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Protracker 1.1B Song/Module Format:

Offset Bytes Description

  0     20    Songname. Remember to put trailing null bytes at the end...

Information for sample 1-31:

Offset Bytes Description

 20     22    Samplename for sample 1. Pad with null bytes.
 42      2    Samplelength for sample 1. Stored as number of words.
              Multiply by two to get real sample length in bytes.
 44      1    Lower four bits are the finetune value, stored as a signed
              four bit number. The upper four bits are not used, and
              should be set to zero.
              Value:  Finetune:
                0        0
                1       +1
                2       +2
                3       +3
                4       +4
                5       +5
                6       +6
                7       +7
                8       -8
                9       -7
                A       -6
                B       -5
                C       -4
                D       -3
                E       -2
                F       -1

 45      1    Volume for sample 1. Range is $00-$40, or 0-64 decimal.
 46      2    Repeat point for sample 1. Stored as number of words offset
              from start of sample. Multiply by two to get offset in bytes.
 48      2    Repeat Length for sample 1. Stored as number of words in
              loop. Multiply by two to get replen in bytes.

Information for the next 30 samples starts here. It's just like the info for sample 1.

Offset Bytes Description

 50     30    Sample 2...
 80     30    Sample 3...
890     30    Sample 30...
920     30    Sample 31...

Offset Bytes Description

950      1    Songlength. Range is 1-128.
951      1    Well... this little byte here is set to 127, so that old
              trackers will search through all patterns when loading.
              Noisetracker uses this byte for restart, but we don't.
952    128    Song positions 0-127. Each hold a number from 0-63 that
              tells the tracker what pattern to play at that position.

1080 4 The four letters "M.K." - This is something Mahoney & Kaktus

              inserted when they increased the number of samples from
              15 to 31. If it's not there, the module/song uses 15 samples
              or the text has been removed to make the module harder to
              rip. Startrekker puts "FLT4" or "FLT8" there instead.

Offset Bytes Description 1084 1024 Data for pattern 00.


xxxx Number of patterns stored is equal to the highest patternnumber

     in the song position table (at offset 952-1079).

Each note is stored as 4 bytes, and all four notes at each position in the pattern are stored after each other.

00 - chan1 chan2 chan3 chan4 01 - chan1 chan2 chan3 chan4 02 - chan1 chan2 chan3 chan4 etc.

Info for each note:

_____byte 1_____   byte2_    _____byte 3_____   byte4_

/ / / / 0000 0000-00000000 0000 0000-00000000

Upper four 12 bits for Lower four Effect command. bits of sam- note period. bits of sam- ple number. ple number.

Periodtable for Tuning 0, Normal

 C-1 to B-1 : 856,808,762,720,678,640,604,570,538,508,480,453
 C-2 to B-2 : 428,404,381,360,339,320,302,285,269,254,240,226
 C-3 to B-3 : 214,202,190,180,170,160,151,143,135,127,120,113

To determine what note to show, scan through the table until you find the same period as the one stored in byte 1-2. Use the index to look up in a notenames table.

This is the data stored in a normal song. A packed song starts with the four letters "PACK", but i don't know how the song is packed: You can get the source code for the cruncher/decruncher from us if you need it, but I don't understand it; I've just ripped it from another tracker...

In a module, all the samples are stored right after the patterndata. To determine where a sample starts and stops, you use the sampleinfo structures in the beginning of the file (from offset 20). Take a look at the mt_init routine in the playroutine, and you'll see just how it is done.

Lars "ZAP" Hamre/Amiga Freelancers

Found that document...

Mark J Cox ------------------------------------------- University of Bradford ---------------------------- Mark

Effect commands on protracker should
be compatible with all other trackers.
0 - None/Arpeggio     8 - * NOT USED *
1 - Portamento Up     9 - SampleOffset
2 - Portamento Down   A - VolumeSlide
3 - TonePortamento    B - PositionJump
4 - Vibrato           C - Set Volume
5 - ToneP + VolSlide  D - PatternBreak
6 - Vibra + VolSlide  E - Misc. Cmds
7 - Tremolo           F - Set Speed

             E - COMMANDS
The E command has been altered to
contain more commands than one.
E0- Filter On/Off     E8- * NOT USED *
E1- Fineslide Up      E9- Retrig Note
E2- Fineslide Down    EA- FineVol Up
E3- Glissando Control EB- FineVol Down
E4- Vibrato Control   EC- NoteCut
E5- Set Finetune      ED- NoteDelay
E6- Patternloop       EE- PatternDelay
E7- Tremolo Control   EF- Invert Loop

 Cmd 0. Arpeggio [Range:$0-$F/$0-$F]
Usage: $0 + 1st halfnote add
          + 2nd halfnote add
Arpeggio is used to simulate chords.
This is done by rapidly changing the
pitch between 3(or 2) different notes.
It sounds very noisy and grainy on
most samples, but ok on monotone ones.
Example: C-300047  C-major chord:
         (C+E+G  or C+4+7 halfnotes)
         C-300037  C-minor chord:
         (C+D#+G or C+3+7 halfnotes)

 Cmd 1. Portamento up [Speed:$00-$FF]
Usage: $1 + portamento speed
Portamento up will simply slide the
sample pitch up. You can NOT slide
higher than B-3! (Period 113)
Example: C-300103  1 is the command,
           3 is the portamentospeed.
NOTE: The portamento will be called as
many times as the speed of the song.
This means that you'll sometimes have
trouble sliding accuratly. If you
change the speed without changing the
sliderates, it will sound bad...

