PixArt file format

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PixArt          *.PIX

1 long           file ID 'PIXT'
1 word           version, $0001 or $0002
1 byte           type, 0 to 2 depending on number of planes, see below
1 byte           number of planes
1 word           xres (always a multiple of 16)
1 word           yres
1 word           unknown
1 word           unknown (version $0002 only)
14 or 16 bytes   total for header

3*n bytes        palette, only for bit depths 2, 4, 8
                   3 bytes per entry in RGB order (0-255)

???? bytes       image data:
                   bit depth 1
                     type = 1, planar
                   bit depths 2, 4, 8
                     type = 0, chunky
                     type = 1, planar 
                   bit depth 16 is always chunky:
                     type = 0, xRRRRRGGGGGBBBBB
                     type = 1, RRRRRGGGGGGBBBBB (Falcon)
                     type = 2, GGGBBBBBxRRRRRGG (word swapped)
                   bit depth 24 is always chunky:
                     type = 0, BGR
                     type = 1, RGB
                   bit depth 32 is always chunky:
                     type = 0, ARGB

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