Time Bandit

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Time Bandit Walkthrough


After 23 years I decided I finally wanted to see the end of "Time Bandit", and so I digged up the ST-emulator STeem and fired up that timeless classic a few more times. Only to discover that I wouldn't have made it anyway, without the emulators' memory snapshot function, which more or less served as a quick-save function for me. Yeah, it's kind of cheating, but at least I could get over "Darside Dare" at all...

Speaking of emulators and trainers etc.: I did buy the original, and I still have, in fact, the original box!

This guide does NOT describe all levels, since most of them are pretty obvious and straightforward. For the same reason I did not bother to create maps for everything (only a few select ones, for special small areas that are hard to get through). In general, there's hardly ever a need for a map to get through a level.

Instead I covered all the puzzles and riddles, and how to collect the artifacts. And I included some general hints and advices, to which I will gladly add any input I receive from you, my fellow gamer.



  • Level - One of the time zones, such as "Excalibur" or "Ghost Town" etc.
  • Stage - The difficulty, such as "1A", "3C" or "4D".

Command input

Every time you need to type in something in order to issue a command on a terminal screen or respond to some NPC, I will note this with a ">" followed by the command in uppercase, like:

  > YES

to respond with "YES" to an NPC's question.

Game version

There are various versions of "Time Bandit", some released as early demo versions, then a final version 2.0 and 2.1, the big difference being the ability to save games in 2.1.

For this walkthrough, I used version 2.1. There should be no differences in 2.0 concerning the solutions, and for the previous versions it does not really matter to me, since they were pretty unfinished anyway.

General notes and hints

The games ending (SPOILER ALERT)


What happens at the end??? A question that bothered many, since probably only few have ever seen it... at least without a Trainer version.

Screenshot [SCR003] shows you the timegates journal page with all levels on 4D, and all artifacts collected. When you press fire, a message from the programmers is shown (screenshot [SCR004], followed by a nice animation, showing a nighttime sky, with the stars forming a "The End" label, and the Time Bandit standing in a green flowery field, gazing at the sky.

Quite nice, and more than I'd have expected, actually. I've created an animated GIF using the emulators slow-motion- and screenshot-features, which you can see in the screenshot section, [SCR005].

INV command

During most puzzle command screens, you can usually enter this command:

  > INV   

It will list all items you are currently carrying in your pockets ("inv" is the abbreviation for "inventory").

Level completion recommendation

Complete the following levels in this order:

  1. "The Sentinel"
  2. "The Guardian"
  3. "Cheop's Curse"

because in "The Sentinel" you'll find an ankh which you need afterwards in "The Guardian" to decipher some scrolls. And then in "The Guardian" you'll find a golden scepter, and you'll need both this scepter and the ankh to get the golden mask artifact in "Cheop's Curse".

Single- vs. Multiplayer

Some of the levels are considerably easier to solve when you're playing together with a friend, especially if one of you has died. At least for some of the levels, it is extremely useful to have one of the players be capable - as a ghost - to just walk into obstacles, for

  • clearing flames,
  • killing rotating cubes that cannot be shot,
  • clearing away big worms, especially when they're very fast
  • blocking enemies by standing in front of a respawn point
  • making walls visible in "Darkside Dare"

Since you cannot die and become a ghost, and then go back to normal later, you should try, as long as both players are alive, to first do some of the levels where it's useful that both can pick up items. And then afterwards the ones that really profit from one player being a ghost.

Here's a list of levels of which I think that the ghost would be extremely useful:

  - Darkside Dare     - A horror for a single player, but probably just a 
                        piece of cake with a ghost, running in advance, 
                        clearing the way.
  - Gridville         - Flames and Cubes, and the "squad"-enemies, that
                        split into four when shot.
  - Major Hazard      - Flames and Cubes, and a big worm
  - The Sentinel      - Flames
  - The Guardian      - Flames
  - Cheop's Curse     - Flames and Cubes
  - King's Crown      - The ghosts in the rotating knifes chamber
  - Castle Greymoon   - Cubes, and blocking ghosts in the glowing
                        spot maze
  - Arena             - A big worm in the underworld arena
  - Welkin Island     - Clearing the glowing stars for a direct path to 
                        the keys (beginning from stage "3A").

