GFA Raytrace file format
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GFA Raytrace *.SUL *.SUH (st low/high resolution image uncompressed) *.SCL *.SCH (st low/high resolution image compressed) *.SAL *.SAH (st low/high resolution animation compressed) SUL/SCL/SCH details: 6 bytes file id in plain ASCII text: "sul" or "scl" + cr/lf "sul' = uncompressed, "scl" = compressed 3 bytes size factor in plain ASCII text: "1", "2", "4", or "8" + cr/lf factor = ASC(factor) - 48 image height = image height/factor ? bytes palette (first scan line is always black, not included in the file) palette size = 18400/factor ? bytes image data bitmap size = 32000/factor Uncompressed fixed image sizes: Factor Size in bytes 1 50408 2 25208 4 12608 8 6308 SUH details: (similar to Degas *.PI3) 1 word resolution flag [always 2] 16 words palette (should be ignored, seems to contain bogus values) 32000 bytes image data ----------- 32034 bytes total file size SAL/SAH detail: (up to 10 frames maximum) 6 bytes file id in plain ASCII text: "sal" or "sah" + cr/lf "sal' = st low resolution, "sah" = st high resolution 1 long frame count - 1 1 long size factor [1, 2, 4, or 8] image height = image height/factor 1 long image data size 10 longs offsets to all 10 frames from the start of the file [0 for unused entries] Repeated for each frame: ? palette, size = 18400/factor ? compressed image data, uncompressed size = 32000/factor Additional information: Images and animations use the same decompression method. Currently there is no description of the compression method. The layout of the rasters and how to calculate the color of a pixel at a given x/y coordinate is unknown. Note: 68K decompression code can be found here:
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