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                             CHAPTER N°7:

                               THE VDI


                         *** INTRODUCTION ***

- The VDI is a set of functions (like Gemdos, bios, and xbios) for graphics:

  By calling the relevant functions, you can, for example, display a circle, a polygon, fill surfaces, etc...

  I will also have to talk about AES functions, these will not be studied in this book (given the complexity of their implementation).
  The AES functions mainly deal with the management of the screen and the mouse (Windows, object management...)

- A certain number of parameters will have to be supplied to the VDI functions to obtain the desired effect:
  The transmission of parameters is done via an ARRAY:
  (An ARRAY is nothing other than a memory space which we have reserved from an address (with DS.x place)).
  This array is common to the functions of the VDI and the AES.
  The array is located in the BSS segment and it is at certain of its addresses that we will place the parameters.
  In the DATA segment, we will also have to place a label pointing to the various addresses of the array. (A label pointing to addresses in the DATA zone is generally called VECTOR...)
  In the array which groups all the reservations for the functions of the VDI and the AES, we can distinguish several groups of arrays:

  .The array pointed to by the 'CONTROL' address (for the VDI and AES):
   it is in this array that we will deposit the function code and
   the dimensions of the arrays 'intin', 'ptsin', 'intout', 'ptsout'.

  .The one pointed to by the address 'GLOBAL' (for the AES):
   details further on...

  .4 arrays pointed to by addresses 'INTIN', 'INTOUT', 'PTSIN', 'PTSOUT'
   In the 'IN' type arrays, the user can supply parameters and in the 'OUT' type ones, certain VDI or AES functions return values.
   In INTIN we will place the parameters specific to the VDI or AES function used.
   In INTOUT, the VDI or AES will deposit return data.
   In PTSIN we store coordinates: this array is used by the VDI.
   In PTSOUT the VDI in return provides coordinates (with certain functions).

  .There will also be 2 arrays: ‘ADDRIN’ and ‘ADDROUT’ which are
   specific to the AES and contain addresses (pointing to data...).

  .The 'VDIPB' vector of the DATA segment successively points to the addresses of the arrays: CONTROL, INTIN, PTSIN, INTOUT, PTSOUT which are used by the VDI.

  .There is also a vector (AESPB) that points to the addresses of the arrays OPCODE, APVERS, INTIN, INTOUT, ADDRIN, ADDROUT, and which is used by the AES functions.

  This array is therefore composed as follows:

          BSS                 ;BSS segment

CONTROL:                      ;CONTROL array (':' because it points to an
                              ;address and not to an instruction...)
opcode    ds.w      1         ;1st address of the 'control' array: opcode
sptsin    ds.w      1         ;2nd address: sptsin
sptsout   ds.w      1         ;3rd address: sptsout
sintin    ds.w      1         ;4th address: sintin
sintout   ds.w      1         ;5th address: sintout
idsfct    ds.w      1         ;6th address: idsfct
handle    ds.w      1         ;7th address: handle
          ds.w      10

;the CONTROL array has a size of 54 bytes.

GLOBAL:                       ;start of the GLOBAL array
apvers    ds.w      1         ;1st address of the 'global' array: apvers
apcount   ds.w      1         ;2nd address: apcount
apid      ds.w      1         ;3rd address: apid
apprivate ds.l      1         ;4th address: apprivate
apptree   ds.l      1         ;5th address: apptree
ap1resv   ds.l      1         ;6th address: ap1resv
ap2resv   ds.l      1         ;7th address: ap2resv
ap3resv   ds.l      1         ;8th address: ap3resv
ap4resv   ds.l      1         ;9th address: ap4resv

;the GLOBAL array has a size of 30 bytes

intin     ds.w      128       ;'intin' array: 128 words

intout    ds.w      128       ;'intout' array: 128 words

ptsin     ds.w      128       ;'ptsint' array: 128 words

ptsout    ds.w      128       ;'ptsout' array: 128 words

addrin    ds.w      128       ;'addrin' array (AES): 128 words

addrout   ds.w      128       ;'addrout' array (AES): 128 words

grhandle  ds.w      1         ;here we reserve 1 word for the handle

          ds.b      300       ;RESERVATIONS FOR SETBLOCK in 'STACK'
PILE      ds.b      1

          DATA                ;DATA segment

;the vector of the AES

          ALIGN.W   ;even address because here are L-words

aespb     dc.l      control,global,intin,intout,addrin,addrout

;the vector of the VDI

          ALIGN.W   ;even address because here are L-words

vdipb     dc.l      control,intin,ptsin,intout,ptsout


 -  This array must be included in your listings if you use VDI or AES functions.
    It is found in the file: TABLEAU.L, you will just need to include it at the end of your listing.