Altough this comes at the cost of a reduced viewing area, but I still think that while a single player hardly stands a chance in certain situations, it's really possible to solve them when playing as a duo.

Level Guides

King's Crown

Stage: 4D
  • Get the King's Crown artifact at the center of the large maze with the rotating knifes (see screenshot [SCR007]). Get your timing right, or get hurt...

  • At the exit of the level, when met by the King, to give him the crown and get 10'000 cubits reward, answer
  > YES 
  • Strangely, you still have the artifact in your list now.

Castle Greymoon

IMPORTANT: The "Mad Hermit" is only available in exactly the stages as mentioned below, and if you miss him in one, you'll not be able to talk to him again in the later stages.

Stage: 1C
  • Go to the teleporters and be transported to the cave of Mad Hermit. Go talk to him:
  > YES
  • Then choose the torch up right by running to it:
  > YES
  • You win the first round, but no bonus or anything like that. You'll have to win more games against Mad Hermit before you get a reward.
  • You can ignore the rubble from the smashed boulder, you'll only need it later.

Stage: 2C
  • Mad Hermit: Go to the table in lower room and get a bottle of wine:
  • Go up to the shepperd and talk to him:
  • Then answer, in order to pay for a sheep with the bottle of wine:
  > WINE
  • Then answer the next question:
  > YES
  • Now, he asks you if this has anything to do with that creepy Mad Hermit. Here you have two options, but only the second is right:
 1. > NO

And he will give you a lamb.

 2. > YES

And he will cut the lambs throat himself and give you some of its blood. Now who's being creepy here...?

  • Go back to the Mad Hermit and talk to him:
  > YES

And then depending on what you've got from the sheperd answer:

 1. > LAMB

Do that, and you loose, but you can still win the next round.

 2. > BLOOD

With the blood, you win this round (but again no reward yet).

Stage: 3C
  • Mad Hermit: Go to the boulder in the upper left room and shoot it
  • Stand on the smashed boulder:
  • Now go to the fresh grave behind Mad Hermit

Then, when asked for your name, just enter something, like

 > ME

Then you're asked to pay for the dirt with something else, enter:


and get some grave-dirt in return

  • Go to Mad Hermit and talk to him:
 > YES

and you win again (still no treasure...).

Stage: 4A
  • Sorcerer Maze: see screenshot [SCR010].
  • At the Treasure Chest:

and you gain temporary invincibility. The green paper and black ashes will poison you, and the blue crystals will result in a diamond, which is needed only in 4C for a riddle of Mad Hermit.

Stage: 4B
  • At the treasure chest:

and you gain temporary invincibility.

Stage: 4C
  • Before going to Mad Hermit, you have to get to the treasure chest
  • IMPORTANT: At the treasure chest:

and this time, take the crystals:


and you get a blue diamond, which you need to get an additional bonus from Mad Hermit.

  • Go to Mad Hermit and talk to him:
 > YES

and you'll get 2'000 additional cubits!

  • Pass Mad Hermit and go to the Unicorn (beware of the cubes / see screenshot [SCR008]).
  • Answer the Unicorns questions. Here you have different possible paths, depending on your answers.

First, here's the right answers in short, for better readability:

 > NO
 > NO
 > NO
 > YOU     

If you want to know what happens in all other cases, just read the following paragraphs.

First question:


To get the black unicorn artifact (bad):

 > YES

If you answer that first question with "YES", the evil sorceress appears and kills the unicorn, and that vision will haunt you forever - in the form of a black unicorn artifact! So, that means you can have only EITHER the white OR the black unicorn artifact, but not both!

To continue and get the white unicorn artifact (good):

 1. > NO

Second question:


To get only 10'000 cubits bonus (bad):

 > YES

In this case, the unicorn goes into the kings' zoo, and the king awards you 10'000 cubits - but that's not what you want, if only because you don't get the white unicorn artifact this way. Instead, to continue and get the white unicorn artifact (good):

 > NO

Third question:


To get only temporary invincibility (bad):

 > YES

The unicorn (Kelveshaan) gives you temporary invicibility and disappears. Again not what you want.