 Cmd 2. Portamento down [Speed:$00-FF]
Usage: $2 + portamento speed
Just like command 1, except that this
one slides the pitch down instead.
(Adds to the period).
You can NOT slide lower than C-1!
(Period 856)
Example: C-300203  2 is the command,
           3 is the portamentospeed.

Cmd 3. Tone-portamento [Speed:$00-$FF]
Usage: Dest-note + $3 + slidespeed
This command will automatically slide
from the old note to the new.
You don't have to worry about which
direction to slide, you need only set
the slide speed. To keep on sliding,
just select the command $3 + 00.
Example: A-200000  First play a note.
         C-300305  C-3 is the note to
              slide to, 3 the command,
              and 5 the speed.

Cmd 4. Vibrato [Rate:$0-$F,Dpth:$0-$F]
Usage: $4 + vibratorate + vibratodepth
Example: C-300481  4 is the command,
      8 is the speed of the vibrato,
  and 1 is the depth of the vibrato.
To keep on vibrating, just select
the command $4 + 00. To change the
vibrato, you can alter the rate,
depth or both. Use command E4- to
change the vibrato-waveform.

Cmd 5. ToneP + Volsl [Spd:$0-$F/$0-$F]
Usage: $5 + upspeed + downspeed
This command will continue the current
toneportamento and slide the volume
at the same time. Stolen from NT2.0.
Example: C-300503  3 is the speed to
               turn the volume down.
         C-300540  4 is the speed to
                        slide it up.

Cmd 6. Vibra + Volsl [Spd:$0-$F/$0-$F]
Usage: $6 + upspeed + downspeed
This command will continue the current
vibrato and slide the volume at the
same time. Stolen from NT2.0.
Example: C-300605  5 is the speed to
               turn the volume down.
         C-300640  4 is the speed to
                        slide it up.

Cmd 7. Tremolo [Rate:$0-$F,Dpth:$0-$F]
Usage: $7 + tremolorate + tremolodepth
Tremolo vibrates the volume.
Example: C-300794  7 is the command,
      9 is the speed of the tremolo,
  and 4 is the depth of the tremolo.
To keep on tremoling, just select
the command $7 + 00. To change the
tremolo, you can alter the rate,
depth or both. Use command E7- to
change the tremolo-waveform.

Cmd 9. Set SampleOffset [Offs:$00-$FF]
Usage: $9 + Sampleoffset
This command will play from a chosen
position in the sample, and not from
the beginning. The two numbers equal
the two first numbers in the length
of the sample. Handy for speech-
Example: C-300923  Play sample from
                   offset $2300.

Cmd A. Volumeslide [Speed:$0-$F/$0-$F]
Usage: $A + upspeed + downspeed
Example: C-300A05  5 is the speed to
               turn the volume down.
         C-300A40  4 is the speed to
                        slide it up.
NOTE: The slide will be called as
many times as the speed of the song.
The slower the song, the more the
volume will be changed on each note.

  Cmd B. Position-jump [Pos:$00-$7F]
Usage: $B + position to continue at
Example: C-300B01  B is the command,
                1 is the position to
                restart the song at.
This command will also perform a
pattern-break (see 2 pages below).
You can use this command instead of
restart as on noisetracker, but you 
must enter the position in hex!

  Cmd C. Set volume [Volume:$00-$40]
Usage: $C + new volume
Well, this old familiar command will
set the current volume to your own
selected. The highest volume is $40.
All volumes are represented in hex.
(Programmers do it in hex, you know!)
Example: C-300C10  C is the command,
      10 is the volume (16 decimal).

     Cmd D. Pattern-break
     [Pattern-pos:00-63, decimal]
Usage: $D + pattern-position
This command just jumps to the next
song-position, and continues play
from the patternposition you specify.
Example: C-300D00  Jump to the next
    song-position and continue play
           from patternposition 00.
     Or: C-300D32  Jump to the next
    song-position and continue play
   from patternposition 32 instead.