 -  Here now is the meaning of each FIELD (sub-parts) of the CONTROL and GLOBAL arrays:

    CONTROL Array:

    opcode  :(at CONTROL+0) = the function code to call
    sptsin  :(at CONTROL+2) = the number of pairs of points in PTSIN
    sptsout :(at CONTROL+4) = idem for PTSOUT
    sintin  :(at CONTROL+6) = number of words in INTIN
    sintout :(at CONTROL+8) = idem for INTOUT
    idsfct  :(at CONTROL+10)= identification number of the function
    handle  :(at CONTROL+12)= handle number

    GLOBAL Array

    apvers   :(at GLOBAL+0) = version number of the AES in service
    apcount  :(at GLOBAL+2) = maximum authorized number of programs simultaneously in memory
    apid     :(at GLOBAL+4) = current application number
    apprivate:(at GLOBAL+6) = depending on the function
    apptree  :(at GLOBAL+10)= pointer to an object tree structure
    ap1resv  :(at GLOBAL+14)= reserved for future applications...
    ap2resv  :(at GLOBAL+18)= idem
    ap3resv  :(at GLOBAL+22)= idem
    ap4resv  :(at GLOBAL+26)= idem

 -  But before you can use the various functions of the VDI or the AES, you will need to make some initializations.
    (As for GEMDOS with SETBLOCK).

    You will have to call the functions: APPL_INIT and then GRAF_HANDLE
    to initialize the AES.

    You will have to call the functions: OPEN_SCREEN_ WORKSTATION then
    to initialize the VDI.

 -  To call these functions, we will pass the necessary parameters in the array (at the correct addresses) of the reservations and we will call the VDI with:

    MOVE.L  #vdipb,d1    ;address of the VDIPB VECTOR in d1
    MOVE    #$73,d0      ;word=$73 in d0
    TRAP    #2           ;call to the VDI

    or the AES with:

    MOVE.L  #aespb,d1    ;address of the AESPB VECTOR in d1
    MOVE    #$C8,d0      ;word=$C8 in d0
    TRAP    #2

    and this after each VDI or AES function that we will call.

    The OPEN_SCREEN_WORKSTATION function allows to open a workstation by loading the VDI graphic management system into memory.

    The parameters to provide are:

    In opcode, 1 WORD=100 (the function CODE)
    In sptsin, 1 WORD=0
    In sintin, 1 WORD=11
    In handle, the WORD pointed by grhandle
    In intin up to intin+20, 1 WORD=1

    In reality, the parameters placed in INTIN must provide the following information:

     intin   = identification of the device to the motherboard
     intin+2 = line type
     intin+4 = line color
     intin+6 = marking type
     intin+8 = marking color
     intin+10= character set
     intin+12= writing color
     intin+14= fill type
     intin+16= fill pattern
     intin+18= fill color
     intin+20= coordinates for flags

    But we will not use them, we then put all these values at 1...

    The APPL_INIT function of the AES allows to initialize the AES.

    The parameters to provide are:

    In the 4 apresv, 1 L-M=0
    In opcode, 1 WORD=10 (the function CODE)
    In sptsin, 1 WORD=0
    In sptsout, 1 WORD=1
    In sintin, 1 WORD=0
    In sintout, 1 WORD=0

    The GRAF_HANDLE function of the AES enables to give an identification number to our program.
    This number returns in INTOUT and we will place it in 'grhandle'.

    The parameters to pass are:

    In opcode, 1 WORD=77 (the function CODE)
    In sptsin, 1 WORD=0
    In sptsout, 1 WORD=5
    In sintin and sintout, 1 WORD=0

    As the OPEN_SCREEN_WORSTATION function of the VDI needs this identification number (parameter), it is with the call of the AES that it will be necessary to start.

    After calling the GRAF_HANDLE function of the AES, we will deposit the identification number deposited in INTOUT in 'grhandle' with:


    We will also create 2 MACRO instructions that will be responsible for calling the VDI and the AES.

VDI  MACRO                      ;VDI call macro
     MOVE.L    #VDIPB,d1        ;address of the VDIPB Vector in d1
     MOVE      #$73,d0          ;word=$73 in d0
     TRAP      #2               ;call to the GEM
     ENDM                       ;end of the macro

AES  MACRO                      ;AES call macro
     MOVE.L    #AESPB,d1        ;address of the AESPB Vector in d1
     MOVE      #$C8,D0          ;word=$C8 in d0
     TRAP      #2               ;call to the GEM
     ENDM                       ;end of the macro

 - The complete listing of the initialization program for the AES and the
   VDI will therefore be:

; initialization of the VDI and the AES


         move.l   #vdipb,d1
         move     #$73,d0
         trap     #2

         move.l    #aespb,d1
         move      #$C8,D0
         trap      #2

;        APPL_INIT

         move.l    #0,ap1resv
         move.l    #0,ap2resv
         move.l    #0,ap3resv
         move.l    #0,ap4resv
         move.w    #10,opcode
         move.w    #0,sptsin
         move.w    #1,sptsout
         move.w    #0,sintin
         move.w    #0,sintout
         AES                       ;-->AES