Instead, to continue and get the white unicorn artifact (good):

 > NO     

Fourth question:


To (again) get only temporary invincibility (bad):

 > ME

The unicorn (Kelveshaan) gives you temporary invicibility and disappears. Again not what you want.

Instead, to finally get the white unicorn artifact (good):

 > YOU

and you get the white Unicorn artifact, 10'000 cubits and temporary invincibility!

Stage: 4D
  • At the treasure chest:

and you gain temporary invincibility.

Ghost Town

Stage: 1A
  • In the prison, open the cell with the body of a dead outlaw by walking over the 3rd lever (from top-down).
  • Go to the dead body and get the first letter of a total of nine letters. Together they form a word, but that word is different for every new game, so there's no point in writing down the letters here. There's a list of all possible words at the point where the word must be entered.

Stage: 1C
  • Talk to the ghost of a Woman in lower left building
 > YES
  • A ladder appears; go up the ladder, then go to the dead body to note the next letter.
  • Go to remains of murdered waitress Molly
  • Get loot and go to the graveyard
  • Go to Molly's grave

You will not get anything for this right now, only after you've burried the remaining three dead bodies as well.

Stage: 2A
  • Near starting point, where there was a rock previously, a trapdoor to the "Lost Maverick Mine" has opened.
  • Enter the mine and find a dead body behind a rock (shoot the rock) with another letter.
  • Also get the key and loot from the mine.

Stage: 2C
  • Talk to ghost of a woman in upper left building
 > YES
  • A ladder appers; go up the ladder.
  • Go to the dead body to note next letter
  • Go to the remains of daughter Ellen
  • Get loot and go to the graveyard
  • Go to Ellen's grave

To let her rest in peace.

Stage: 3A
  • "Lost Maverick Mine" has a new trapdoor to a lower level, get a key and loot from there
  • Talk to the ghost of Luke Selleck in upper right building
  • Luke Selleck thanks you for burying his daughter.
  • A ladder appears, go up.
  • Go to the remains of Luke Selleck
  • Go to the diary book
  • Notice vault combination XX-YY-ZZ (apparently randomly generated for every new game)
  • Go to vault door
  • enter combination:
  • The vault door opens
  • Go to the dead body
  • Note another letter.
  • Go to Luke's grave
  • Now only 1 left to bury...

Stage: 3C
  • Talk to the ghost of an outlaw in lower left building
 > YES
  • A trapdoor appears; go down.
  • Go down trapdoor
  • Go to remains of Outlaw "Tom"
  • Go back up and head to the graveyard
  • Go to the last grave
  • You receive 1500 cubits bonus
  • You receive another letter. WRITE IT DOWN - this is the only time you can see this letter; you cannot come back here to check it again.

Stage: 4A
  • "Lost Maverick Mine" has a new trapdoor on the lower level to a second lower level.
  • Enter into 2nd sublevel and get to the trapped ghosts
  • clear the area from other enemies and then carefully eliminate the ghosts. Be careful; like the ones on the graveyard, they take several shots to be destroyed. Now you can walk up to the two dead bodys to get two more letters.

Stage: 4C
  • In a room on the upper side, a new ladder has appeared; go up.
  • go to the dead body and get another letter.
  • Go to black tar pit - DO NOT WALK IN! The tar pit cannot be crossed yet, and everytime you walk in, you loose a life.
  • Go to the box to the right side of the tar pit and enter the right word. Which one it is, depends on the letters you found.

Below you see a list of words I gathered with a hex editor from a memory snapshot of the game (so I hope the list is complete):

  • Words:

(please send any other, should you find more)

- Once you enter the right word, a bridge spans across the tar pit. In the area on the other side, you find some loot and an artifact which looks like an old 19-century golden watch, and which also gives a reward of 5'000 cubits.


[SCR001] Cheop's Chamber, lights off

[SCR002] Cheop's Chamber, lights on

[SCR003] Timegates journal, completed

[SCR004] The final message

[SCR005] Ending Animation

[SCR006] Lightning bolt symbols

[SCR007] King's Crown artifact

[SCR008] White unicorn artifact

[SCR009] Map for the Sphinx Riddle maze

[SCR010] Map for the Sorcerer's maze