InShape file format

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InShape     *.IIM

8 bytes     file ID ["IS_IMAGE"]
1 word      type [0 = 1 plane, 1 = 8 planes gray, 4 = 24 planes, 5 = 32 planes]
1 word      bit planes [inconsistent as some older files contain '72']
1 word      image width in pixels
1 word      image height in pixels
16 bytes    total for header

??          Image data:
   1 plane is monochrome, width assumed to be rounded up to the nearest byte
   8 planes gray is 256 level gray scale, where 0 = black and 255 = white
   24 planes is true-color, RGB format, 3 bytes per pixel in R, G, B order
   32 planes is true-color, RGB format with alpha, 4 bytes per pixel in A, R, G, B order

From the InShape website:
  The IIM format has several variants:
    - Duochrome.
    - 256 Grayscale.
    - 24 bit (16 million colors).
    - 32 bit (24 bit alpha channel for mask).

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