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The NeXT (SND) sample file format, the same as the AU File Format but from NeXT.

Excerpt from NeXT documentation.

The NeXT sound software defines the SNDSoundStruct structure to represent sound. This structure defines the soundfile and Mach-O sound segment formats and the sound pasteboard type. It's also used to describe sounds in Interface Builder. In addition, each instance of the Sound Kit's Sound class encapsulates a SNDSoundStruct and provides methods to access and modify its attributes.

Basic sound operations, such as playing, recording, and cut-and-paste editing, are most easily performed by a Sound object. In many cases, the Sound Kit obviates the need for in-depth understanding of the SNDSoundStruct architecture. For example, if you simply want to incorporate sound effects into an application, or to provide a simple graphic sound editor (such as the one in the Mail application), you needn't be aware of the details of the SNDSoundStruct. However, if you want to closely examine or manipulate sound data you should be familiar with this structure.

The SNDSoundStruct contains a header, information that describes the attributes of a sound, followed by the data (usually samples) that represents the sound. The structure is defined (in sound/soundstruct.h) as:

   typedef struct {
       int magic;               /* magic number SND_MAGIC */
       int dataLocation;        /* offset or pointer to the data */
       int dataSize;            /* number of bytes of data */
       int dataFormat;          /* the data format code */
       int samplingRate;        /* the sampling rate */
       int channelCount;        /* the number of channels */
       char info[4];            /* optional text information */
   } SNDSoundStruct;

SNDSoundStruct Fields


   magic is a magic number that's used to identify the structure as a SNDSoundStruct. Keep in mind that the structure also defines the soundfile and Mach-O sound segment formats, so the magic number is also used to identify these entities as containing a sound.


   It was mentioned above that the SNDSoundStruct contains a header followed by sound data. In reality, the structure only contains the header; the data itself is external to, although usually contiguous with, the structure. (Nonetheless, it's often useful to speak of the SNDSoundStruct as the header and the data.) dataLocation is used to point to the data. Usually, this value is an offset (in bytes) from the beginning of the SNDSoundStruct to the first byte of sound data. The data, in this case, immediately follows the structure, so dataLocation can also be thought of as the size of the structure's header. The other use of dataLocation, as an address that locates data that isn't contiguous with the structure, is described in "Format Codes," below.


   It is its size in bytes (not including the size of the SNDSoundStruct).


   It is a code that identifies the type of sound. For sampled sounds, this is the quantization format. However, the data can also be instructions for synthesizing a sound on the DSP. The codes are listed and explained in "Format Codes," below.


   It is the sampling rate (if the data is samples). Three sampling rates, represented as integer constants, are supported by the hardware:
   Constant        Sampling Rate (samples/sec) 
   SND_RATE_CODEC  8012.821        (CODEC input)
   SND_RATE_LOW    22050.0 (low sampling rate output)
   SND_RATE_HIGH   44100.0 (high sampling rate output)


   It is the number of channels of sampled sound.


   info is a NULL-terminated string that you can supply to provide a textual description of the sound. The size of the info field is set when the structure is created and thereafter can't be enlarged. It's at least four bytes long (even if it's unused). 

Format Codes

A sound's format is represented as a positive 32-bit integer. NeXT reserves the integers 0 through 255; you can define your own format and represent it with an integer greater than 255. Most of the formats defined by NeXT describe the amplitude quantization of sampled sound data:

   Value   Code    Format 
   0       SND_FORMAT_UNSPECIFIED  unspecified format 
   1       SND_FORMAT_MULAW_8      8-bit mu-law samples
   2       SND_FORMAT_LINEAR_8     8-bit linear samples
   3       SND_FORMAT_LINEAR_16    16-bit linear samples
   4       SND_FORMAT_LINEAR_24    24-bit linear samples
   5       SND_FORMAT_LINEAR_32    32-bit linear samples
   6       SND_FORMAT_FLOAT        floating-point samples
   7       SND_FORMAT_DOUBLE       double-precision float samples
   8       SND_FORMAT_INDIRECT     fragmented sampled data
   9       SND_FORMAT_NESTED       ?
   10      SND_FORMAT_DSP_CORE     DSP program
   11      SND_FORMAT_DSP_DATA_8   8-bit fixed-point samples
   12      SND_FORMAT_DSP_DATA_16  16-bit fixed-point samples
   13      SND_FORMAT_DSP_DATA_24  24-bit fixed-point samples
   14      SND_FORMAT_DSP_DATA_32  32-bit fixed-point samples
   15      ?
   16      SND_FORMAT_DISPLAY      non-audio display data
   17      SND_FORMAT_MULAW_SQUELCH        ?
   18      SND_FORMAT_EMPHASIZED   16-bit linear with emphasis
   19      SND_FORMAT_COMPRESSED   16-bit linear with compression
   20      SND_FORMAT_COMPRESSED_EMPHASIZED        A combination of the two above
   21      SND_FORMAT_DSP_COMMANDS Music Kit DSP commands
   [Some new ones supported by Sun.  This is all I currently know. --GvR]
   23      SND_FORMAT_ADPCM_G721
   24      SND_FORMAT_ADPCM_G722
   25      SND_FORMAT_ADPCM_G723_3
   26      SND_FORMAT_ADPCM_G723_5
   27      SND_FORMAT_ALAW_8

