parameters. Some instructions can have only one size and don't need this

What do all these instructions do? The basis of coding assembler is knowing
every detail of an instruction. Let's explain sizes and addressingmodes a bit
further with examples:

>> register move.w

* before: d0 = 12345
*         d1 =     0

        move.w  d0,d1                   * Copy d0 word to d1.

* after:  d0 = 12345
*         d1 = 12345

>> register add.w

* before: d0 = 12345

        add.w   #1,d0                   * Add 1 to d0 word.

* after:  d1 = 12346

>> register sub.w

* before: d0 = 12345

        sub.w   #1,d0                   * Subtract 1 from d0 word

* after:  d0 = 12344

Here, all instructions are pretty straightforward. They only use immediate- and
register addressingmodes and one size (word). For smaller numbers you can also
use bytes. For larger numbers than 65535 you must use longwords. For more info
you can check out appendix A.

Ofcourse you can also work with the memory. The most basic instruction for
working with the memory is again the "move" instruction:

>> memory word load

* before: d0:     0
*         a0:  1234
*         memory at address 1234: 22222

        move.w  (a0),d0                 * Load one word from memory to d0.

* after:  d0: 22222
*         a0:  1234
*         memory at address 1234: 22222

As you can see the addressregister a0 has a value that points to a certain
location in the memory. This value is also known as an "address". Hence

>> memory word store

* before: d0: 11111
*         a0:  1234
*         memory at address 1234: 0

        move.w  d0,(a0)                 * Store one word from d0 to memory.

* after:  d0: 11111
*         a0:  1234
*         memory at address 1234: 11111

As you can see you can use every register you have with these instructions.
That's part of the 68000 architecture. So an operation on d0 will also work on
d1, d2,..., d7. The same goes for a0..a6 (a7 is a special one..).

Now, what to do with all the calculation instructions? Read all about that in
Chapter 2.

The summary:

Address:                A place in the memorymap where data can be accessed.
Addressingmode:         An instruction can have one or more addressingmodes.
                        An instruction can for instance only work with
                        dataregisters or immediate data (data is contained by
                        the instruction itself). Some addressingmodes can use
                        data from memoryaddresses too or even have complex
                        indexing functionality.
Assembler:              Assembles your sourcecode into an executable program.
Comment:                In your sourcecode a commented line (always skipped by
                        the assembler) is denoted by putting a ";" at the
                        beginning of the line. Most assemblers also support the
                        asterisk "*".
Debugger:               Allows you to step through your programfile and run
                        and skip certain parts of the code to pinpoint the
Editor:                 You type your sourcecode with this program. Good
                        editors offer easy cooperation with the assembler and
                        the debugger.
Instruction:            A code that defines a specific operation the CPU can
                        execute. One instruction typed in your editor is always
                        one line of text, never more. Assembled it can be 2
                        upto 16 bytes.
Memorymap:              The memorymap is basicly all RAM, ROM and hardware-
                        registers. Try to see it as a large street where every
                        house has an address and can contain RAM, ROM or a
                        hardware register.
Operand:                A parameter for the instruction. An operand can be a
                        data/address register or a memoryaddress or immediate
                        data, etc.
OS Call:                A call to the Operating System. The program can can call
                        the OS to execute a specific task.
Registers:              The internal data/address registers of your CPU. These
                        are small and directly accessible dataunits used when
                        instructions are executed.
Sourcecode:             Textfile(s) and complementary datafiles needed to
                        assemble your program.