Impossible Mission 2

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Impossible Mission 2 - Epyx

Tower 1

Go to the terminal. Select time bomb and robot off. Jump gap and search safe. Leave room.

Tower 2

Fall down and search locker. Take lift up and search locker. Take lift down again and jump off about a third of the way down, avoiding the robot's laser bolt. Search object. Jump onto lift and jump left twice. Search plant. Go to terminal. Select time bomb and robot off. Jump left and then jump on lift. Take lift to middle level and search locker. Take lift to the top and search safe. Leave room.

Tower 3

Take lift to top. Search four chairs. Drop to lower level. Search machine and cupboard. Wait until lift is at the bottom. Just after the robots blast the lift passage way, take the lift up. Before you reach the top, jump right. Go to terminal. Select time bomb and robot off. Search safe. Take lift down. Jump left onto middle platform. Search two office chairs. Leave room.

Tower 4

Enter from left entrance. Jump over gap and jump left again. Search tube. Jump right and search both tubes. Wait until robot is just about to turn away from you, then jump left twice. Search object. When robot is facing the other way, jump right and then left. Jump over gap to left. Search gadget. Fall to left. Go to terminal and select time bomb. Search safe. Fall to bottom level and search both plants. Leave room.

Tower 5

Fall down and search machine. Jump right and search both machines, avoiding all mines. Jump left. Go to edge of platform and jump right. Move left a bit then jump right. Access terminal and select time bomb. Move left a bit and jump right three times. Jump left then move a little bit to the right. Jump left and search the safe. Jump left twice to leave.

Tower 6

Jump gap and then jump left. Search cupboard and jump right. Wait until the lift comes down before jumping onto it. Take lift to the top. Search three cupboards. Take other lift down. Go to terminal, select time bomb, lift reset and robot oft. Jump left. Move to robot and then jump right. Fall down to safe. Search safe, leave room.

Tower 7

Search box and cupboards. Take lift down. Search box and cupboards, avoiding mines. Wait until lift comes down and then jump on it. Take lift up. Search box and cupboards. Wait until robot is near the safe and facing left before taking lift down. Go to terminal. Select robot off and time bomb. Search safe. Leave room.

Hints & Tips

You cannot finish the game without all 6 of the pieces of music. However, there are 8 in the game in total. Make sure you have the right 6 pieces of music!

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