   Cmd E0. Set filter [Range:$0-$1]
Usage: $E0 + filter-status
This command jerks around with the
sound-filter on some A500 + A2000.
All other Amiga-users should keep out
of playing around with it.
Example: C-300E01  disconnects filter
                (turns power LED off)
         C-300E00  connects filter
                 (turns power LED on)

  Cmd E1. Fineslide up [Range:$0-$F]
Usage: $E1 + value
This command works just like the
normal portamento up, except that
it only slides up once. It does not
continue sliding during the length of
the note.
Example: C-300E11  Slide up 1 at the
              beginning of the note.
(Great for creating chorus effects)

 Cmd E2. Fineslide down [Range:$0-$F]
Usage: $E2 + value
This command works just like the
normal portamento down, except that
it only slides down once. It does not
continue sliding during the length of
the note.
Example: C-300E26  Slide up 6 at the
              beginning of the note.

 Cmd E3. Glissando Ctrl [Range:$0-$1]
Usage: $E3 + Glissando-Status
Glissando must be used with the tone-
portamento command. When glissando is
activated, toneportamento will slide
a halfnote at a time, instead of a
straight slide.
Example: C-300E31  Turn Glissando on.
         C-300E30  Turn Glissando off.

     Cmd E4. Set vibrato waveform
Usage: $E4 + vibrato-waveform
Example: C-300E40  Set sine(default)
              E44  Don't retrig WF
         C-300E41  Set Ramp Down
              E45  Don't retrig WF
         C-300E42  Set Squarewave
              E46  Don't retrig WF
         C-300E43  Set Random
              E47  Don't retrig WF

  Cmd E5. Set finetune [Range:$0-$F]
Usage: $E5 + finetune-value
Example: C-300E51  Set finetune to 1.
Use these tables to figure out the
Finetune: +7 +6 +5 +4 +3 +2 +1  0
   Value:  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0
Finetune: -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
   Value:  F  E  D  C  B  A  9  8

  Cmd E6. PatternLoop [Loops:$0-$F]
Usage: $E6 + number of loops
This command will loop a part of a
Example: C-300E60  Set loopstart.
         C-300E63  Jump to loop 3
          times before playing on.

     Cmd E7. Set tremolo waveform
Usage: $E7 + tremolo-waveform
Example: C-300E70  Set sine(default)
              E74  Don't retrig WF
         C-300E71  Set Ramp Down
              E75  Don't retrig WF
         C-300E72  Set Squarewave
              E76  Don't retrig WF
         C-300E73  Set Random
              E77  Don't retrig WF

   Cmd E9. Retrig note [Value:$0-$F]
Usage: $E9 + Tick to Retrig note at.
This command will retrig the same note
before playing the next. Where to
retrig depends on the speed of the
song. If you retrig with 1 in speed 6
that note will be trigged 6 times in
one note slot. Retrig on hi-hats!
Example: C-300F06  Set speed to 6.
         C-300E93  Retrig at tick 3
                   out of 6.

  Cmd EA. FineVolsl up [Range:$0-$F]
Usage: $EA + value
This command works just like the
normal volumeslide up, except that
it only slides up once. It does not
continue sliding during the length of
the note.
Example: C-300EA3  Slide volume up 1
       at the beginning of the note.

 Cmd EB. FineVolsl down [Range:$0-$F]
Usage: $EB + value
This command works just like the
normal volumeslide down, except that
it only slides down once. It does not
continue sliding during the length of
the note.
Example: C-300EB6  Slide volume down
      6 at the beginning of the note.

    Cmd EC. Cut note [Value:$0-$F]
Usage: $EC + Tick to Cut note at.
This command will cut the note
at the selected tick, creating
extremely short notes.
Example: C-300F06  Set speed to 6.
         C-300EC3  Cut at tick 3 out
                   of 6.
Note that the note is not really cut,
the volume is just turned down.

    Cmd ED. NoteDelay [Value:$0-$F]
Usage: $ED + ticks to delay note.
This command will delay the note
to the selected tick.
Example: C-300F06  Set speed to 6.
         C-300ED3  Play note at tick
                   3 out of 6.

  Cmd EE. PatternDelay [Notes:$0-$F]
Usage: $EE + notes to delay pattern.
This command will delay the pattern
the selected numbers of notes.
Example: C-300EE8  Delay pattern 8
          notes before playing on.
All other effects are still active
when the pattern is being delayed.

   Cmd EF. Invert Loop [Speed:$0-$F]
Usage: $EF + Invertspeed
This command will need a short loop
($10,20,40,80 etc. bytes) to work.
It will invert the loop byte by byte.
Sounds better than funkrepeat...
Example: C-300EF8 Set invspeed to 8.
To turn off the inverting, set 
invspeed to 0, or press ctrl + Z.

   Cmd F. Set speed [Speed:$00-$FF]
Usage: $F + speed
This command will set the speed of the

����������������������������������������������������������������������������� � Annotation by Mark Feldman ( � ���������������������������������������������������������������

The 6 and 8 channel mod files differ from the normal mods in two ways:

1) The signature string "M.K." at offset 1080 is either "6CHN" or "8CHN". 2) The pattern data table starting at offset 1084 stores 6 or 8 notes for

  each pattern position position.