Animatic Film file format

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Animatic Film   *.FLM (low resolution only)

1 word          number of frames
16 words        palette
1 word          speed (0 - 99; value is 99 - # vblanks to delay between frames)
1 word          direction (0 = forwards, 1 = backwards)
1 word          end action (what to do after the last frame)
                0 = pause, then repeat from beginning
                1 = immediately repeat from beginning
                2 = reverse (change direction)
1 word          width of film in pixels
1 word          height of film in pixels
1 word          Animatic version number (major) [< 2]
1 word          Animatic version number (minor)
1 long          magic number 27182818 (hex)
3 longs         reserved for expansion (should be all zeros)
32 words        total for header

? words         image data (words of screen memory) for each frame, in order

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