Most formats identify different sizes and types of sampled data. Some deserve special note:


   format contains data that represents a loadable DSP core program. Sounds in this format are required by the SNDBootDSP() and SNDRunDSP() functions. You create a SND_FORMAT_DSP_CORE sound by reading a DSP load file (extension ".lod") with the SNDReadDSPfile() function.


   is used to distinguish sounds that contain DSP commands created by the Music Kit. Sounds in this format can only be created through the Music Kit's Orchestra class, but can be played back through the SNDStartPlaying() function.


   format is used by the Sound Kit's SoundView class. Such sounds can't be played.


   indicates data that has become fragmented, as described in a separate section, below.


   is used for unrecognized formats. 

Fragmented Sound Data

Sound data is usually stored in a contiguous block of memory. However, when sampled sound data is edited (such that a portion of the sound is deleted or a portion inserted), the data may become discontiguous, or fragmented. Each fragment of data is given its own SNDSoundStruct header; thus, each fragment becomes a separate SNDSoundStruct structure. The addresses of these new structures are collected into a contiguous, NULL-terminated block; the dataLocation field of the original SNDSoundStruct is set to the address of this block, while the original format, sampling rate, and channel count are copied into the new SNDSoundStructs.

Fragmentation serves one purpose: It avoids the high cost of moving data when the sound is edited. Playback of a fragmented sound is transparent-you never need to know whether the sound is fragmented before playing it. However, playback of a heavily fragmented sound is less efficient than that of a contiguous sound. The SNDCompactSamples() C function can be used to compact fragmented sound data.

Sampled sound data is naturally unfragmented. A sound that's freshly recorded or retrieved from a soundfile, the Mach-O segment, or the pasteboard won't be fragmented. Keep in mind that only sampled data can become fragmented.

   >From!purdue!decwrl!ucbvax!ziploc!eps Wed Apr  4  
   23:56:23 EST 1990
   Article 5779 of
   >From: eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU (Eric P. Scott)
   Subject: Re: Format of NeXT sndfile headers?
   Message-ID: <445@toaster.SFSU.EDU>
   Date: 31 Mar 90 21:36:17 GMT
   References: <14978@phoenix.Princeton.EDU>
   Reply-To: eps@cs.SFSU.EDU (Eric P. Scott)
   Organization: San Francisco State University
   Lines: 42
   In article <14978@phoenix.Princeton.EDU>
           bskendig@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Brian Kendig) writes:
   >I'd like to take a program I have that converts Macintosh sound  
   >to NeXT sndfiles and polish it up a bit to go the other direction as
   Two people have already submitted programs that do this
   (Christopher Lane and Robert Hood); check the various
   NeXT archive sites.
   >       Could someone please give me the format of a NeXT sndfile
           0       1       2       3
   0       | 0x2e  | 0x73  | 0x6e  | 0x64  |       "magic" number
   4       |                               |       data location
   8       |                               |       data size
   12      |                               |       data format (enum)
   16      |                               |       sampling rate (int)
   20      |                               |       channel count
   24      |       |       |       |       |       (optional) info  
   28 = minimum value for data location
   data format values can be found in /usr/include/sound/soundstruct.h
   Most common combinations:
            sampling  channel    data
                rate    count  format              
   voice file   8012        1       1 =  8-bit mu-law
   system beep 22050        2       3 = 16-bit linear
   CD-quality  44100        2       3 = 16-bit linear

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