Rag-D file format

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                           *- Rag - D Picture File -*

Header :

Name of Part -|- Length in Bytes  -|- Kind of Data  -|- Function
Identify      |  6 Bytes           | Ascii           | Header. MUST be "RAG-D!"
PackAlgo      |  2 Bytes           | 1 Word          | used Pack-Algorithm
--------------+--------------------+-----------------+ 0 = unpacked.
..                                                   | rest not used till yet
PicLength     |  4 Bytes           | 1 Long unsigned | IMPORTANT !!! 
..            |                    |                 | READ APPENDIX A !! 
PicColums     |  2 Bytes           | 1 Word unsigned | X - Size of the picture
..            |                    |                 | eg. 320,640 aso, is
..            |                    |                 | always dividable by 16!
PicRows       |  2 Bytes           | 1 Word unsigned | Y - Size of the picture
..            |                    |                 | eg. 200,240,480 aso.
Planes        |  2 Bytes           | 1 Word unsigned | Number of Bitplains
..            |                    |                 | eg. 1,2,4,8,16 aso
PalLength     |  4 Bytes           | 1 Long unsigned | Length of Palette Data
..            |                    |                 | eg. 1024 or 32
Contrl_One    |  2 Bytes           | 1 Word unsigned | Control Bits |76543210|
--------------+--------------------+-----------------+ Bit 0 = 1 --> there is
..                                                   | a 370 Bytes long picture
..                                                   | documentation after the
..                                                   | picture - data
..                                                   | Bit 1 = 1 --> there is
..                                                   | a 8 Bytes long info 
..                                                   | with date of creation
..                                                   | and working-time behind
..                                                   | the pic-data (and docu-
..                                                   | mentation if exist )
Contrl_Two    |  2 Bytes           | 1 Word unsigned | -unused-
Contrl_Three  |  2 Bytes           | 1 Word unsigned | -unused-
Contrl_Four   |  2 Bytes           | 1 Word unsigned | -unused-
PaletteData   |  PalLength Bytes   | Words or Longs  | when Length is = 32 you
--------------+--------------------+-----------------| the ST - Hardware-Format
..                                                   | have been used and if 
..                                                   | PalLength= 1024 the F030
..                                                   | Hardware- Registers have
..                                                   | been saved. Just copy 
..                                                   | into the registers. 
..                                                   | If the picture is a True
..                                                   | Color 16 bit Picture,
..                                                   | here follows a palette
..                                                   | with : <0>,<R>,<G>,<B>
..                                                   | from 0-255 (not 0-31!)
PicData       | see Appendix A !   | X - Bytes       | Picture Data as RAW
--------------+--------------------+-----------------+ eg.  : Plane 0 Word 0..
..                                                   |        Plane 1 Word 0..
..                                                   | or in True color :
..                                                   | pixel 0, pixel 1, aso.
PicDokument   | 370 Bytes          | ASCII           | description of picture
..                                                   | eg. Name of painter aso
PicDate       | 2 Bytes & 1 Word   | all unsigned    | 1. Byte = Day
--------------+--------------------+-----------------+ 2. Byte = Month
..                                                   | 3. & 4. = Year
PicWorkTime   | 4 Bytes            | Long unsigned   | Seconds of Worktime                                                       


To get the correct length of the picture data you should do this:

for loading :
NewPicLen = PicLength/PicRows*(PicRows+1)

if you save RAG-D pictures calculate like this :
PicLength = PicColums/8*(PicRows-1)*Bitplains

else my program wount read your pictures ! ( or loads and crashes ! )

Don't let the scene die !                            +-------------------------+
                                                     | for more infos write to |
                                                     | Tobias Bonnke           |
                                                     | Postfach 1171           |
                                                     | 72564 Bad Urach         |
                                                     | Germany / Earth         |

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