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Revision as of 19:30, 29 May 2008 by Muguk (talk | contribs)
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This ST program will convert almost any ST graphics format into a standard .BMP file.

Supported formats:

  • DEGAS: .PI1, .PI2, .PI3, .PC1, .PC2, .PC3, ICN, BL1, BL2, BL3
  • Neochrome: .NEO
  • CrackArt: .CA1, .CA2, .CA3
  • ArtDirector: .ART
  • STadCad: .PAC
  • Tiny: .TNY, .TN1, .TN2, .TN3, .TN4, .TN5, .TN6
  • Doodle: .DOO
  • Spectrum: .SPU, .SPC, .SPS, .SPX
  • Photochrome: .PCS
  • QuantumPaint: .PBX
  • Overscan: .PCI
  • HighresMedium: .HRM
  • DeLuxePaint ST (only the special ST format): .IFF
  • STOS memory bank: .MBK
  • STOS character set: .CR0, .CR1, .CR2
  • Animaster Sprite Bank: .ASB
  • Picture Packer: .PP1, .PP2, .PP3

This is a TTP file so copy it to a folder with your pictures in, double-click on ST2BMP.TTP, enter the filename you want to convert and click on OK. The resulting BMP file will then appear in the same folder.

It runs fine in 1 MB only but bigger and/or high color pictures (such as .PCS or Spectrum format) need 4Mb memory to convert.

Get it from here on Atari Forum

  • Update

Nyh has also compiled it for the PC too but there's problems (at the moment) with the .IFF file conversions. Available in the same Atari Forum thread as the Atari version. Note you will need the Cygwin library to use this PC version.

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