;         GRAF_HANDLE

          move.w    #77,opcode
          move.w    #0,sptsin
          move.w    #5,sptsout
          move.w    #0,sintin
          move.w    #0,sintout
          AES                      ;-->AES

          move.w    intout,grhandle     ;We save the HANDLE


          move.w    #100,opcode
          move.w    #0,sptsin
          move.w    #11,sptsout
          move.w    grhandle,handle
          move.w    #1,intin
          move.w    #1,intin+2
          move.w    #1,intin+4
          move.w    #1,intin+6
          move.w    #1,intin+8
          move.w    #1,intin+10
          move.w    #1,intin+12
          move.w    #1,intin+14
          move.w    #1,intin+16
          move.w    #1,intin+18
          move.w    #1,intin+20
          VDI                           ;-->VDI


 The listing for this initialization is found in the file INIT_GEM.L

 - All your programs that use the VDI or AES will therefore have this structure:


     INCLUDE   "INIT_TOS.L"   ;file of the SETBLOCK macro
     INCLUDE   "INIT_GEM.L"   ;file of the VDI/AES initializations

     SETBLOCK                 ;memory reserve

     .         ;the instructions that form
     .         ;your program...


     .         ;the initialized data


     INCLUDE   "TABLEAU.L"    ;the TABLEAU of the VDI and AES:
                              ;Also contains the 'STACK' reservations
                              ;for SETBLOCK...

                       *** THE FUNCTIONS OF THE VDI ***

 You are now ready to use the graphic functions of the VDI:

 I will quote the most interesting functions and give you for each the parameters to pass in the array: TABLEAU.L

 I will also give you the return parameters if the function provides them and if they can be useful...

 TEXT: Allows editing a text at coordinates (x, y).

 intin=the character string composed of 'n' letters

 NB: The character string must end with a NULL value.

 GRAPHIC TEXT COLOR: Allows selecting the color of a graphic text.

 intin=chosen color

 GRAPHIC TEXT SPECIAL EFFECTS: Allows manipulating the type of graphic text.
 The type of graphic text is deposited in 'intin' in the form of a word,
 only the bits 0 to 5 of the word are used and allow to choose:

 BIT number:      Effect on TEXT

 0                 bold characters
 1                 thin characters
 2                 italic characters
 3                 underlined characters
 4                 'light' characters
 5                 'outline' characters


 intin=bit vector

 CONTOUR FILL: Allows filling a surface from a starting point of coordinates (x, y).

 intin=fill color

 SET FILL COLOR INDEX: Determines the color used for filling functions.

 intin=fill color

 Return parameters:

 intout=fill color

 SET FILE INTERIOR: Allows selecting the type of fill for filling functions
 There are 5 types of fills:

 0=no fill
 1=solid fill with the selected color
 2=filling with predefined patterns
 3=fills with HATCHES
 4=fills with a pattern redefined by the programmer


 intin=type of fill (0-5)

 SET FILL STYLE: Allows selecting the matrix for filling functions: 36 patterns are available

 The matrix is the pattern used for filling the surface:
 It can be type 3 (24 patterns) or type 2 (12 patterns) (see the SET FILL INTERIOR function for the 5 types available)


 intin=pattern number (1-24) or (1-12)

 SET WRITING MODE: Allows selecting the writing mode of all graphic editions.

 In mode 1: AND mode, what is underneath is always erased.
 In mode 2: OR mode, we only write where there are no points yet and the voids are always represented.
 In mode 3: XOR mode, we only place points where there are not any yet and the points already occupied are erased
 In mode 4: inverse transparent mode, we only place points where there were already and only if they do not have color (allows to obtain a NEGATIVE of the destination pattern).


 intin=graphic mode (1-4)

 FILL RECTANGLE: Fills a rectangle defined as follows: coordinates of the upper left corner (x1, y1), coordinates of the lower right corner (x2, y2)


 ptsin  =x1

 CIRCLE: Allows you to draw a circle on the screen with coordinates (x, y) and radius R.


Opcode = 11
Sptsin = 3
Sintin = 0
Idsfct = 5
Handle = grhandle

x (Ptsin)
y (Ptsin+2)
0 (Ptsin+4)
0 (Ptsin+6)
R (Ptsin+8)
0 (Ptsin+10)
That's it for the VDI functions. I certainly haven't covered all of them. They are too slow and heavy to be truly worthy of your attention. I will soon discuss LINES_A, which are also graphical functions but much faster. In the meantime, you can take a look at the listing of a sample program that clearly illustrates the use of the VDI functions described above.

Listing: VDI.L file
Executable: VDI.PRG file
Note: If you want to use a VDI function in a loop, it's not necessary to reset all the parameters of the table since they are not cleared. You just need to vary the parameters that need to change in your loop and then call the VDI.

For those who still want to learn more about VDI or AES functions, you can refer to the book "LE LIVRE DU GEM" by Micro Application.

8, Impasse Bellevue
                                                 Continued in the LINEA.DOC file.

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